Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Trial Access: Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO)
Dear Library Users,
Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO) is available for trial access until November 16th , 2018.
Middle East Strategic Studies Online (MESSO) is a source on international relations, politics, and public administration for research, intelligence and analysis in Middle East affairs. The database includes a wide range of publications from 2007 onward and contain more than 10.000 reports. MESSO Published by Ten think tanks and research institutes across 6 Countries in the Middle East.
*In Campus access only
Username: ozyeginalmanhal
Password: OZYEGIN@2017
Arab-Israeli affairs
Elections and changes of government across the region
Social issues such as education, healthcare, immigration, refugees and asylum
Wars, treatises, and diplomacy
Military, defense and security
Terrorism and issues of internal security
Legislation, budgets, economic developments and international agreements
Please complete Trial Database Feedback Form to help with the evaluation of this resource regarding its suitability. For students, please click here. For academic and administrative staff, please click here.
Best regards,