Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

School of Languages (ScOLa) Was Accredited For The Third Time By Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Özyeğin University School of Languages (ScOLa), which was first accredited by Eaquals in 2016, was accredited for the third time for four years after the inspection conducted by Eaquals in May 2024. ScOLa was awarded excellence in all twelve areas in which it was evaluated.
The teaching, the course programmes, as well as the course organisation, the learning resources, testing and evaluation were all judged to be of high quality. It was found that the institution takes great care to protect the welfare of its students and staff, and all publicity materials produced by the institution are accurate and truthful.
1. Management and Administration
Placing of the student in the centre of the organisational chart reflects the mission and the vision of ScOLa and shows careful consideration.
The language centre has a very inclusive approach to planning and management and actively encourages initiative from all staff. At ScOLa there is clear evidence of excellent leadership and a sense of having a shared vision, with motivated staff showing a strong sense of purpose to make the education provided at ScOLa the best it can be. There is clearly an ethical approach to management strongly evidenced by the attitude of managers to their staff and the relationships within the centre in which the Code of Ethics is followed.
There is exceptionally clear documentation on strategic management of innovation in line with the wider institution. and a proactive attitude to adapting to changes in the future. ScOLa’s activities are very well integrated with those of the wider institution.
2. Quality Assurance
There is a very strong culture of and systems for fostering quality in ScOLa and the wider University. A very large part of the work of the management teams relates directly to the maintenance and proactive enhancement of quality teaching and learning.
There is an exceptional range of means of data gathering, consultation and sources of feedback in relation to QA. The means for all these are both formal and informal, contained within the centre and University wide. Teams are quick to process and act on data in order to improve quality. Procedures for obtaining regular feedback from instructors and students on all aspects of courses are effective and well managed. The student representative system is particularly impressive.
3. Communication with Staff
ScOla’s complex and well-designed support structure (- as opposed to a hierarchical structure -) with interlocking responsibilities, meeting and reporting structures delivers a flat staffing structure with full accountability for all aspects of ScOLa’s three programmes presented graphically and clearly in the circular organisational chart. There is an impressive schedule of meetings and very good opportunities for two-way communication between staff and management. The number of useful meetings which often overlap in scope and other formal and informal ways to exchange information is impressive. Briefings to staff take place systematically each semester and academic year. The management and staff are exceptionally well integrated into the governance of the wider institution. The ScOLa Director has a seat on the Senate and the Rector is proactive and well informed about affairs in the centre.
4. Communication with Students and Other Stakeholders
ScOLa’s publicity materials give outstandingly clear and detailed advice to potential students about programmes, progression, awards, examinations, and approach to teaching, to ensure that all recruitment activities are fair and ethical and that prospective students’ interests and needs are paramount. ScOLa has exceptionally thorough and effective ways of ensuring that students understand formal academic regulations and of supporting compliance and the information available to students concerning course requirements is extremely clear and comprehensive.
ScoLa has an exceptionally proactive approach to dealing with any concerns students may have, or anything causing teachers and Team Leaders concern in their ability to study or their demeanour or behaviour. ScOLa pays very close attention to student feedback, using it to inform programme amendments.
5. Course Design and Supporting Systems
ScOla’s educational philosophy and pedagogical approach is clearly a product of meaningful reflection among staff and is original and sincere and with a clear vision for the development of the learner as a language student, as an academic and as an enquiring mind. The centre is exceptionally careful to design programmes that address the needs of faculties as well as those of individual learners. Constant and ongoing review of course programmes is informed by support meetings and by a thorough and well documented analysis of student needs.
There is sufficiently generous staffing to enable instructors paid time to take part in research and improvement projects. Academic supporting systems are exceptionally well organised and delivered by academic management
6. Teaching and Learning
At ScOLa, lessons are clearly planned with reference to the relevant course objectives, intended learning outcomes and the language and academic needs of the students. Instructors are very aware of these. There is excellent inclusion of 21st century skills especially in UGE programme courses. Teaching materials are/have been specially created to suit student needs as individuals and with respect to the academic needs as defined by the wider institution. Learning is extended beyond the classroom in creative ways (e.g. student projects, portfolios, self-study assignments, etc).
7. Assessment and Certification
Assessment practices wholly reflect the educational philosophy, mission and methodological approach of the centre and is expertly aligned and compatible with course aims. Skills assessed in all three programmes are very well aligned with student needs during their academic studies. The choice of assessment topics in the UGE programme are current, authentic and argumentative.
Test security is very well-managed and there are strong procedures in place to detect plagiarism in assessments and provide students with training on how to avoid plagiarism and uphold academic integrity. There is evidence of a strong belief and practice of assessment as a formative guide for students to inform their ongoing study. Data on assessment is collected and analysed extremely thoroughly and used to drive improvements in course delivery, design and assessment.
8. Academic Resources
Teaching and learning material combines published material with high quality internally-produced resources and these are used effectively to enhance learning. There is thorough ongoing staff and student feedback and discussion of resources, their quality is constantly under scrutiny and is upgraded accordingly. Teaching material is current, especially in the UGE programme, and addresses the needs of students and their faculties well. ScOla has an effective and reliable system for maintaining, reviewing and upgrading its range of resources to ensure continued relevance, topicality and alignment to course objectives. There is a highly effective range of well-designed study resources which foster learner independence in each programme.
9. Student Services
The range and quality of advice and information available to students is exceptional including documentation, interactive websites, SIS, LMS and the myOzU Intranet App etc. Great care is taken by the wider institution to provide students with really useful, practical advice and information on the campus layout, amenities and services offered to students in order to help them settle in quickly.
ScOLa works closely and proactively with the University Student Services Unit to promote students’ mental and emotional wellbeing, offering counselling sessions on how to adapt to life on campus and giving advice on how to deal with stress , etc.
There is an outstandingly good range of extra-curricular programmes designed to promote communicative competence and stimulate interest in the target culture(s) and/or the cultures of other students. Where the extra-curricular programmes form an integral part of the course, there is close and effective liaison between class teachers and those delivering the programmes which contributes to the quality of provision.
10. Staff Profile and Development
ScOla has a high proportion of staff with qualifications and competence well above basic level. There is a wide variety of CPD instruments and a systematic approach to selecting areas for development and the delivery of such development. There is a very clearly documented procedure for staff to attend conferences and other events as well as genuine encouragement and easements for staff who make use of those opportunities. There is a strong culture of professional development within ScOLa driven by proactive management teams and embraced by staff.
11. Staff Employment Terms
Staff employment terms and conditions are excellent with regard to free access to University resources and facilities are also excellent including the infirmary, the gym and swimming pool, the shuttle bus etc. ScOLa makes every effort to provide its instructors with secure employment. ScOLa’s policy is to promote internally wherever possible in order to further career progression and enable staff to acquire new skills.
12. Learning Environment
All or almost all of the premises and facilities are accessible for students with special learning needs or disabilities, and are advertised as such. There is an exceptional range of facilities outside the classroom such as cafeterias, TV, social or relaxation areas. Online functions are user-friendly and operate reliably on all devices/operating systems the student might be expected to use.
There is particular attention paid to the health and safety of students and staff with regard to emergency evacuation procedures inasmuch as one or more member of staff has the responsibilities of emergency evacuation marshal included in their job description with training provided and data is collected during practice evacuations to drive improvements. The language centre has very effective measures in place to manage its premises and resources in an environmentally-friendly manner (such as extensive recycling; strictly limited photocopying; very efficient energy use).