Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Campus Traffic Rules
1.1. University traffic rules are intended to prevent traffic accidents both on campus and campus approach roads as well as to make parking easier and to provide a better flow of traffic.
1.2. University traffic rules are applicable 24/7. Security staff are responsible for ensuring that all members of the University adhere to the traffic rules. Drivers must comply with the instructions of security staff. Failure to comply with security staff’s instructions will result in the sanctions listed in Attachment-1.
1.3. Pedestrians have the right of way on all on-campus roads under any circumstances.
All rules are for your own safety.
2.1. Loading, unloading or parking on pavement is strictly prohibited for all vehicles. Vehicles are not allowed to access the pedestrian road unless authorized to do so by security staff.
2.2 Motorbikes and bicycles may park only on designated places on campus while vehicles running on LPG may park only in outdoor parking lots.
2.3 The on-campus speed limit is shown on signs. The on-campus speed limit is a maximum of 30 km/h. Vehicles approaching intersections must reduce their speed to 20 km/h. Drivers must use the mirrors placed at intersections and parking lot/garage exits to check that the way is clear.
2.4 Honking, listening to loud music, making a convoy, driving dangerously or overtaking is strictly prohibited on campus.
2.5 All members of the University must adhere to all traffic signs and signage on campus or campus approach roads.
2.6 Motorcycle riders who do not wear a helmet are warned, and, when necessary, given penalty points.
2.7 Parking on the ambulance road or in front of a fire hydrant is strictly prohibited.
3.1. In the event of a breach of campus traffic rules, the sanctions listed in Table 1 will be enforced. For each breach, a notice of breach is prepared based on the penalty points table, and is sent to drivers via email. Drivers’ breach records are kept by the Security Office. Drivers who breach campus traffic rules for a third time are not allowed to use or park in the on-campus parking lots/garages for a year from the date of the third breach.
3.2. Vehicles parked in no-parking areas will be towed by security.
3.3. Driving without a driving license will result in the loss of campus privileges.
3.4. Vehicles without license plates are not permitted to enter the campus premises.
3.5. Vehicles whose drivers are under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to enter the campus premises. These drivers will be reported and served a notice of breach.
3.6 Should visitors or commercial vehicle drivers breach any of the traffic rules, they will be warned by Security. Depending on the severity of the breach, the vehicle and the driver are made to leave the campus and they are barred from returning.
4.1. In a case where a traffic rule is breached, Security will prepare a notice of breach and send it to the owner of the vehicle.
4.2. Appeals about penalties can be made to the Office of the Chief of Security. If drivers are not satisfied with the answer provided by the Office of the Chief of Security, they may also appeal to the HSE Coordinator’s Office.
5.1. Stop your vehicle and take the necessary safety measures. When you stop your vehicle, make sure that you do not create an additional danger that might put you or others at risk. (i.e.: Place your reflectors when stopped.)
5.2. Call the Security Center at -0216 564 9155- to report the accident.
5.3. Leave your vehicle where it is until the police arrive. If the accident does not involve death or bodily injury and you can reach an agreement with the other driver, you may move your vehicle to a safer place. Therefore, we recommend that you keep an Accident Report Form in your vehicle.
5.4. Make sure that you have the date and number of your insurance policy and other documents with you. Be ready to provide them when asked.
5.5. Do not leave the scene of accident until the police and/or security staff arrive.