Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Global Entrepreneurship Week Celebrated with Events!
Observed every November since 2008 in Turkey simultaneously with 170 countries across the world, the Global Entrepreneurship Week was celebrated with 3 events hosted by the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University.
In celebration of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the Center for Entrepreneurship organized a series of talks featuring the Özyeğin University graduates who are renowned for their significant contributions to the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Turkey. The Özyeğin University alumni returned to their alma mater as invited speakers to share the experiences they have garnered since graduation, from how to build a techno startup, to investment processes, and business models.
The first event took place on November 19, featuring Ms. Ece Cankat, our Gastronomy and Culinary Arts graduate, as invited speaker. Ms. Cankat recounted how she succeeded in bringing her mobile application idea to life without doing any coding.
The second talk was held on November 20, showcasing Mr. Burak Mert Kaya, our Industrial Engineering graduate, as invited speaker. Mr. Kaya shared his journey from a part-time intern to a full-time employee at Startershub, an investment firm where he now works as an Venture Analyst. Mr. Kaya also talked about the key criteria to consider when evaluating new ventures for investment.
The third event took place on November 21, featuring Mr. Mehmet Hatayoğlu, our Entrepreneurship graduate. Mr. Hatayoğlu shared his employment journey which began at Scotty, a fresh startup where he was the hired as the 10th employee just a few months after his graduation. During his speech, Mr. Hatayoğlu also talked about the experiences he has garnered while bringing innovative business models to life.