Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
November29-30We Hosted an Event in Observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25
Özyeğin University hosted the event on our campus in observance of the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” on November 25, 2024. The event highlighted ongoing initiatives to combat all forms of gender-based...
Nov29-Dec02ÖzÜ Fictional Law Office Opens in the Field of Enforcement Law!
ÖzÜ Fictional Law Office Opens in the Field of Enforcement Law! In order for our students to gain experience in the functioning of the judiciary, we are launching the “Fictional Law Office” program in the field of enforcement...
Nov29-Dec05Faculty of Law Student Emre Yiğit Ay Attended the COP 29 International Climate Change Conference
Emre Yiğit Ay, an undergraduate student at the Faculty of Law at Özyeğin University, represented Türkiye as a youth delegate at the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, 2024....
Nov29-Dec05We Rank Third Among Foundation Universities in the Turkish University Sports Federation Rankings
Özyeğin University’s sports teams have achieved remarkable success in the Turkish University Sports Federation’s 2023-2024 Academic Year overall rankings. Among 161 universities, Özyeğin University secured the 15th position overall...
Nov29-Dec29Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences Seminar - Comprehensive Insights into Flight Planning and Operational Procedures
Comprehensive Insights into Flight Planning and Operational Procedures
Nov29-Dec29Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. Web of Science Core Collection kullanarak güvenle araştırma yapın! Tüm araştırmacılar için!Date: Monday, December 16,...
November28Our President Prof. Barış Tan Delivered Keynote Speech at the University Fair by Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan attended the University Fair 2024 hosted by Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions as the keynote speaker. Held on November 28, 2024, and attended by 26 universities, the event was organized to provide...
Nov28-Dec08Sayısal Kitap Database (Humanities and Social Sciences and Audiobooks Collections)
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that the Humanities and Social Sciences and Audiobooks collections have been added to the Sayısal Kitap database. Sayısal Kitap provides Turkish e-books and e-journals. It includes the books of many...
Nov28-Dec08New Database: Oxford Legal Research Library: Private International Law
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Oxford Legal Research Library: Private International Law database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. This e-book collection brings together key reference works in private international...
Nov28-Dec08About LSEG Workspace (Eikon with Datastream)
Dear Library User, The Eikon database in the library collection has been updated with new features and is now available as LSEG Workspace! LSEG Workspace provides global economic data, information on listed companies, and financial data. It is an integrated...
Nov27-Dec06The Youth of the Republic Meet the Bankers of the Republic!
The Youth of the Republic Meet the Bankers of the Republic! Join us on campus for an enlightening panel discussion with esteemed leaders from the banking sectoras they engage with our students on transformation, growth, and talent. Don’t miss this...
Nov26-Dec04First Step into VC Career - Aspiring VC Challenge
The “Aspiring VC Challenge”, aims to contribute to the development of talents that can play a role in the growth of start-ups and venture capital (VC) companies that invest in exciting start-ups. and "Aspiring VC Challenge" will...
November25Our President Prof. Barış Tan Hosted Zaur Allahverdizade, Consul of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Istanbul
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan hosted Mr. Zaur Allahverdizade, the Consul of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Istanbul on our campus. Following the meeting held at the President’s Office on November 25, 2024, Consul Zaur Allahverdizade...
November25President Prof. Barış Tan Attends On-Campus Event in Observance of “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women” on November 25
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan attended the on-campus event in observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, 2024. The event highlighted ongoing initiatives to combat all forms...
November25-27Capacity Building on Agricultural Heritage Systems Technical Cooperation Inaugural Meeting
We are pleased to invite you to the online Inaugural Workshop to be held on Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at 10:30 am within the scope of the “Capacity Building on Agricultural Heritage Systems” Project, which is being implemented by the...
November25-28Thesis Defense - Barış Vatansever (MSME)
Barış Vatansever – M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering Assoc. Prof. Polat Şendur – Advisor Dr. Aydın Özcan – Co-advisor Date: 28.11.2024 Time: 11.00 Location: AB4 428 Seminar Room “Development...
Nov25-Dec08Trial Access: NEJM AI
Dear Library Users,NEJM AI database is available for trial access until 14th December, 2024. NEJM AI covers the application of AI methodologies and data science to biomedical informatics, connected health, telemedicine, medical imaging, personalized...
Nov23-Dec10Özyeğin University Nominated for "Environmental University of the Year" at the Boğaziçi Environmental Awards!
Özyeğin University has been nominated in the "Environmental University of the Year" category at the Boğaziçi Environmental Awards organized for the fourth time this year by Boğaziçi University. Please click here to cast...
November22-29The Ombudsman's Law Clinic is Opening!
Dear Students, The Ombudsman's Law Clinic is Opening! The Law Clinic, which is an applied education model, is a voluntary study to apply to the Ombudsman Institution to find solutions to problems that cause...
Nov22-Dec07History's Rebellious Painter with a Bloody Brush: Artemisia Gentileschi Seminar
Dr. Mahmut Şenol will give a seminar entitled "History's Rebellious Painter with a Bloody Brush: Artemisia Gentileschi" on Thursday, December 5, 2024 between 13:00-14:00 at G25, AB4 Faculty of Architecture building.
November21-2220. Interior Architecture Department Chairs Meeting (20. IBBT)
On November 22, 2024, the 20. Interior Architecture Department Chairs Meeting (20. IBBT) will be hosted by the Özyeğin University Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at AB4 G25. The meeting will welcome representatives from...
Nov20-Dec05Official Gazette Job Advertising for Open Faculty Positions
Our University invites applications for full-time faculty positions. Candidates are expected to meet the requirements listed in the “Rules and Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members” as per Higher Education Law No:2547...
November19-21How to Start a Tasty Business? Seminar - #GGH2024
Dear Students, We are excited to invite you to our event series that will be carried out as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024. During these sessions we will be talking about various aspects of Entrepreneurship with the participation of esteemed...
November19-22Emerging Topics in Architecture Seminar 3: The Social Panopticon of Colosseum
Dr. Ayşe Bike Baykara will give a seminar titled “The Social Panopticon of Colosseum” on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at AB4 Faculty of Architecture building, room 224.
November19-26Özyeğin University 8-Ball (American) Billiards Tournament Beginsa
Dear Students; Our students who want to participate in the OzU Billiards Tournament, which will be held at the Sports Center on Thursday, November 28, at 10:30; You can apply from the extension below. CLICK FOR THE APPLICATION LINK. Özyeğin University...
November18-20Assistant Prof. Han Özsöylev’s Co-Authored Paper Wins Editor’s Choice” Award
The article “Price of Regulations: Regulatory Costs and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns.” co-authored by Assistant Prof. Han Özsöylev from the Department of Business Administration at Özyeğin University, and Barış İnce,...
November18-22Associate Professor Reyhan Aydoğan Served as Co-Publicity Chair at 23rd AAMAS Conference
Reyhan Aydoğan, Associate Professor and the Chair of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering Program at Özyeğin University, has served as co-publicity chair of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems...
November18-22Associate Professor Reyhan Aydoğan Served as Demo Chair at ECAI 2024
Reyhan Aydoğan, Associate Professor and the Chair of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering Program at Özyeğin Üniversity, has served as the Demo Chair at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024), Europe’s...
November18-25“Child Doesn't Wait Project” Painting Exhibition
Dear ÖzÜ Members, You are invited to the "Child Does Not Wait Project" Painting Exhibition! Drawings on children's rights drawn by secondary school students within the scope of the "Child Does Not Wait Project" carried out by OzU Violence...
November17-19Innovation for Young Professionals - #GGH2024
Dear Students, We are excited to invite you to our event series that will be carried out as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024. During these sessions we will be talking about various aspects of Entrepreneurship with the participation of esteemed...
November15-20Civil Engineering Program PhD Student Mahshad Azima’s Project Awarded Gold Prize at Student Entrepreneurship Competition in China
Mahshad Azima, a PhD student in the Civil Engineering Program at Özyeğin University, received one of the gold prizes at the 14th Qin Chuangyuan Chinese College Student Entrepreneurship Plan Competition, which took place at Xi'an Jiaotong University...
November15-22Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Özü Members, The Sports Center presents the Event Bulletin for the week of 16-22 November for your information.
November15-22Trial Access: Jus Mundi Academic Research
Dear Library Users,Jus Mundi Academic Research database is available for trial access until 22nd November, 2024.Jus Mundi Academic Research is an artificial intelligence-supported database containing more than 35,000 judgments and...
November15-22Hotel Management Students Received Honorable Mention at the 2024 STR & ICHRIE EMEA Student Market Study Competition
Özyeğin University Hotel Management Program students received an honorable mention for their market research project on Istanbul at the 2024 STR & ICHRIE EMEA Student Market Study Competition on November 8, 2024. Attending this international...
November15-292024-2025 Fall Semester Final And Composite Exam Schedule
Dear Students, Please be advised that the 2024-2025 Fall semester final and composite exam schedules are now available in the Student Information System (SIS). To check your 2024-2025 Fall semester final and composite exam schedules, please go to...
November15-30Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences - Optimizing Airline Operations with AI
Optimizing Airline Operations with AI
November15-30Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences Talk - Atatürk and Aviation
Atatürk and Aviation
November14-15Our Protected Football National Team Represented Türkiye at the European Championship
Özyeğin University Protected Football National Team is in the “Men’s Tackle Football B” group of the European Championship organized by the International Federation of American Football. The group’s first game was played...
November14-30Smoke-Free Zones
Dear Members of Özyeğin University, We regretfully observe smoking on campus, especially in front of building entrances. Being a third generation university, instead of banning smoking across campus, we created smoking areas for you...
November12Our President Prof. Barış Tan Hosted Prof. Kanat Kozhaahmet, Narxoz University President of Kazakhstan
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan hosted Narxoz University President Prof. Kanat Kozhakahmet and Dean of the Faculty of Law Talgat Sarsebayev on our campus. Held at the President’s Office on November 12, 2024, the meeting centered...
November12-13IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 from 21:00 to 01:00. During this time, the site will be unavailable. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
November12-23Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024 Events
Dear ÖzÜ Members,We are excited to invite you to our event series that will be carried out as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024. During these sessions we will be talking about various aspects of Entrepreneurship with the...
November11-15Özyeğin University Students Achieved Yet Another International Success in IEEEXtreme Programming Competition
Özyeğin University students completed yet another successful run at the 18th IEEEXtreme Programming Competition, organized annually by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on October 26, 2024. This year’s competition...
November11-15Game Talks: Ataberk Ateş, "Game Development Wizards: What is a technical Designer"
As Game Research Lab., we are excited to give our second talk of the term! On November 14, we will host Ataberk Ateş from Climax Studio as our guest online. In his talk titled Game Development Wizards: What is a Technical Designer, we will discuss technical...
November11-17Use of Library Group Study Rooms
Dear Library Users, Due to the high demand for library, the group study rooms in the library will be available exclusively to students during the exam period. Other users may continue to use the Library’s common study areas. Thank you...
November11-23New Databases: Oxford Legal Research Library
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that the databases below have been added to the Library E-Resources collection. Oxford Legal Research Library: Financial and Banking: This e-book collection contains over 50 titles covering a range of disciplines...
November10Our President Prof. Barış Tan Attended the November 10 Atatürk Memorial Ceremony on Campus
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan attended the memorial ceremony held on campus on Sunday, November 10, 2024, in commemoration of the 86th anniversary of the passing of Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish...
November10-12We Gathered Together on Campus for the November 10 Atatürk Memorial Ceremony
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan attended the memorial ceremony held on campus on Sunday, November 10, 2024, in commemoration of the 86th anniversary of the passing of Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish...
November09-15Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Özü Members, The Sports Center presents the Activity Bulletin for the week of November 10-15 for your information.
November08-15Revised Thesis Defense – Yaşar Kemal Peştreli
Revised PhD THESIS DEFENSE “The Determinants of Local Currency Credit Spread: Evidence From Emerging Markets ” Yaşar Kemal Peştreli, Ph.D. in Business Administration Date: 15.11.2024 Time: 16:00 Location: : Özyeğin...
November08-17Updated Library Working Hours
Dear Library Users,As of Monday, November 11, 2024, the Library's current hours of operation will be as follows: Weekdays: 08:30-24:00Weekends: 09:00- 18:00Best regards,Library
November07-09Assistant Professor Erzen Öncel Joins The Guinier Project at Harvard Law School as Visiting Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor Erzen Öncel from the Department of International Relations at Özyeğin University joins the Guinier Project at Harvard Law School as a Visiting Faculty Fellow for the Fall 2024 academic semester. Hosted by the Charles Hamilton...
November07-12Prof. Aslıhan Ünlü Reappointed as Expert Panel Member for Flanders Research Foundation for a Second Term of Three Years
Prof. Aslıhan Ünlü, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Özyeğin University, has been invited by the Board of the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO) in Belgium to serve as a member of the expert panel for an additional term...
November07-13Le Cordon Bleu Istanbul’s Instructor Chef Paul Métay Wins ‘Gastronomy Honor Award’
Paul Métay, a distinguished instructor chef at the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu Istanbul at Özyeğin University, has been honored with the ‘Gastronomy Honor Award’ during the VII. International Özkan Mert Honor Awards. Renowned...
November07-23New Database: Oxford Public International Law (OPIL)
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) provides an all-encompassing and integrated gateway...
November07-23New Database: Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW)
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW) database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Oxford Constitutions of the World (OCW) is a resource that contains fully translated English-language...
November06-08Undergraduate Communication Design Program Students’ Project Published in International Conference Proceedings
The research paper by our Undergraduate Communication Design Program students İzel Ergül, Tutku Çalış, Esra Yücetürk, Melis Gür, and Selen Bulut have been published in the proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children...
November06-20Call for Applications: Assistant/Associate Professor in International Relations
Özyeğin University, a vibrant and innovative institution located in Istanbul, invites applications for two full-time faculty positions at the rank of Assistant or early Associate Professor. We are seeking outstanding candidates with a proven track...
November05-07Our Design, Technology and Society Master’s Program Students Presented Their Projects at Conference in Sweden
Özyeğin University Design, Technology and Society Master’s Degree Program students Melike Balkaya, Cansu Akverdi, and Ali Leylekoğlu presented their research at the Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI’24) held...
November05-08Thesis Defense - Uğur Güler (MSMATH)
Uğur Güler – M.Sc. in Mathematics Assoc. Prof. Dilek Günneç Danış – Advisor Prof. Sabri Tankut Atan – Co-advisor Date: 08.11.2024 Time: 10.30 Location: AB1 225 “Attractiveness...
November05-27Deloitte: Be a Part of Consulting (İşe Alım Sınavı & Firma Sunumu)
Saat 14:00 - 14:40 arasında gerçekleşecek Deloitte Consulting Presentationa tüm sınıftan öğrencilerimiz katılabilir. Sunum sonrası gerçekleşecek Sınava ise son sınıf öğrencilerimiz katılabilecektir.
November04-05Our Alumni Aylin Erol Accepted into Ph.D. Program in Germany with DAAD Scholarship
Aylin Erol, a graduate of the English-Medium Undergraduate Architecture Program and Master’s Program in City and Architecture at Özyeğin University, has been accepted into a Ph.D. program at Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, OWL University...
November04-06Prof. Atilla Ansal Received Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award
Professor Atilla Ansal, Founding Chair of the Civil Engineering Department at Özyeğin University, has received the 8th Prof. Nicholas Ambraseys Distinguished Lecture Award. Since 2010, the award has been given every two years by the European Association...
November04-06Instructor Tekin Ertan Awarded Honorary Membership (Membre d’Honneur) of Skål International
Tekin Ertan, an instructor at the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Özyeğin University, was awarded the Honorary Membership (Membre d’Honneur) of Skål International at the 83rd Skål International World Congress 2024, held in Izmir...
November01“Climate Change and Art” Roundtable Held at OzU-X on October 30
“Climate Change and Art in the Context of the Impact of Global Warming on Coastal Peoples” Roundtable, part of the 7th Offline Istanbul International Poetry Festival, was held on October 30, 2024 at OzU-X. Among the participants of the event...
November01Assistant Professor Begüm Diker Joined the Episode of “What’s Left to 2053?” Radio Show
Assistant Professor Begüm Diker from the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Özyeğin University joined the episode of “What’s Left to 2053?” (“2053’e Ne Kaldı?” in Turkish) on October 8, 2024, prepared...
November01-08Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Özü Members, We hereby present to you the Activity Bulletin of the Sports Center for the week of November 2-8.
November01-08Regarding the Detail Inspiration Database Access Issue
Dear Library Users, The access issue with the Detail Inspiration database is still ongoing. We kindly request our users who wish to access the database to contact the Library for alternative access methods. Thank you for your understanding. Best rega...
November01-15Trial Access: Inspec with Full Text
Dear Library Users, Inspec with Full Text database is available for trial access until 31st December 2024. Inspec with Full Text includes more than 1,500 full-text journals, providing access to the world's scientific and technical literature in...
November01-15Librarious November Training Sessions
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about the Librarious November training schedule. What is Librarious? Librarious is the general name for comprehensive and interactive library training programs that will help you progress in the world...
Oct31-Nov17Trial Access: Al-Monitor
Dear Library Users, Al-Monitor database is available for trial access until 25th November 2024. Al-Monitor provides access to newspaper articles from independent media partners on Middle East politics, security, and business. To access Al-Monitor, you...
Oct30-Nov13New Database: Cold War Intelligence
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Cold War Intelligence database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. This collection of 2,300 formerly classified US government documents (most of them classified as Top Secret...
Oct29-Nov06We Gathered Together on Campus to Celebrate October 29 Republic Day
As members of the Özyeğin University community, we gathered on campus to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Türkiye. The ceremony began at 11:00 a.m. with the laying of a wreath in front of the Atatürk...
Oct25-Nov01Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Özü Members, The Sports Center presents the Activity Bulletin for the week of 26 October - 1 November for your information.
Oct25-Nov04Team Application for The Leiden - Sarin International Air Law Competition has Started!
Dear Students, The Leiden - Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition is a unique opportunity for students seeking to gain experience in the development of arguments in the field of international law and air law.We are forming a team of up...
Oct23-Nov03New Database: Gale Primary Sources
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Gale Primary Sources database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Gale Primary Sources database includes archives on history, western languages and literature, history of Islamic science,...
Oct23-Nov03Regarding Your Personal Belongings Left on Library Study Desks
Dear Library User, We want to remind you that you are responsible for your personal belongings left on the desks in the library and that you should take them with you when you leave the study area. If items remain unattended for extended periods, they...
Oct23-Nov10New Database: Gale Research Complete
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Gale Research Complete database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Gale Research Complete includes articles, e-books, and news on medicine, engineering, history, policy, sociology, philosophy,...
Oct23-Nov10Trial Access: De Jure
Dear Library Users, De Jure database is available for trial access until 31st December 2024. De Jure is a Law search engine with artificial intelligence technology that consists of case law and literature. It includes judgments of the Constitutional...
Oct22-Nov01Trial Access: HeinOnline - Foreign & International Law Resources
Dear Library Users, HeinOnline - Foreign & International Law Resources database is available for trial access until 18th November 2024. This database includes in-depth publications of the American Society of International Law and prominent Yearbooks...
Oct22-Nov14Graduate programs of Architecture and Design Faculty will host Prof. Maria Fernanda Rollo (Phd).
Prof. Maria Fernanda Rollo (Phd), historian and faculty member of New University of Lisbon, will give a lecture on "Bridging Biocultural Heritage and Digital Humanities for Sustainable Futures". Rollo, who is the coordinator of the Phd program...
Oct18-Nov18Call for Contributions for SEC 101 Course- ÖzÜ Reflect Module | Transdisciplinary Seminars
Dear Özyeğin University Instructors, We are reaching out to kindly request your transdisciplinary seminar contributions via this form for the ÖzÜ Reflect Module in the SEC 101 Course.One of our primary goals within the scope of this module...
Oct12-Nov02Athletic Center Operating Hours
Dear Students, Our Athletic Center, located on campus, operates between 08:00 – 22:00 on weekdays and 09:00 – 18:00 on weekends. The only reason the Athletic Center opens before 08:00 is to complete cleaning and maintenance procedures by...
Sep06-Dec31Cumhurbaşkanlığı İnsan Kaynakları Yetenek Kapısı Portalı Nedir?
Kariyer yolculuğunda Yetenek Kapısı sana farklı fırsatlar sunuyor. Yetenek Kapısı üzerinden tek bir tık ile; Binlerce işverenin, öğrenci ve mezunlara yönelik iş/staj ilanlarına ve yarı...
Sep03-Nov06Winter School 2025 - University of Trento, Italy: "Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” – SustANGE
We would like to share with all students the announcement regarding the announcement for "Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” – SustANGE sent from one of our partner...
Aug02-Nov06School of Languages (ScOLa) Was Accredited For The Third Time By Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Özyeğin University School of Languages (ScOLa), which was first accredited by Eaquals in 2016, was accredited for the third time for four years after the inspection conducted by Eaquals in May 2024. ScOLa was awarded excellence in all twelve areas...
Jan18-Nov062024-25 Erasmus+ Study Mobility Applications
Application Call for Erasmus+ Study Mobility Applications for the 2024-25 Erasmus+ study mobility will start on 6 February and end on 20 February 2024, 13:00. The applications for the Erasmus+ study mobility must be submitted in two steps: 1) TURNA Portal...