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Şub 01, 2018
Display Tentative and Opened Courses (Syllabbus) on the Web
Dear Students,
Kindly be informed that you can view the syllabi for courses offered in 2017-2018 Spring semester following instructions below.
- Go to “Faculty of Business” web site. https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/isletme-fakultesi
- From the right menu, choose “Academic Programs” and choose your program (e.g., “Business Administration” https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/isletme
- Choose “ Undergraduate (B.A) Program” and click “Courses Offered” https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/isletme/lisans-ba-programi/ders-plani
- The page lists all courses offered in Spring 2017-2018. You can view syllabus of a course by clicking the pdf icon next to its name. https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/acilan-dersler?program=BABUS
5. On the left menu you can choose the semester of your course and display the list of all course offered in chosen semester.
Please be careful the list mentions programs twice. The first one provides list of required courses for Major Programs the second one lists required courses for Minor programs.
Faculty of Business Announcement