Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Özyeğin Üniversitesi 4. Akademik Bina inşaat sonrası temizlik yapılması işi ihalesi, Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı...
Nov29-Dec31CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | Ekim-Kasım 2019
CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | Ekim-Kasım 2019
November28-30Faculty of Business Brown Bag Seminar Series / Dr. Emre Karali
Tarih: 29 Kasım 2019, Cuma Saat: 13:30-15:00 Yer: AB2, 345 nolu Toplantı Odası Title: Dynamic capabilities and predictability: A contingency approach to risk and uncertainty Summary: In this conceptual study, we apply a contingency...
Nov28-Dec07Gymnastics Team Tryout
Dear Students , If you want to participate to the gymnastics team auditions , you can apply from the link below. Team auditions will be held in studio rooms at Athletic Centre on Thursday , December 12 at 18:00 . Application deadline...
Nov28-Dec07Faculty of Business Brown Bag Seminar Series / Dr. Ali Alipour
Date: Dec 6 2019, Friday Time: 13:30-15:00 Place: AB2, Meeting Room 345 Title: Factors driving firms' focus of attention to forward- versus backward-looking aspirations in stratregic decision-making. Abstract: This study aims to identify...
Nov28-Dec28Prof Dr. Esra Gencturk Speaks at the 28th Quality Congress
The 28th Quality Congress organized jointly by the Turkish Quality Association (KalDer) and Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) took place in the Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center from November...
November27-28Faculty of Business Seminar Series / Dr. Ebru Kılıç Bebek
Nov27-Dec06Academic Entrepreneurs Were the Guest of “BusinessHT Girişimcilik”
The first term participants of the "LeanLab: Innovative Transformation Program from Academia to Venture” launched jointly by Özyeğin University and Boğaziçi University under the auspices of Istanbul Development Agency (IDA) were the...
November26-29Reminder: 2020-2021 Global Exchange Application Period
Dear Students, We would like to remind you that the 3rd info session for Global Exchange Application will be held Today at 10:45-11:45 am at the International Office, Student Center -2 floor. The online application for Global Exchange...
November26-3028th Quality Congress to Play Host to Session: “Solutions to Current Problems: Education”
The 28th edition of the Quality Congress organized by Quality Association of Turkey (KalDer) will take place in the Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center from November 26 to November 27 to bring together the worlds of...
November26-30The First General Meeting of the 2019-2020 Academic Year Takes Place
The first general meeting of the 2019-2020 academic year took place on November 22, 2019 where our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk shared the state of the university with our faculty and staff. Organized in the AB3 Auditorium, this year’s...
November25SEPD Unplugged Talks: Smart City Solutions
28 Kasım 2019, Perşembe günü saat 13:00 - 14:00 saatleri arasında Verisun'un kurucusuMustafa Eren'i Akıllı Şehirler ve Dijital Dönüşüm konusunda ağırlıyoruz. Mustafa Eren, Ericsson ve Turkcell gibi kurumlarda 15 yıl çalıştıktan sonra Verisun Aş. yi kurdu. Akıllı şehircilik alanında İBBCeptrafik, Mobiett (İETT Mobil) , Akıllı Şehir Mobilyaları gibi ürünleri hem kurduğu hem de daha önce çalıştığı şirketler bünyesinde gerçekleştirdi. Verisun Türkiye’de 40’tan fazla Belediye ile çalışan, ABD’ye ve Avrupa’ya ise bu ürünlerini ihraç eden bir şirkettir. Tüm öğrencilerimizi bu etkinliğe bekliyoruz. Etkinlik dili Türkçe olacaktır.
Nov25-Dec01OzU Table Tennis Tournament
OzU Table Tennis Tournament will be held between 03-05 December 2019 in the student centre forum area , Please kindly submit your applications at the link below. Aplication deadline is november 30.
Nov25-Dec31Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı – Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi'nin açmış olduğu 05.11.2019 tarihli ve 9616/2/1-1 numaralı Resmî Gazete ile duyurulan öğretim görevlisi kadrosu ilanına başvurarak, 27...
November22-29Duyarlı Kutu İçin Harika Bir Hafta Sonu
They say it is going to be a great weekend for a ShoeBox prep. We won’t know about you but it is what we age going to this weekend. If you would like to join us application link is down below; https://bit.ly/2O8nhAc For...
November22-30Global Entrepreneurship Week Celebrated with Events!
Observed every November since 2008 in Turkey simultaneously with 170 countries across the world, the Global Entrepreneurship Week was celebrated with 3 events hosted by the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University. In celebration of the...
November21-29Campus Photography Contest
*The photo on the poster belongs to Çisem Burkaz who is one of the winners of last year's competition. As the Residence Life Committee, for the first time in 2017, we had shared our New Year postcards with you, and at the end of the project,...
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Çekmeköy Kampüsü Sanallaştırma Ortamı Genişletme Cihazları Malzeme Temini ihalesi, Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale...
November21-30CEEE Wins First Prize in Efficiency Project Awards 2019 of the Ministry of Industry and Technology
The winners of the Efficiency Awards 2019 are announced! Organized by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey, the awards aim to support the efficiency initiatives of businesses, and promote the development of new efficiency...
November21-30Two OzU Graduates Named to Forbes’ “30 Under 30” List
The Forbes “30 Under 30” List 2019 has been announced! “30 Under 30” is an annual list prepared by the monthly business and economics magazine Forbes, chronicling the brashest entrepreneurs under 30 who shake up some of the world’s...
November21-30ÖzÜ Spordan Güzel Haberler
November20-23Seminar: Coordination and Strategic Challenges in Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains
Yasemin Limon Coordination and Strategic Challenges in Biopharmaceutical Supply Chains Date: 22.11.2019 Time: 11:00 Location: AB1 246 Abstract: The biopharmaceutical industry has received significant...
Nov20-Dec05SEPG Unplugged Talks: Dün Aslında Gelecekti
Dün Aslında Gelecekti Kubilay Kulaoğlu, yakın geçmişten başlayarak toplum ve teknolojinin değişimini gerçek hayat öyküleri ile anlatırken bunların geleceğe nasıl yansıyacağı ve hayatımızda oluşacak değişimler ve bizim bunlara nasıl adapte olabileceğimizi anlatacaktır.
November19-30TOUR: Andy Warhol Pop Art Exhibition
Art has never been this much fun! We are going to visit 90 original works of Andy Warhol, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and one of the most important artists of the American Pop Art movement, on a guided tour. Alongside of...
November18ÖzU in Press - "Lezzetli" İş Fırsatı
Posta Newspaper
November18-27Handball Team Awaits Your Support
Dear Students; Our Handball Team will play with Boğaziçi University at 17:00 in the Sports Center. Our team needs your support in sports hall main court.
Nov18-Dec18İlker Başbuğ Attends Atatürk Conference as Invited Speaker
General İlker Başbuğ, 26th Chief of the General Staff of Turkey, came together with our students and faculty at the ATATÜRK conference organized in remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as part of November 10 Remembrance Day events.
Nov18-Dec18SEPD: Unplugged Talks: Dijital Dönüşüm ve Yeni Çalışma Ortamları
Dijital Dönüşüm, Yeni Nesil Çalışma Ortamları ile Microsoft tarafındaki dijital dönüşüm nasıl ele alınıyor ve Makronet firmasının bu dönüşüm sürecindeki çalışmaları hakkında Sayın Eren Yay'ın sunumuyla konuşma gerçekleştirilecektir.
November16ÖzU in Press - Gayrimenkulde Büyük Buluşma (Turkish)
Hürriyet Newspapaer
November15-20Sectoral Education and Professional Development OBSS Codemaster: Competition with a Prize
Be amongst the top 5 student in the first phase at our university and claim your place in the second phase. Winners of the 1st phase will also be financially rewarded. Be a part of a dynamic and competent team and earn a place toı apply for Stanford University Summer School witth OBSS scholarship.
November15-22"Efficient Meetings" at Ozyegin University
"Efficient Meetings" at Ozyegin University
November15-22Sectoral Education and Professional Development PrET Program
PrET Nedir? Özyegin Üniversitesi Sektörel Egitim ve Profesyonel Gelisim Birimi ve Türkiye'nin önde gelen firmalarının Egitim ve IK profesyonellerinin ortak platform TbeMark isbirliginde, sadece Özyegin Üniversitesi ögrencilerine özel dizayn edilmis, yepyeni bir egitim programıdır. PrET Size Ne Vaat Ediyor? Özel tasarlanmıs egitim ve workshoplar Kisiye özel gelisim planı hazırlanması Türkiye’nin önde gelen firmalarının kullandığı degerlendirme ve yetkinlik ölçümü uygulamaları Özel atanmıs IK Profesyonelleri IK yöneticilerinden mentorluk alma Kısa ya da uzun dönem staj/is fırsatları PrET Programı Için Basvuru Sartları Isletme, Sosyal Bilimler, Hukuk, Mimarlık ve Tasarım, Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakülteleri ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu 3. veya 4.Sınıf ögrencisi olmak Programa neden katılmak istediginizi belirten Türkçe dilinde ön yazı yazmak Mülakatlara katılmak ve basarılı olmak
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Network cihazları malzeme temini ve kurulum ihalesi, Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler...
November15-27Sektörel Eğitim ve Profesyonel Gelişim Unplugged Talks: Dr. Fulya Gürbüz
Dr. Fulya Gürbüz hem gündelik hayatta hem de girişimciler özelinde çok gündemde olan "Finansal Davranış ve Ekonomi Farkındalığı" konulu konuşmasıyla bizlerle beraber olacak. Genele hitap eden bir buluşmaya tüm öğrencilerimiz ve üniversite mensuplarımız davetli
November14-19Sectoral Education and Professional Development Unplugged Talks: Commercial Utopia - Kitapkoala.com
The founder of kitapkoala.com which sells books and spends all itsw profit to stray dogs, Umut Kısa is coming to Özyeğin University to share his experience regardingb social responsibility. We welcome you to ask your questions and learn more about this unique commercial utopia.
November14-292020-2021 Global Exchange Application Period
2020/2021 Global Exchange Application PeriodThe online application for Global Exchange Programs will be active between November 15 – 28, 2019, 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be accepted.You may apply online for the Global...
November14-30M.Sc. Financial Engineering Thesis Defense, Funda Sever
PRODUCT DIFFERANTIATION AS A TOOL OF SUSTAINABILITY AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Funda Sever, M.Sc. Financial Engineering Date: November 20, 2019 Time: 14:00 Location: Özyeğin University Financial Engineering Center,...
November13-16Faculty of Business Seminar Series: Do family firms have higher or lower deal valuations? A contextual analysis / Zulfiquer Haider
Date: Nov 15, 2019 / Friday Time: 13:30-15:00 Place: AB2, Meeting Room 345 Title: Do family firms have higher or lower deal valuations? A contextual analysis Abstract: How does the socioemotional wealth (SEW) of a family firm affect...
November13-20Trial Access: Cabells' Journal Whitelist and Blacklist
Dear Library Users, Cabells' journal list is available for trial access until November 26th, 2019. Cabells is the complete source for journal info, evaluation metrics, and submission details.It provides two databases to assist in selecting journals...
November13-20Prof Dr. Esra Gençtürk Attends Congress “The Professions of the Future, the Future of the Professions” in Capital City
The Council of Higher Education (CoHe) organized the congress “The Professions of the Future, the Future of the Professions” to reflect and debate on the concepts and discussions pertaining to the future competencies and career trends expected...
November13-22Sectoral Education and Professional Development Unplugged Talks: Gittigidiyor.com (eBay)
22 Kasım 2019, Cuma günü saat 15:00 - 16:00 saatleri arasında Gittigidiyor.com (eBay) Gelismekte Olan Avrupa Ülkeleri Çalısan Deneyimi (IK) Direktörü Sayın Murat Yüksel'i ağırlıyoruz. Tüm öğrencilerimizi bu etkinliğe bekliyoruz. Etkinlik dili Türkçe olacaktır.
November13-22Faculty of Business Seminar Series: Organisational Value Frames and Sustainable Alliance Portfolios: Bridging between the Theories / Tulin Dzhengiz
Date: Nov 21, 2019 / Thursday Time: 13:30-15:00 Place: AB2, Meeting Room 345 Title: Organisational Value Frames and Sustainable Alliance Portfolios: Bridging between the Theories Abstract: The literature on sustainable alliances and...
November12-26Our Rector Attends the 4th R&D and Innovation Summit as an Invited Speaker
The Architects and Engineers Group organized its 4th R&D and Innovation Summit in the Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center from October 23 to October 24. The event featured Mr. Fatih Dönmez, Minister of Energy...
Nov12-Dec04Sectoral Education and Professional Development: Süper Kahramanlardan Ne Öğrendik? İş Hayatı için Tüyolar
Süper kahramanların artı ve eksilerini değerlendirip, iş hayatına ve geleceğe olan bakış açılarımıza nasıl etki edeceğini interaktif olarak hep beraber değerlendireceğimiz güzel bir sohbet sizleri bekliyor.
Nov12-Dec12Constitutional Law Seminar
The Faculty of Law organized the seminar “Constitutional Law” on Friday, November 8, 2019. Coordinated by Assistant Professor Salim Işık, a member of the Department of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law at Özyeğin University,...
Nov12-Dec12Ataol Behramoğlu was at our university
Ataol Behramoğlu, Turkish author and poet, was the guest of our university for a November 10 Remembrance Day event our Faculty of Law hosted in remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Mr. Behramoğlu met the Özyeğin students and faculty...
November11-18Associate Prof. Dr. Deniz Sert Awarded Jean Monnet Chair
Associate Prof. Dr. Deniz Sert, a member of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Özyeğin University, has become the recipient of the prestigious Jean Monnet Chair for a term of 36 months in recognition of her project ‘’CHARM - Jean Monnet...
November11-29Sectoral Education and Professional Development Unplugged Talks: Inspiring Career Stories - Juico
Unplugged Talks: Inspiring Career Stories continues with Juico's founding partners, Deniz Derman and Sedef Dördüncü on 29th of November, Friday at 10:30 am.
November10ÖzU in Press - Nice yıllara Neolokal! (Turkish)
Milliyet - Pazar
November09ÖzU in Press - En iyi en yeniler (Turkish)
Hürriyet - Kelebek
November08-11OzU Champions League 1st Week Results and 2nd Week Match Schedule
OzU Champions League 1st Week Results and 2nd Week Match Schedule
November08-182019 - 2020 Fall Semester Course Withdrawals for Undergraduate Students
Dear Students, You may complete your course withdrawals for the 2019 – 2020 Fall session via the “Course Registration” page of the Student Information System (SIS) between 10:00 am on Monday, November 11, 2019 and...
November07ÖzU in Press - Halkbank'ın "usul" davasında usulsüzlük (Turkish)
Akşam Newspaper
Nov07-Dec07We Welcomed Mustafa Kemal Ulusu, Author of Atatürk’ün Yanı Başında (By the Side of Atatürk)
The Faculty of Law welcomed Mustafa Kemal Ulusu, son of Atatürk’s librarian Nuri Ulusu, and author of the book "Atatürk’ün Yanı Başında" (By the Side of Atatürk), for the conference “Atatürk” on...
Nov06-Dec29OzU Writing Center is now in its new office
OzU Writing Center began to operate during 2013-2014 Academic Year within the body of School of Languages. The center having been located on B2 floor of the Library until recently is now offering services in its new premises on the ground floor of the...
November05-30Haaga Helia University visited Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences
Haaga Helia University of Applied Sciences in Finland has paid a visit to Özyeğin University Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences. Committee of 15 people including academic staff and students visited different units at campus and had information...
November01ÖzU in Press - Food and Travel (Turkish)
Food and Travel
November01-06Sectoral Education and Professional Development: SCM Plus - SAP Tedarik Zinciri Çözümleri Etkinliği Gerçekleşti
SAP Tedarik Zinciri Çözümleri semineri SCMPlus’ın kurucusu Çağrı Gürsoy tarafından öğrencilerimizin katılımıyla gerçekleşti. Sektörel Eğitim ve Profesyonel Gelişim tarafından düzenlenen bu etkinlik için Sayın Çağrı Gürsoy'a ve SCMPlus bünyesinde PP / DS Danışmanı olarak çalışan mezunumuz Ahmet Altuntecim'e teşekkür ederiz.
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Baskı ve Kopyalama Hizmetleri İhalesi Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliği 16. maddesine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler...
Nov01-Dec31Music Studio Online Reservation System
Dear Members of OzU, Please be advised that music studio (Student Center, -2nd Floor) online reservation system is now available online. You may access the reservation system via myOzU > Services > Music Studio Reservation System. For...
Oct31-Nov06Sectoral Education and Professional Development: Mavi - Mock Interview
Mülakat Simülasyonlarına 6 Kasım 2019 Çarşamba Mavi ile başlıyoruz. İşe alımlarında kullandıkları mülakat uygulamalarının simülasyonunu gerçekleştireceklerdir. Not: Bu mülakatlar gerçek pozisyona yol açabilir! Başvurular, arasından uygun olanlar Mavi İnsan Kaynakları ile paylaşılacak ve katılımcılar belirlenecektir. Başvuru yaptırmak isteyen öğrencilerimizin en geç 1 Kasım 2019 Cuma günü saat 16:00’a kadar LinkProfessional sistemi üzerinden ÖzÜ formatında CV’lerini yüklemesi ve workshops altındaki bu etkinliğe kayıt yaptırması gerekmektedir. İstenilen Kriterler: İşletme Fakültesi ve/ya Endüstri Mühendisliği öğrencisi 3. veya 4. sınıf öğrencisi olmak Tarih: 6 Kasım 2019 Çarşamba Yer: Profesyonel Gelişim Ofisi (Öğrenci Merkezi -2. Kat) Saat aralıkları: Her bir mülakat 45 dakika olacaktır Son Başvuru Tarihi: 1 Kasım 2019 Cuma / 16:00 Kontenjan 8 Kişiyle sınırlıdır. Not 2: CV'ler değerlendirildikten sonra katılım hakkı kazananlara bildirim yapılacaktır. Not 3: Lütfen CV'nizi LinkProfessional'a yükleyin! (yüklü ve onaylı CV'si olmayanlar kabul edilmeyecektir) Not 4: Tüm başvurular (Ana liste veya bekleme listesi ayırt edilmeksizin) için CV yüklenmesi zorunludur.
Oct30-Nov16LeanLab: Akademiden Girişime Yenilikçi Dönüşüm Programı 2. Dönemi Başlıyor!
LeanLab: Akademiden Girişime Yenilikçi Dönüşüm Programı 2. Dönemi Başlıyor! Akademisyen ve doktora öğrencileri için özel olarak tasarlanan İSTKA destekli girişimcilik programının 2. Dönem...
Oct21-Nov01Sectoral Education and Professional Development Unplugged Talks: Inspiring Career Stories
Guest Speaker: Mehmet Energin, Strategy Director at OX2 Born in 1985 in Ankara, Mehmet Energin graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2004 and Koc University Business Administration Department in 2008. With a scholarship from the Turk Education Foundation and the British Council, he graduated from the University of Oxford in 2009. In the same year, after working in the United Nations Development Program in Kosovo, he started at McKinsey & Company Istanbul office in 2010 and completed the INSEAD MBA program in 2013-2014. In the same year, with 3 friends, he founded Uganda based Missing Middle Mesofinance company, which is still active. In 2014 he was transferred to the office of McKinsey & Company in Dubai and he concentrated on the energy projects of Middle East, Turkey, Asia between 2014-2017. Between 2017-2019, he was transferred to the Tokyo Office and continued his work on the energy sector. Mehmet, who moved to Stockholm in 2019, is the head of the strategy of OX2 which is active in the fields of Wind and Solar Energy. Mehmet Energin is interested in music as an amateur and travels in his spare time Examples of some of the works that Mehmet Energin has executed so far: • Japan Electricity Sector 2030 Strategy • Bangladesh Economic Development Strategy • Consultancy in Turkey to various enterprises and banks for acquisitons • Extraction of Sector Potential for G20 Country Investment Agency • Integrated Chemical Park Design for G20 Country • Short and midterm plan for an association in the field of Education
Oct16-Nov02Sectoral Education and Professional Development: PrET (Pre-Employment Training) Programı
Bu Program Özyeğin Üniversitesi ve Tbemark Eğitim ve Gelişim Benchmark Grubu iş birliği ile tasarlanmış, çok özel bir programdır. İçinde Yetkinlik tanımlama, Ölçme, değerlendirme, Kişiselleştirme, geleceğin beklentilerine yönelik yetkinlik geliştirme tasarımları içermektedir. Değerlendirme Koşulları: · İşletme, Sosyal Bilimler, Hukuk, Mimarlık ve Tasarım, Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakülteleri ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu 4. Sınıf öğrencisi, 2020 Mezun adayı olmak · Zorunlu Stajını tamamlamış olmak · Programa neden katılmak istediğinizi belirten Türkçe dilinde ön yazı yazmak · Mülakatlara katılmak ve başarılı olmak Program 16 kişi ile sınırlı olacaktır
Oct08-Nov08The 16. edition of the journal "Hukuk Köprüsü / Rechtsbrücke" has been published
As German Law Research Center we would like to inform you that we have published the 16. edition of the journal " Hukuk Köprüsü / Rechtbrücke. The publication was taken over by the publishing house Seçkin. ...
Oct08-Nov08The Second Best Article Award Belongs to Ozyegin University
The article “A Comparison between Mediating and Ombudsman Corporation within Alternative Disagreement Solution Management” by the junior year Law Faculty student Furkan Yaşar was awarded with the title of second best article in the...
Oct08-Dec07DAAD Scholarships Information Session
Dear Students, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service will organise an information session regarding the Higher Education in Germany and DAAD Scholarships on 17th October. You may find the details below. We would like to inform you that the session will...
Oct02-Dec012019 - 2020 Fall Semester Undergraduate Course Substitution Procedures
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till January 17, 2020 Friday at 14:00 via the Course Substitution screen...
Sep27-Nov26OzU Life and Activities
Dear OzU Students, In this first week of the 2019-2020 academic year, we welcome all our newly admitted students, current students, and alumni with our traditional Orientation event, the lively club events of the Welcome Week, and Homecoming, respectively....
Sep23-Nov22Spor Merkezi Grup Fitness Dersleri
Dear OzU Members We are pleased to let your know studio classes will kick off on September 24 as of 16:00 at the Athletic Center. Our Fall semester will classes will take place from September 24 to December 23. The maximum number of participants...
Sep11-Nov112019-2020 Fall Undergraduate Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the undergraduate weekly course schedule for the 2019-2020 Fall semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. Kind Regards Student Services
November22-22ERA-MIN Joint Call 2018
ERA-MIN Joint Call 2018 ERA-MIN 2 is a global, innovative and flexible pan-European network of research funding organisations, supported by EU Horizon 2020, that builds on the experience of the FP7 ERA-NET ERA-MIN (2011 to 2015). ERA-MIN 2...
November22-22The Application Are Started For The Internet Freedom Fund
The Application Are Started For The Internet Freedom Fund The Internet Freedom Fund is OTF's primary way to support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom,...
Nov20-Dec20REMINDER: TTO Calls for Invention Disclosures
The “Intellectual Property Rights Unit” at TTO has launched a call for the disclosure of patents, patentable research, and Intellectual Property Rights.To respond to the call, please complete and submit the form in the following link for...
Oct22-Dec31Reminder: Swedish Universities Master Programs Fair
Consulate General of Sweden Istanbul and Study in Sweden is organizing a mini fair at Ozyegin University on October 23rd, Tuesday between 11:00-16:00 in Forum Area - Student Center. All students are kindly invited to attend the fair and meet the...
Oct15-Dec31Swedish Universities Master Programs Fair
Consulate General of Sweden Istanbul and Study in Sweden is organizing a mini fair at Ozyegin University on October 23rd, Tuesday between 11:00-16:00 in Forum Area - Student Center. All students are kindly invited to attend the fair and meet the...
Oct12-Dec31British Council - Study UK Days 2018
For more information please review this link.
Oct09-Dec31IESEG School of Management: International MBA Challenge
Dear Students,We are happy to share the announcement of our partner university IESEG's the first edition of International Challenge focus on social entrepreneurship. The aim of this challenge is to gather MBA students from different partners...