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Thesis Defense - Ahmet Emir Tuzcu (MSIE)
Ahmet Emir Tuzcu - M.Sc. Industrial Engineering
Assoc.Prof. Erkun Kundakcıoğlu - Advisor
Date: 11.06.2019
Time: 16:00
Location: AB2 G03
Thesis Committee:
Assoc. Prof. Erhun Kundakcıoğlu, Özyeğin University
Assoc. Prof. Okan Örsan Özener, Özyeğin University
Prof. Tonguç Ünlüyurt, Sabancı University
In this study, no wait ow shop problem, which is a variant of permutation ow shop, is investigated. In a no wait ow shop, after processing of a job is started, it must be processed completely without any delay or cut-o. This scheduling model is generally used where operations are compulsory to follow one right way after the other due. No wait flow shop problem with the objective of minimizing makespan is NP-hard, therefore researchers mostly study heuristic approaches, which give near-optimal solutions, because of their ease of implementation. The proposed solution generates an exact solution for the n jobs and m machines no wait fow shop systems with the objective of minimizing makespan in competitive times. It uses column generation and lazy
constraints techniques.
Ahmet Emir Tuzcu received the bachelor's degree in Control And Automation Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical Technical University, Turkey in 2014. After graduation, he started to work in Vestel Electronics Company as an Automation Engineer
and now he is working as Automation Specialist in the Automation Department. He started to Master of Science Program in Industrial Engineering, Department of Özyeğin University in 2015. He conducted her M.Sc. study under the supervision of
Assoc. Prof. Erhun Kundakcıoğlu.