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Thesis Defense - Mahshad Azima (MSCE)
Mahshad Azima – M.Sc. Civil Engineering
Asst. Prof. Senem Seyis – Advisor
Date: 05.08.2022
Time: 14.00
Location: AB1 233
Asst. Prof. Senem Seyis, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Derya Deniz, Özyeğin University
Asst. Prof. Duygu Erten, Medipol University
The interest towards building energy performance and efficiency has been increasing in the last decades. The building design phase has a high potential to decrease the energy consumption for heating and cooling in building design. Although several studies on energy-efficient buildings exist in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) literature, none of them addresses heating and cooling performance of high-rise building envelope materials. Such research would a valuable guideline for the early decision-making process in energy-efficient high-rise building design. This study aims to (1) build up a knowledge base for exploring the optimal building envelope components based on the relevant aspects of energy performance to design energy-efficient high-rise buildings and (2) analyze and compare the effects of three different building envelope materials (i.e., reinforce concrete, timber wall, and curtain wall) on energy performance in a high-rise residential building. For this purpose, first, Cite Space, VOSviewer, and Gephi were used for building up a knowledge base in building energy performance. Then, various scenarios for evaluating the impact of envelope components (e.g., wall structure, window-to-wall ratio, and site orientation) were developed and analyzed. Efficient scenarios were opted for developing analyses in terms of floor, roof, and glazing type to decrease the heat loss/gain in the roof, floor, and glazing. Design Builder was utilized with the aim of designing and modeling the case study building based in Istanbul, Turkey, and performing energy analysis for its heating and cooling efficiency by focusing on walls, roof, and ceiling (considering the building's orientation), window-to-wall ratio (WWR), and insulation. This research contributes to the AEC literature and industry by providing (1) detailed information about influential factors in heat loss/gain, (2) the factors to achieve energy efficiency and to decrease heating and cooling demand in high-rise buildings, (3) combinations for energy efficient building envelope materials, and (4) knowledge base for an efficient Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning system design for high-rise residential buildings. Accordingly, the results would be very useful for assisting professionals in the decision-making process of energy-efficient high-rise residential building design. In addition, this study reveals promising topics in this scope for future research.
Mahshad Azima obtained her B.Sc. in Information Technology Engineering in 2014 and Architecture Engineering in 2017 in Iran. Currently, she is pursuing an M.Sc. degree at Ozyegin University, focusing on building energy performance improvements. During her studies, she used computational research methods actively in the Energy Performance of Buildings. She was a full scholarship student and she worked as a teaching assistant during her education at Ozyegin University. In addition, she was selected as the best T. A. in 2021-2022. At the end of her study, 2 journals (1 published, 1 under review), 2 conferences (1 published, 1 under preparation) papers, and 2 patents (1 PCT, WIPO, and 1 Turk Patent) have been served to the literature.