Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Homecoming 2018 Celebrated with Our Alumni and Members of OzU
Our landmark Homecoming event once again reunited Özyeğin University alumni on our campus with yet another full schedule teeming with activities for everyone to enjoy and bond together! Each year, Homecoming is a time for the OzU alumni and members of OzU to return to campus. Celebrated annually, Homecoming has long been established as an OzU tradition over the years. As the 2018-2019 academic year marks our 10th anniversary, Homecoming event once again brought together our alumni and OzU members on our campus and offered a fantastic day to all participants with an exclusively-tailored schedule of events befitting to its tradition.
This year’s Homecoming took place on Saturday, October 6, this year. Celebrated since 2012, Homecoming not only brought our alumni back to our campus but also had a broad appeal to OzU members with a packed schedule of events that had something for everyone! The Homecoming program offered participants a delicious start with a brunch at the OzU-X Terrace. As one of the greatest testaments to Özyeğin University’s solidarity spirit, Homecoming also offered some fun moments during the “Alumni Bingo with OzUM” event. The day continued with the opening address by our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk, followed by a plaque ceremony for the OzU alumni who celebrate their fifth graduation anniversary. The schedule of events continued with yet another OzU classic, the Alumni Wall Ceremony, during which our alumni placed the alumni plaques of their class on our Alumni Wall.
One of the highlights of this year’s Homecoming was a panel discussion that brought together prominent panelists with our alumni and OzU members to address a hot topic. The panel discussion “The Economy of Today and Tomorrow” took place at the Reşat Aytaç Auditorium with our panelists Mr. Hüsnü M. Özyeğin, Chair of our Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Ümit Özlale, Head of the Department of Economics at Özyeğin University, Ms. Gizem Öztok Altınsaç, Economist, and Mr. Emin Çapa, journalist.
The next stop for the participants was the Student Center wall. Designed exclusively for our 10th anniversary, our celebratory graffiti was collectively painted on the wall of Floor -3 at the Student Center by our alumni and members of OzU. Concurrently with the Graffiti Workshop, our participants also had the opportunity to take part in an annual tree planting event organized in observance of ENO, an international online environment program. Our alumni and members of OzU once again joined forces to plant trees for world peace, environment, and sustainability in the Peace Grove, just like they did every year.
Our fun-filled Homecoming event was concluded with an energy boosting Zumba event in the Quad area, and a fantastic concert by our alumni bands “Asmakat” and “Ozan Anılan Band”.