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Prof. M. Pınar Mengüç EUROTHERM 2021'ye Davetli Konuşmacı Olarak Katılıyor
Prof. M. Pınar Mengüç 21 Eylül 2021 (İstanbul saati; 18:00) tarihinde çevrimiçi düzenlenecek olan 8. Avrupa Termal Bilimler Konferansı EUROTHERM 2021'ye Davetli Konuşmacı olarak katılıyor. EUROTHERM Konferansı, Lizbon Teknik Üniversitesi Yüksek Enstitüsü tarafından EUROTHERM Committee desteğiyle gerçekleşiyor. Prof. Mengüç’ün sunum başlığı "Sustainable Energy & Human Dimension(s)”. Sunumun İngilizce özetini aşağıda görebilirsiniz;
In this presentation, the impact of sustainable energy research and the development of new technologies on the lives of people are discussed. The research carried out at CEEE during the last eight years as related to buildings, industry, and cities are outlined. The presentation emphasizes the importance of human comfort and its control in operation of buildings, and how they can be part of the design principles starting from the integrated engineering and architecture concepts. To achieve thermal and visual comfort and energy efficiency in buildings, sensor and automation networks can be employed. Yet, these can be most effective if the building-user interactions are streamlined, which may require the modeling of human behavior based on a transdisciplinary approach. This approach allows buildings to be responsive to human needs and to be designed considering the details of light, air flow and temperature distributions, and with the help of interactive ventilations and solar shading systems. All these ideas need to be coupled not only for buildings, but also for regions and cities of the future. The presentation will also address the development of sustainable and inexpensive materials to be used at larger scales for buildings and industrial systems.