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Jun 05, 2018
New Database : PsycTHERAPY
Dear Library Users,
We are happy to announce that PsycTHERAPY (psycterapy videos) which is provided by American Psychological Association(APA) has been added to Library’s e-resources collection
- Specialists’ nearly 450 therapy videos with patients,couples & families.
- More than 250 therapy subjects
- More than 100 different approches (ex: Emotion-focused therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy,
- Psychodynamic Therapy)
- It includes the most applied approaches and the lesser-known therapy model types
- Video texts can be searched in the database
- It includes cross searches with other APA databases
Some of the important people on PsychoTHERAPY videos;
- Judith S. Beck (Cognitive Therapy)
- Larry E. Beutler (Systemic Treatment Selection)
- Laura S. Brown (Feminist Therapy)
- Michelle G. Craske (Cognitive-Behavioral)
- Keith S. Dobson (Cognitive Therapy)
- Diana Fosha (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, or AEDP)
- Leslie S. Greenberg (Emotion-Focused Therapy)
Best regards,