Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
October31Horizon 2020 Energy Info Day
The Horizon 2020 Energy info day took place on 5 October in Brussels, in the Charlemagne building. It presented the upcoming funding opportunities offered by the EU's H2020 Programme to projects focusing on...
Oct31-Nov08The Meeting of New Branch of Sports
Dear OzU Family, OzU Athletic Center will be formed to participate to the new branch of sports representing our university.The branch of sports are; Bridge,Squash,Motor Sports,Dragon Boat and Archery. We invite you to the meeting about the team’s...
October30TOUR: 4th Istanbul Design Biennial
Dear Friends, You are invited to visit the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial with us on Saturday November 3, 2018 accompanied by the narratives of Ms. İpek Yeğinsü, a curator at various art institutions and a PhD student...
October26-29Sports Center will be available between 10:00 - 17:00 Monday, October 29th
Sports Center will be available between 10:00 - 17:00 Monday, October 29th . We celebrate your Republic Day.
October26-31Özyeğin University Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences Students Participated In Trial Operation At Istanbul New Airport
The Operational Preparation and Airport Transfer (ORAT) trial was carried out at Istanbul New Airport where the airport transfer is set to take place on October 29, 2018. The trial involved 3,000 passenger testers, 6,000 baggage, around 1,000 staff from...
October24-30Republic Day
Dear Library Users, The Library will be open on October 29th in routine opening hours. 7/24 study hall will remain open. Have a nice holiday. Library
October23OzU Champions League 1st week match fixture
OzU Champions League 1st week match fixture Sports Center wish success all Team and we would like to present the Fair Play concept of the matches.
October23-27Planlı Bakım Çalışması : ProQuest Ebook Central
Dear Library Users, Due to scheduled maintenance, ProQuest Ebook Central will be unavailable at Saturday, October 27, from 19pm to 20:30pm. Thank you for your pateince. Best regards, Library
Oct23-Dec30Kısmi Zamanlı Çalışan Öğrenci Ücret Artışı
Kısmi Zamanlı Çalışma Programı kapsamında çalışan öğrencilerimizin saatlik ücretlerine 2018 – 2019 akademik döneminden itibaren geçerli olacak şekilde %16,3 oranında artış yapıldığını paylaşmak isteriz.
Oct22-Dec31Reminder: Swedish Universities Master Programs Fair
Consulate General of Sweden Istanbul and Study in Sweden is organizing a mini fair at Ozyegin University on October 23rd, Tuesday between 11:00-16:00 in Forum Area - Student Center. All students are kindly invited to attend the fair and meet the...
October20-31Residence Life Committee Presents: Halloween Party
Hi Friends, You are invited to our Halloween event organized by 5 different clubs on Wednesday evening, October 31 where we will have the haunted house, concert, dance performance, costum contest and lots of surprises. Wearing...
October19“YAKLAŞ” (APPROACH) Unites Academicians and Researchers from Different Disciplines at the Same Platform
In celebration of our University’s 10th anniversary in 2018, the first of our year-long series of special events took place at the OzU Forum Area on October 17 and 18 with the name of “Yaklaş’’, meaning ''Approach”...
October19-23In Memory of Ara Guler
Dear Library Users, Ara Guler, prominent photographer of Turkey, has died at the age of 90 in Istanbul. Please come and see compilation of Ara Guler photo’s on the ground floor @OzULibrary. Best regards, Library
October18-20The Campus Run Will Start on Friday, October 19th at 12:45.
The Campus Run will start on Friday, October 19th at 12:45. Sports Center office will meet at 12:30. Running numbers will be given from the sports center office. We expect our students to participate...
October17-248. ÖzÜ Şampiyonlar Ligi Futbol Turnuvamız Başladı...
GELENEKSEL 8. ÖzÜ ŞAMPİYONLAR LİGİ FUTBOL TURNUVAMIZ BAŞLADI Öğrencilerimizden Kurulu 48 Futbol Takımımızın 8 Ay Süresince Mücadele Edeceği, '' 8. Şampiyonlar Ligi Futbol Turnuvamız '' Başladı. Zorlu...
Oct17-Nov10On Site Day: Gram Games
Love Games? Want to learn how to turn your passion for gaming into a successful career? Gram Games is inviting 10 Özyeğin University students to its Istanbul offices to learn more about the way we make games. They will also be introducing the Reserved...
October16World Food Day, 16 October: "Zero Hunger by 2030"
World Food Day, which was launched in honor of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will be celebrated with the theme of “Zero Hunger by 2030” this year. As also announced by FAO, ‘Zero Hunger...
October16-16French Embassy Research Fellowships
Dear Faculty Members, The Embassy of France in Turkey is launching three fellowships: Fellowship for PhD students Fellowship for Young Visiting Researchers (Submission up to 3 years after acceptance in a PhD program) Fellowship for Visiting...
October15-18What is music therapy? (and what it isn't)
Speaker: Özgür Salur Title: What is music therapy? (and what it isn't) Abstract: This lecture will start with describing what music therapy is and examining common misunderstandings around the subject. Several music therapy orientations such...
Oct15-Dec31Swedish Universities Master Programs Fair
Consulate General of Sweden Istanbul and Study in Sweden is organizing a mini fair at Ozyegin University on October 23rd, Tuesday between 11:00-16:00 in Forum Area - Student Center. All students are kindly invited to attend the fair and meet the...
Oct12-Nov01Trial Access: Islamic Finance Hub (IFH)
Dear Library Users, Islamic Finance Hub (IFH) is available for trial access until November 16th , 2018. Islamic Finance Hub (IFH) is a comprised of books, journal articles, standards, conference proceedings, white papers and reports on Islamic...
Oct12-Nov01Trial Access: Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO)
Dear Library Users, Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO) is available for trial access until November 16th , 2018. Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO) is a source on international relations, politics, and public administration for research,...
Oct12-Dec032018-19 Spring Term Erasmus+ Outgoing Pre-departure Presentation
Dear Students, You may visit this link to review the 2018-19 Spring Term Outgoing Erasmus+ Pre-departure Presentation slides. Regards, International Office
Oct12-Dec26Invitation to ICT 2018 Brokerage Event
Dear Faculty Members, Europe's most important and greatest ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) event ICT 2018 will take place in Vienna on 4-6 December 2018. It will present an opportunity for the people involved in this transformation...
Oct12-Dec31British Council - Study UK Days 2018
For more information please review this link.
Oct11-Nov11Hukuk Fakültesi Adli Tıp Kurumu Eğitim Ziyareti
Özyeğin Ünivetsitesi Hukuk Fakültesi öğrencileri 11 Ekim 2018 Perşembe günü Adli Tıp Kurumu'na eğitim ziyareti gerçekleştirmiştir.
Oct11-Dec01Trial Access: Lebib Yalkın Yayımları
Dear Library Users, Lebib Yalkın Yayımları is available for trial access until December 25th, 2018. Lebib Yalkın Legislation Publications includes comprehensive legislation, jurisprudence and expert articles on 64 topics under the main categories...
October10OzU Faculty Honored with Gold Medal in China and Turkey
Dr. Zeynep Başaran Bundur, a faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Özyeğin University, and Dr. Sevil Yazıcı, a faculty member in the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design...
October10-12OzU Champions League matches will start on Thursday, October 11, 2018
Dear Students, Please be advised that our traditional OzU Champions League matches will start on Thursday, October 11, 2018. First Match ; TIME 17:00 ARSENAL - C.ZVEZDA As the Athletic Center, we wish you success...
October10-12OzU Chess Tournament in the Student Center on Friday
Sevgili öğrenciler, 12 Ekim Cuma günü saat 12: 00'den 14: 00'e kadar Öğrenci Merkezinde ÖzÜ Satranç Turnuvasına davetlisiniz. Katılımınızı onaylamak için lütfen sportive@ozu.edu.tr adresinden...
October10-31Tender Announcement for On-Campus Businesses Procedure
Dear Students, Please be informed that you are invited to offer a tender for the mini-markets in Dorm 4 and Dorm 6, which were established pursuant to the Student Businesses Procedure, due to the expiration of their current contracts. Please...
October094. ISTANBUL DESIGN BIENNIAL - A School of Schools
Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi, 4. ISTANBUL TASARIM BİENALİ - Okullar Okulu: Akademi Günlerine katılıyor. "Kentsel Halüsinasyonlar: Yeni Yaşam Biçimleri Üzerine Denemeler", Hülya...
October09Homecoming 2018 Celebrated with Our Alumni and Members of OzU
Our landmark Homecoming event once again reunited Özyeğin University alumni on our campus with yet another full schedule teeming with activities for everyone to enjoy and bond together! Each year, Homecoming is a time for the OzU alumni and members...
Oct09-Nov01New Database: SOBIAD National Citation Index
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that SOBIAD has been added to Library’s E-Resources collection. SOBIAD is a National Citation Index covering the subjects of Social Sciences, Science, and Health Sciences with more than 1,000 journals...
Oct09-Dec31IESEG School of Management: International MBA Challenge
Dear Students,We are happy to share the announcement of our partner university IESEG's the first edition of International Challenge focus on social entrepreneurship. The aim of this challenge is to gather MBA students from different partners...
October06-13Schneider Electric, Innovation Summit’i İstanbul’a taşıyor
Enerji yönetimi ve otomasyonda dünya çapında uzman olan Schneider Electric, daha verimli, daha dijital ve sürdürülebilir üretim konusundaki öncü çalışmalarını Innovation Summit etkinlik serisi...
October05Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Sanatları Bölüm Başkanı Doç. Dr. Özge Samancı, 5-6 Ekim 2018 Tarihlerinde Varşova’da bulunan Wilanow Kraliyet Sarayında Düzenlenen “The Power of Taste. Europe at the Royal Table” Konferansına Konuşmacı Olarak Katılmıştır.
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bölüm Başkanımız Doç. Dr. Özge Samancı 5-6 Ekim 2018 tarihlerinde Varşova’da bulunan Wilanow Kraliyet Sarayında düzenlenen “The Power of Taste. Europe at the Royal...
October05-17YAKLAŞ - Disiplinlerötesi Düşünce Atölyesi
ÖzÜ Disiplinlerötesi Düşünce, "YAKLAŞ" etkinliği kapsamında 18 Ekim 2018 tarihinde öğrenciler ile yapılacak olan atölye çalışmalarına katılmak üzere her bölümden 3. ve 4. sınıf öğrencilerini başvuruda bulunmaya davet ediyor.
Oct05-Nov05The UK Workshop Organization Support
Dear Faculty Members, TÜBİTAK 2223–D Collaboration and Priority Areas Related Workshop Organization Support Program will support workshops to be organized in Turkey that aim to build joint projects and to determine the common...
October03Dormitory Application
Dear Students, If you still wish to apply for on-campus housing in our dormitories for the 2018-2019 Fall Term, please send your dormitory applications to yurt@ozyegin.edu.tr by specifying your preferred room type. Your application...
October01-10Electronical Signature Applications
Dear Faculty Members, TÜBİTAK has started to use e-signature for project applications. All TÜBİTAK Research Support Programs Directorate (ARDEB) applications will be only accepted by e-signature as of 01/01/2019. Within this scope, 3-year...
Sep28-Nov01L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of October 09th, 2018. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr)....
Sep27-Oct06Coming Soon ! Özü Champions League Begins
The annual and much-loved OzU Champions League starts soon! This year the following 48 teams will compete in the OzU Championship League. Choose your favorite team and register at the Athletic Center!
Sep25-Oct032018 - 2019 Fall Semester Graduate Course Add-Drop Period
Dear Students, Course Registration Information Document is prepared for you to guide your course add-drop period. You are strictly advised to review the document before the course add-drop period. Course add-drop period for the 2018-2019 Fall semester...
Sep25-Oct032018-2019 Fall Semester Undergraduate Add – Drop Period
Dear Students, The add-drop period for the 2018-2019 Fall semester will start on September 26, 2018, Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. and will end on October 02, 2018, Tuesday at 4.00 p.m. You can add, drop and change sections of the courses on Student...
Sep24-Oct01Library Opening Hours
Dear Library Users, Library opening hours updated as follows: Weekdays : 08:30 to 22:00Weekend : 09:00 - 18:00 7/24 study area: Open Best regards, Library
Sep24-Oct15Course Resources
Dear Students, The course resources (textbooks, articles, book chapters, DVDs, etc.) that your faculty members expect you to use can be borrowed at the circulation desk for specific courses every semester. These sources have different borrowing...
Sep21-Dec31Sport Center Fitness Classes
Dear OzU Members, We are pleased to let you know that our studio classes will kick off on September 24 as of 12:00 at the Athletic Center. Our Fall semester classes will take place from September 24, 2018 to December 21 , 2018. The maximum...
Sep15-Oct022018 - 2019 Fall Semester Undergraduate Course Registrations
Please be advised that course registration dates for the 2018-2019 Fall semester are below. Please click here to view the list of courses offered. The Course Registration Information document is prepared to provide you with guidance for your...
Sep15-Oct022018 – 2019 Fall Semester Graduate Course Registrations
Course registrations of graduate students for the 2018 – 2019 Fall semester will take place on the dates stated below. Graduate Course Registration Information Document is prepared to provide guidance for the students who are willing...
Sep12-Oct032018-2019 Fall Undergraduate Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the undergraduate weekly course schedule for the 2018-2019 Fall semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. Kind Regards, Student Services
Sep07-Nov07ÖzÜ TTO: Pre-Announcement of the TUBITAK-French National Research Agency (ANR) Joint Project Proposal Call
Dear Faculty Members, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and the French National Research Agency (ANR) Joint Project Proposal Call is planned to be opened in September 2018 within the framework of the Cooperation...