Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
December30-05CEEE/EÇEM Wishes You Happ New Year!
CEEE/EÇEM Wishes You Happ New Year!
December27-29Dissertation Defense - Ozan Ekin Nural (PHDME)
Ozan Ekin Nural – Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Assoc. Prof. Özgür Ertunç – Advisor Date: 29.12.2022 Time: 14.00 Location: AB3 236 DEVELOPING A METHODOLOGY FOR THE DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION...
December26-27Thesis Defense - Burak Bahat (MSME)
Burak Bahat – M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Prof.Dr.Güney Güven YAPICI – Advisor Date: 27.12.2022 Time: 18:00 Location: AB1 412 “Investigation of the Mechanical Behavior of Severely Deformed Aluminum...
December26-28Dissertation Defense - Muhammad Sarmad Qureshi
Muhammad Sarmad Qureshi – Ph.D. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Asst. Prof. Özkan Bebek – Advisor Date: 28.12.2022 Time: 10.00 Location: AB4 B127 Control of Solenoid-Based Injectors with different...
December26-28Thesis Defense - Veli Can Coşar (MSME)
Veli Can Coşar – B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Assoc. Prof. Özgür Ertunç – Advisor Date: 28.12.2022 Time: 10:00 Location: AB2 G03 Investigation of Atomization of Droplets in Turbulent Flows Assoc....
December23-27Thesis Defense – Muhammad Farhan Raza (MSME)
Muhammad Farhan Raza – MSC Mechanical Engineering Prof. Dr. Güney Güven Yapıcı – Advisor Date: 27.12.2022 Time: 16:30 Location: AB1 412 APPLICATION OF INTERLAYER FRICTION STIR SPOT WELDING ON 304 STAINLESS...
December23-27Thesis Defense – Erim Can Özçınar (MSME)
Erim Can Özçınar – M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Asst. Prof. Barkan Uğurlu – Advisor Date: 27.12.2022 Time: 15:00 Location: AB4 B428 “Robust Locomotion Control for a Quadruped Robot with High Payload...
December23-30Dissertation Defense - Melis Pahalı (PHDEE)
Melis Pahalı – Ph.D. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Asst. Prof. Kadir Durak – Advisor Date: 30.12.2022 Time: 11:00 Location: AB4 B428 “TIMING SIDE CHANNEL ISSUES AND PHOTON BUDGET OPTIMIZATION IN...
December23-31The Winner of the Özyeğin University Industrial Design Department’s B82 Scooter Design Concept Generation Project Competition Is Selin Lochner
A large number of successful designs competed at the B82 Scooter Design Concept Generation Project Competition organized by the Industrial Design Department at Özyeğin University in cooperation with Olo Mobility, Figes Inc., and Hop! Scooter. Özyeğin...
December22-31Game Developed by Özyeğin University’s Team Honored with an Award at Game Jam
The team made up of Özyeğin University students came in second at Game Jam organized in cooperation with The Sandbox within the scope of the Young Guru Academy’s (YGA) summit this year. The game was developed by Çağatay Duru (Electrical-Electronics...
December21Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi- Endüstriyel Tasarım Bölümü Öğretim Görevlisi Sonuçları
2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak...
December21Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi- Endüstriyel Tasarım Bölümü Araştırma Görevlisi Sonuçları
2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak...
December21Prof. Dr. Taylan Akdoğan appears as a guest on Habertürk TV’s "Teke Tek Bilim"
Prof. Dr. Taylan Akdoğan, a member of our Faculty of Engineering at Özyeğin University, appeared as a guest on Habertürk TV’s Teke Tek Bilim hosted by Fatih Altaylı on Monday, December 19. The program explored fusion energy and technology....
December21-30Research Assistant Recruitment Assessment Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 28,11.2022 and on the Özyeğin University website on 19.12.2022, the results of the Research Assistant in the field of International Business and Trade at the Faculty of Business are...
December20-22Dissertation Defense - Samet Yıldız (PHDEE)
Samet Yıldız – Ph.D. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Prof. Murat Uysal – Advisor Date: 22.12.2022 Time: 13.00 Location: AB1 409 “Experimental Characterization of Underwater Visible Light Communications” Prof....
December20-31Özyeğin University Alum Efe Kethüda Makes Fortune’s 40 Under 40 List Once Again
Özyeğin University alum Efe Kethüda has been named on Fortune’s 40 Under 40 List, an annual crowning of the youngest and most visionary leaders in Türkiye, for the forth time. Fortune’s 40 Under 40 List rates professionals...
December19Our Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Taylan Akdoğan to Appear as a Guest on Teke Tek Bilim Tonight (December 19)
Prof. Dr. Taylan Akdoğan, a member of our Faculty of Engineering, will appear as the guest of the live program Teke Tek Bilim hosted by Fatih Altaylı on Habertürk TV. The program will be aired at 23:00 today (Monday, December 19). Prof. Dr. Akdoğan...
December19-23Faculty of Law Private Law – Civil Law Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
The applications of the candidates in the Faculty of Law, Private Law – Civil Law field were evaluated in accordance with the Evaluation provisions of the "Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Central Examination and Entrance...
December19-30Dissertation Defense - Okay Kıygı, PhD in Business Administration
PhD THESIS DEFENSE Institutional Herding in Borsa Istanbul Okay Kıygı, Ph.D. in Business Administration Date: Wednesday, December 28, 2022 Time: 13:00 Location: Finance Center Altunizade Campus, Özyeğin University,...
December19-31Özyeğin University Faculty Member Prof. H. Fatih Uğurdağ Honored with IFIP Service Award, Marking a First in Türkiye
Prof. H. Fatih Uğurdağ, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Özyeğin University, was honored with the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Service Award. Thus, Prof. H. Fatih Uğurdağ was named the first scientist from...
December16ÖzU in Press - "Ben de varım" diyen kadın sayısı artacak (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
December16-23Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Dear OzU Members, We present the Activity Bulletin of the Sports Center for the Week of 17-23 December for your information.
December16-23Thesis Defense - Elif Eş (MSCAR)
Elif Eş – Kent ve Mimarlık Tezli Yüksek Lisans Doç. Dr. Güliz Özorhon – Danışman Tarih: 23.12.2022 Zaman: 14.30pm Yer: AB4-315 “KENTİN DÖNÜŞÜMÜNDE KAMUSAL MEKAN-SANAT ETKİLEŞİMİNİN...
December15Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi Araştırma Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları-Endüstriyel Tasarım Bölümü
2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak...
December15Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi Öğretim Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları-Endüstriyel Tasarım Bölümü
2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak...
December15-20FAAS Seminar - Stress Management for Pilots
Havacılık Psikolojisi Semineri - Pilotlarda Stres Yönetimi
December15-22Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Araştırma Görevlisi Alımı Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları
09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav İle Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul ve...
December15-30L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Dinner Service
Dear OzU Members, Our Practice Restaurant 'L’ Atelier Bleu' is opened between 16-29 December 2022 for dinner service on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, at 19:00 – 20:30 hours. You may reserve your table...
December15-31We Claim First Place For A Fourth Consecutive Year Among Foundation Universities in "GreenMetric Ranking"
The results of the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking 2022 have been released! The GreenMetric World University Ranking is an international platform on sustainability and environmental awareness to evaluate and rank universities all over the world...
December14-16Faculty of Law Research Assistant Recruitment Preliminary Evaluation Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 28.11.2022 and on the website of Özyeğin University on 28.11.2022, the preliminary evaluation results of the Faculty of Law Private Law Civil Law Research Assistant are given below. Written...
December14-19Research Assistant Recruitment Pre-Assessment Results
You may find below the list of eligible applicants who qualified to take the examination following the pre-screening, and the examination details for the Research Assistant positions for the Faculty of Business, International Business and Trade as per...
December13Pre-Screening Results for the Research Assistant Positions at the Psychology Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Pursuant to the announcement published in the Official Gazette on November 28, 2022 and on theÖzyeğin University website on November 28, 2022, the pre-screening results for the researchassistant positions at the Psychology Department at...
December13-19Longest Night Campus Run 21st of December
We look forward to welcoming you to our run that will be held on the campus on December 21. To participate, you must fill out the form. Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2022Time: 20.45-22.00Meeting Place: Sports Center OfficeRoute: The Red Route specified...
December13-31The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science of the Year Award Goes to Özyeğin University
The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences at Özyeğin University was recognized with the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science of the Year Award within the scope of the BLUESKY Aviation Achievement Awards. The award program honors...
December13-31Özyeğin University Faculty Member Dr. Reyhan Aydoğan Serves as Co-Chair of the 24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems
Özyeğin University and Valencia Polytechnic University jointly organized the "24th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems" this year. Recognized as a prestigious international platform on developments...
December09-16Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Değerli ÖzÜ Üyeleri, 10-16 Aralık Haftası Spor Merkezleri Etkinlik Bültenini bilgilerinize sunuyoruz.
December09-30Innovation-centered Entrepreneurial Competencies Program for Educators
Dear OzU Members, We are pleased to inform you that applications are now open for the Innovation-centered Entrepreneurial Competencies Program for Educators. This project aims to improve the competencies of teachers and graduate students working in...
December09-31TÜBİTAK Grant to Undergraduate Psychology Students at Özyeğin University
The research study on psychological health to be conducted by Zeynep Acar, Şevval Çakıcı ve Gizem Ezgi Akyol, junior year undergraduate students at the Department of Psychology at Özyeğin University, under the mentorship of Associate Prof....
December09-31Özyeğin University Faculty Member Associate Prof. İlknur Eruçar is Among the Co-Authors of the Joint Study Recognized with the Turkish Journalists' Association’s Sedat Simavi Award in Sciences
The academic study conducted jointly by Özyeğin University and Koç University, and co-authored by Associate Prof. İlknur Eruçar, a member of the Faculty of Engineering at Özyeğin University, as part of the project team was recognized...
December08-16Bowling Tryout
The deadline for Bowling Team selections is Friday, December 16. After the registration, the selection deadlines will be notified via e-mail. After the auditions, our Bowling Team will be planned from a cell with 5 female - 6 male players. We look...
December07-31CEEE/EÇEM Transdisciplinary Energy Talks 2 (TET-2) | 15 November 2022
CEEE/EÇEM Transdisciplinary Energy Talks 2 (TET-2) | 15 November 2022
December06-31Our Faculty Member Dr. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu Appears as a Guest on Bloomberg TV’s Elektrik 4.0
Dr. Poyrazoğlu, Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department Head at Özyeğin University, appeared as the guest of Ms. Gözde Kuyumcu on Elektrik 4.0 program aired on Bloomberg HT TV on Friday, December 2 under the sponsorship of Schneider...
December05-06INVITATION! The Graduate School of Engineering and Science Promotion Event
Date: 6.12.2022 Time: 13.00 - 14.00 Location: AB4 - B428 Seminar Room All 4th-grade students who are planning to do master's and doctorate degrees are invited to The Graduate School of Engineering and Science promotion...
December03-09Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Değerli ÖzÜ Üyeleri, 3-9 Aralık Haftası Spor Merkezleri Etkinlik Bültenini bilgilerinize sunuyoruz.
December02Our Faculty Member Dr. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu Appears as a Guest on Elektrik 4.0 Today (December 2)
Dr. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu, a faculty member at the OzU Faculty of Engineering, will appear as a guest on Bloomberg HT TV’s Elektrik 4.0 hosted by Gözde Kuyumcu. The program will be aired live today (December 2) at 13:00. Dr. Poyrazoğlu...
December02-13FAAS Seminar - İstanbul Airport's Post-Pandemic Master Plan Preparation Process
Air Transportation Seminar Series - İstanbul Airport's Post-Pandemic Master Plan Preparation Process
December01-056x6 Volleyball Tournament Begins
Dear OzU Family, Applications for the 2022 – 2023 OzU 6x6 Volleyball Tournament have started. The application deadline is Monday, December 5th. It will begin on Thursday, December 8th. Volleyball background or Univ. Maximum 1 person from the...
December01-06Basketball 3rd Tournament Begins
Sevgili ÖzÜ Ailesi, 2022 – 2023 ÖzÜ 3 Cep Top Turnuvası başvuruları başladı. Son başvuru tarihi 6 Aralık Salı. Tutulma 7 Aralık Çarşamba günü başlayacak. 30 kişi ile katılım mümkündür. Çekimler...
December01-08Our Law Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Nuray Ekşi Appears As a Guest on HT 360
Prof. Dr. Nuray Ekşi, a faculty member at our Faculty of Law, appeared as a guest on Habertürk TV’s HT 360 program hosted by Afşin Yurdakul on November 28, 2022 to discuss immigrants and border security. You may watch the program in the link....
Nov30-Dec10Software Developer Factory Applications Started!
The React.JS Software Developer Factory Program, which will be carried out in cooperation with T.C. Esenler Belediyesi and the Üretken Akademi, aims to equip high school and university students with new skills...
Nov30-Dec12Official Gazette Job Advertising for Open Faculty Positions
Our University invites applications for full-time faculty positions. Candidates are expected to meet the requirements listed in the “Rules and Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members” as per Higher Education Law No:2547...
Nov29-Dec31Özyeğin University Faculty Members Listed in Stanford University's List of World's Top-Cited Scientists
Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University (METRICS) has released a new database of the world's most cited scientists as part of its efforts to provide a standardized measurement for citations from scientific articles. Özyeğin University...
Nov28-Dec01Thesis Defense – Yusuf Çağlayan (MSEE)
Yusuf Çağlayan – M.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk Demiroğlu – Advisor Date: 01.12.2022 Time: 10.00 Location: AB1 231 “Test Case Generation for Software Testing on Smart...
Nov25-Dec02Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Değerli ÖzÜ Üyeleri, Spor Merkezi 26 Kasım 2 Aralık Haftası Faaliyet Bültenini bilgilerinize sunuyoruz.
Nov08-Dec312023-2024 Global Exchange Program Application Period
2023-24 Global Exchange Application Period The Global Exchange Program online application for the 2023-24 academic year will be active between 15 November 2022, 08:00 and 29 November 2022, 13:00. You may apply online for...
Oct13-Dec31Muster Points
Dear Members of the OzU Community, Muster points are safe areas where all stakeholders can gather in the event of an emergency evacuation. In the event of an emergency, please go to the nearest muster point and follow the instruction of the...
Oct12-Dec11A Warning Announcement About Campus Dogs and Cats
Dear OzU Members, You may find below the announcement of the Wild Life Preservation Club prepared and they cordially request you to read and follow the instructions in the announcement carefully. Thank you for your cooperation in advance. "Dear...
Oct07-Dec06DAAD İstanbul Science Week 2022 Program
Dear Students, DAAD Istanbul Counseling Center will organize an online event on 10-14 October 2022 with the participation of well-kown universities from Germany. At the Istanbul Science Week event, 5 German universities will introduce their master's...
Oct06-Dec05The Use of Seat Belts
Dear Members of OzU, It is a legal requirement that all car drivers and passengers as well as all passengers on public transportation wear seat belts. In addition to front-seat passengers, back-seat passengers and passengers on public transportation...
Oct06-Dec05Campus Traffic Rules
PURPOSE AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES: 1.1. University traffic rules are intended to prevent traffic accidents both on campus and campus approach roads as well as to make parking easier and to provide a better flow of traffic. 1.2. University...
Oct05-Dec04Process to Follow for Contractors to Work on Campus
We have previously shared with you the information/reminders about the work permit process in place at Özyeğin University as per effective legislations and the management system (ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and ISO...