Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
June28Dr. Neşe Ganiç Sağlam win İTÜ 2017 The Best Thesis Award
Dr. Neşe GANİÇ SAĞLAM from Özyeğin University Faculty of Architecture and Design wins “The Best Thesis Award of Year 2017” from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) with her dissertation entitled “A New Approach to Identify...
June27Özyeğin University Selected as Interface for 1512 BIGG Program
Özyeğin University Selected as Interface for 1512 BIGG Program
June272017-2018 Summer Semester Course Substitution Procedures (exc. MBA, EMBA, MAENT, MSFE)
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till dates written below via the Course Substitution screen...
June24ÖzU in Press - Üniversitede Mezuniyet Heyecanı (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
June24ÖzU in Press - Mezuniyet Heyecanı (Turkish)
Hürriyet Newspaper
June24ÖzU in Press - Demirören ailesi'nin mutlu günü (Turkish)
Posta Newspaper
June24ÖzU in Press - Başarı için sevdiğiniz işi yapın (Turkish)
Vatan Newspaper
June232017 - 2018 Summer Semester Add-Drop for Graduate Students (for EMBA)
Dear Students, Course Registration Information Document is prepared for you to guide your course add-drop period. You are strictly advised to review the document before the course add-drop period. Course add-drop period for the 2017-2018 Summer...
June232017 - 2018 Summer Semester Add-Drop for Graduate Students (exc. MBA, EMBA, MAENT, MSFE)
Dear Students, Course Registration Information Document is prepared for you to guide your course add-drop period. You are strictly advised to review the document before the course add-drop period. Course add-drop period for the 2017-2018 Summer semester...
June22Mezuniyet Töreni ve Yaz Dönemi Etkinlikleri
Değerli Çalışma Arkadaşlarım, Bahar dönemi derslerinin sona ermesi ve notların ilan edilmesiyle birlikte, hepinizin yaz dönemindeki akademik ve kişisel planlarınıza odaklandığınıza eminim. Yaz aylarında normal faaliyetlerimize...
June22New Call: TÜBİTAK 2236 - Co-Funded Brain Circulation Scheme (Co-Circulation Scheme)
TÜBİTAK introduces a new Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund program; CoCirculation2. CoCirculation2 is the follow up project of the “Co-funded Brain Circulation Scheme (Co-Circulation)”,...
June22Athletic Center will be closed on June 23 Saturday, due to Graduation Ceremony
Athletic Center will be closed on June 23 Saturday, due to Graduation Ceremony. Kindly regards, Athletic Center
June222017 - 2018 Summer Semester Undergraduate Add-Drop Period
Dear Students, The add-drop period for the 2017-2018 Summer semester will start on June 25, 2018, Monday at 10.00 a.m. and will end on June 26, 2018, Tuesday at 4.00 p.m. You can add, drop and change sections of the courses on Student Information System...
June22Aslıhan Dönmez-Schema Therapy and Schema Therapy Approach to Family Issues
Prof. Dr. Aslıhan Dönmez conducted a seminar on the practice of Schema-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques in couple and family therapy at ÖZÜÇAM. Dr. Dönmez gave detailed information on the basic techniques...
June19Campus Based Student Enterprises
Dear Students, Please find below the 2017-2018 application and evaluation schedule for on-campus business ideas. Applications are invited from all entrepreneurial OzU students who have a viable on-campus business idea and wish to bring it to...
June13Workning Hours Of Sports Center During The Ramadan Feast
Dear OzU Family, The Athletic Center will be opened between 10:00-17:00 on June 14-17 due to Ramadan Feast. Swimming pool will be closed due to general maintenance from June 14 Thursday until June 18 Monday . We provide your information. We...
June13Important Reminders about the Commencement Ceremony
Please take the following instructions into consideration for the Commencement Ceremony. A reception will be held at the Commencement Area before the Commencement Ceremony. The audience is kindly requested to remain standing during the procession...
June13ScOLa ELT Conference Brings Together Foreign Language Professionals at OzU
What, How, and How Much Do We Do Right? “We may think we are employing the right practices while adapting to the changes in foreign language instruction, but do we actually employ the right practices in the right way to obtain the results we...
June132017-2018 Summer School Undergraduate Course Registrations
To check the courses offered during the 2017-2018 Summer Session, please click here. To read the previous announcement about summer tuition and fees, please click here. Course Registration Information Document is prepared for you to guide your course...
June12Our Professional Flight students receive their aviation badges
Our Undergraduate Professional Flight Program students who successfully completed their Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL-A) training were awarded their licenses and aviation badges during a ceremony held jointly by our Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical...
June12Award in Poster Design Competition
OzU FAD Department of Communication Design student Tugay Çetinkaya's design won one of the Awards of Merit −the highest degree bestowed by the jury, in the '2018 Year of Troia,' 2nd Poster Competition organized by The Republic of Turkey...
June12Library Opening Hours During Ramadan Feast
The Library will be closed between June 14-15-16 and 17 due to Ramadan Holiday. 7/24 study hall will remain open. We wish you a nice Ramadan Holiday.
June112018 FIBA Internship Abroad
2018 FIBA Internship Abroad
June082018 Mezuniyet Balosuna Davetlisiniz!
Değerli Arkadaşlar, Mezuniyet Balosuna Davetlisiniz!Gece, özellikle bu sene mezun olan herkese ve bizimle birlikte olmak isteyen tüm ÖzÜ mensuplarının katılımına açıktır.19 ...
June07Data Science Certificate Program
Veri Bilimi (Data Science) Sertifika Programı
June05Announcement About The Parking Area in Dorm 1
Dear Students, Please be advised that the parking garage in Dorm 1 will be closed to vehicles for a week due to road work which started today in front of Dorm 1 and 2. Kind Regards, Accommodation Services Management
June05Cap, Gown and Invitation Distribution
Dear Graduating Seniors / Alumni, The Student Life Office would like to share you important information about cap and gown distribution and commencement invitations. Cap, Gown and Invitation Distribution Caps, gowns and invitations will...
June05New Database : PsycTHERAPY
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that PsycTHERAPY (psycterapy videos) which is provided by American Psychological Association(APA) has been added to Library’s e-resources collection Specialists’ nearly 450 therapy videos with...
June04ScOLa Chinese course students won the “Chinese Consulate General Scholarship
Ayşenur Yılmaz, Simge Güner, Betül Kuş and Ali Kaan, who are taking Chinese courses at the Modern Languages Program in ScOLa received their Scholarship certificates from the Chinese Consulate General Cun Wei during the ceremony held...
June042018 FIBA Internship Abroad
2018 FIBA Internship Abroad
June01Our International Business and Trade Student Asya Atik’s Article Will Be Published In June 2018 Issue Of Central Bank Review.
Our International Business and Trade student Asya Atik’s article " Does being international make companies more sustainable. Evidence based on corporate sustainability indices” has been accepted to be published at Central Bank Review June...
June01Library Working Hours During Summer Period
Dear Library Users, Library working hours will be as follows during the summer period: 4th June Monday – 17th August FridayWeekdays : 08:30 to 16:30Weekend : 09:00 - 18:00 20th August Monday- 24th Sepmtember FridayWeekdays : 08:30 to 16:30Weekend...