Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Sep30-Oct04Assistant Prof. Melike Fındıkoğlu Promoted to Senior Associate Editor at European Management Journal
Assistant Prof. Melike Fındıkoğlu from the Faculty of Business at Özyeğin University has been promoted from Associate Editor to Senior Associate Editor in the field of Business Strategy and Organizational Theory at the European Management Journal...
September27ARCH 451 Seminar: Ecosystem approach in urban planning and design
ARCH451 City, Landscape and Form class will host an online seminar on 2 October 10:50 AM. All Architecture and Design Faculty members are invited to the seminar. You can find the meeting informations on the poster below.
Sep27-Oct04Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Özü Members, The Sports Center presents the Activity Bulletin for the week of September 27 to October 04 for your information.
Sep27-Oct19Sports Center Pilates and Studio Lessons Fall Semester Days and Hours
Dear Ozu Members Our Sports Center Studio Classes start on Monday, September 30th at the Sports Center. Reservations are made on a weekly basis. Reservations are made separately for each class/day to be attended. Registration for studio...
Sep25-Oct01"Best TA" and "Best RA" Awards of The Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Candidates nominated by faculty members for Best Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant Awards have been evaluated by the Institute Board and the following graduate students have been selected to receive these awards. Best...
September24-30Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Program Students Win First Place at the 6th International Gaziantep Gastronomy Festival
Özyeğin University’s Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Program students won first place at the Local Chef - University Students Competition, held from September 14 to September 15, 2024, during the 6th International Gaziantep Gastronomy Festival,...
September23-30ÖzU Rover Team Wins Third Place in the Presentation Task at the European Rover Challenge (ERC)
The ÖzU Rover Team led by Associate Prof. Özkan Bebek from the Mechanical Engineering Program at Özyeğin University participated in the prestigious European Rover Challenge (ERC), held under the patronage of the European Space Agency (ESA)...
September23-30Özyeğin University’s ArchOzU Team Wins Second Place and Receives “Best Team Spirit Award” at Teknofest Chip Design Competition
The ArchOzU team from Özyeğin University had advanced to the finals in August as one of the 8 finalist teams in the Microcontroller Design category of the Chip Design Competition, a key event at the Teknofest Aerospace and Technology Festival. The...
September23-30Assistant Prof. Zeynep Müge Güzel Wins Third Place Award for Her Dissertation
Assistant Professor Zeynep Müge Güzel from the Business Program at Özyegin University has been honored with third place in the PPAD Dissertation Awards by the Marketing and Marketing Research Association (PPAD) for her dissertation “Perceptual...
Sep23-Oct042024-2025 Fall Semester Course Schedule and Mode of Instruction
Dear Students, 2024-2025 Fall semester course schedule and 2024-2025 Spring semester courses to be opened and have been announced on Courses Offered web page. 2024-2025 Fall semester classes will be conducted face-to-face on campus, and a...
September21-27Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Özü Members, We present to you the Sports Center's Activity Bulletin for the week of September 21-27.
September20Mandatory SEC 202 and SEC 204 Courses
Dear students, As we welcome you to the Fall 2024 semester, we would like to draw your attention to the mandatory SEC 202/SEC 204 courses which are redesigned and offered with a new name Responsible Citizenship and Impact, to capture the essence of the...
September19-26Özyeğin University Once Again Receives Universum’s Outstanding Employability Certificate
Özyeğin University has been awarded the “Outstanding Employability” Certificate by Universum Global, the world’s leading employer brand research and communication company. Universum certificates are presented annually to universities...
September18Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi-İletişim ve Tasarımı Bölümü Öğretim Görevlisi Kadrosu Nihai Değerlendirme Sonuçları
2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak...
September18Our President Prof. Barış Tan Attended the Japanese Government MEXT Fellowship Alumni Reception Hosted by Kasahara Kenichi, the Consul General of Japan in Istanbul
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan attended the Japanese Government MEXT Fellowship Alumni Reception, hosted by his Excellency Kasahara Kenichi, the Consul General of Japan in Istanbul. Attended by distinguished guests, the reception...
September18-25Prof. Ayşın Paşamehmetoğlu Serves as Editor of the Special Issue of the Journal of Global Business Insights
Prof. Ayşın Paşamehmetoğlu, a faculty member at the Hotel Management Program at Özyeğin University, served as the editor of the special issue of the Journal of Global Business Insights during the annual meeting of the Turkish Academy of Management...
September18-25ENSURE 6G Project, Involving Dr. Başak Ozan Özparlak and Dr. Müge Çetin as Partners, Receives Grant from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges under Horizon Europe Programme
The project “ENSURE 6G: Evolution in Security and Privacy for 6G Networks,” which includes Dr. Başak Ozan Özparlak and Dr. Müge Çetin from the Faculty of Law at Özyeğin University as partners, has been awarded a grant...
September18-27Hackathon - Fibabanka
Hackathon nedir? Hackathon, takımların 3-5 kişilik gruplar halinde bir araya gelerek belirli bir süre boyunca teknik sorunlara benzersiz çözümler bulmak için çalışacağı keşif amaçlı programlama yarışmasıdır. Hackathona...
September18-30Student Guidebook
Our Student Guidebook has been published. You can access it from here.
September17-18Off-Campus Access Problem Has Been Solved: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Dear Library Users, The access problem to the databases below has been solved. • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global• Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) e-Books Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
September16-23Assistant Prof. Kadir Durak’s QUBITRIUM Secures 1.5 Million Euro Seed Funding from ACT Venture Partners
QUBITRIUM, a pioneering startup in the field of advanced quantum technologies founded and led by Assistant Prof. Kadir Durak of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program at Özyeğin University, has secured 1.5 million Euros in seed investment...
September16-30Entrance to the Faculty of Law 101 Activities
Dear Students, Our 2024-25 program "Entrance to the Faculty of Law 101 Activities", organized by Özyeğin University Faculty of Law, will take place face to face on 23, 24, 25 and 26 September 2024, between 10.15 - 12.30, in halls AB3 135 and...
Sep16-Oct11Advice to My 18 Year Old, Bridge Between Ages Documentary
Dear ÖzÜ Members, The launch of the "Advice to My 18 Year Old, Bridge Between Ages Documentary" project, which we developed as Özyeğin University Violence and Law Laboratory, in cooperation with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Istanbul...
September12Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi Öğretim Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları - İletişim ve Tasarımı Bölümü
2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete'de yayımlanan "Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi...
September12-16Özyeğin University Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with WiRE (Women in Renewable Energy)
Özyeğin University has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) network. Signed by our President, Prof. Barış Tan, the MoU aims to identify areas of collaboration between our university and WiRE, facilitating...
September11Our President Prof. Barış Tan Met Nevra Onursal Karaağaç, CEO of Hitit
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan held a meeting with Nevra Onursal Karaağaç, Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Hitit on September 11, 2024. Our President Prof. Tan was accompanied by Prof. Mehmet Burçin Ünlü,...
September11-13Off-Campus Access Problem: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to the databases below will be temporarily unavailable from off-campus. • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global• Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) e-Books We will inform...
September10-152024 - 2025 Fall Semester Horizontal Transfer Between Universities Application Results
Dear Applicants, Please click here for the 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester Horizontal Transfer (Based on Academic Achievement) Between Universities from Abroad (Based on Academic Achievement) application results.Please click here for the 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester...
September10-152024 - 2025 Fall Semester Horizontal Transfer Within ÖZÜ, Double Major and Minor Application Results
Dear Students, Please click here for 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester Horizontal Transfers within OzU (Based on the Central Placement Score) application results. Please click here for 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester Horizontal Transfer Between...
September10-152024 - 2025 Fall Semester Program Change Application Results for International Students
Dear Students, Please click here for 2024 - 2025 Fall Semester Program Change Application Results for International Students. Kind Regards,Student Services
September09-15Our Undergraduate Industrial Design Student Ece Necipoğlu Secures Second Place in Design Competition
Ece Necipoğlu, an undergraduate student in the Industrial Design Program at Özyeğin University, has won second place in the “TCI Aircraft Seat Parts Industrial Design Competition” organized by TCI Aircraft Interiors in recognition of...
September09-23Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Program Students Win Second Place at FoodFest Antalya
The 3rd International Food Fest Antalya Gastronomy Festival, held on September 5-6, 2024 under the auspices of the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality, featured a culinary competition for gastronomy and culinary arts students from universities across Türkiye....
Sep06-Oct13LMS Design Update
Dear Users, The LMS system used in the previous academic year will continue to be available as an archive at https://lms2024.ozyegin.edu.tr as of September 9. The new LMS system to be used in the new academic year will be at https://lms.ozyegin.edu.tr. The...
Sep06-Dec31Cumhurbaşkanlığı İnsan Kaynakları Yetenek Kapısı Portalı Nedir?
Kariyer yolculuğunda Yetenek Kapısı sana farklı fırsatlar sunuyor. Yetenek Kapısı üzerinden tek bir tık ile; Binlerce işverenin, öğrenci ve mezunlara yönelik iş/staj ilanlarına ve yarı...
September04Our President Prof. Barış Tan Met Dr. Ö. Özgür Tort, CEO of Migros Group Türkiye
Özyeğin University President Prof. Barış Tan held a meeting with Dr. Ö. Özgür Tort, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Migros Group Türkiye. During the meeting held on September 4, 2024, discussions centered on possible opportunities...
September04-232024-2027 Road Traffic Safety Action Plan - Traffic Safety Information
Dear Members of the OzU Community, As part of the Road Traffic Safety Action Plan, you may find below the traffic safety information brochures requested to be distributed by the respective authorities. We would like to take this opportunity...
Sep03-Nov06Winter School 2025 - University of Trento, Italy: "Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” – SustANGE
We would like to share with all students the announcement regarding the announcement for "Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Access to Natural Resources in a Changing World” – SustANGE sent from one of our partner...
September02-102024-2025 Fall And Spring Semester Additional Dormitory Applications
Dear Students, Please be advised that following the results of the 2024-2025 Early Dormitory Application and Newly Registered Student Dormitory Application, there were some students who did not complete the fee payment or cancelled their dormitory...
September02-14New Subscription: Science Direct e-Books Social Sciences Collection
Dear Library Users, In addition to the existing Engineering Collection, the Social Sciences Collection has also been added to our Science Direct e-Books database subscription. With this new subscription, 2,034 new books have been added to the Science...
Aug26-Sep27Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. Web of Science Research Assistant ile daha akıllı araştırma yapın Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024Time: 11:00-11:30Please click here...
Aug19-Sep23Navigation Mobile Application for the Visually Impaired
Dear Members of the OzU Community, We are pleased to inform you that we have expanded the scope of our navigation mobile application designed as part of our continuous efforts to make campus life more accessible for visually impaired individuals...
Aug19-Sep23Zero Waste and Zero Waste Management System
Dear Members of the OzU Community, The "Zero Waste Management System" is a project developed by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change, and supported by the Zero Waste Regulation. The project aims to enhance the effectiveness...
Aug19-Sep23Water Efficiency Mobilization Update
Dear Members of the OzU Community, The “Water Efficiency Mobilization" is a project developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with the ultimate goals of ensuring sustainable prosperity, maintaining healthy and high-quality...
Aug07-Sep22Dormitory Fitness Use
Dear ÖzÜ Members, Due to maintenance and repair works in the dormitories, the dormitory fitness area will be temporarily closed. The dormitory fitness area will reopen with the start of the academic year.
Aug02-Nov06School of Languages (ScOLa) Was Accredited For The Third Time By Eaquals (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services)
Özyeğin University School of Languages (ScOLa), which was first accredited by Eaquals in 2016, was accredited for the third time for four years after the inspection conducted by Eaquals in May 2024. ScOLa was awarded excellence in all twelve areas...
Jul18-Sep30IEEE Learning Network Resources Free Access
Dear ÖzÜ Members, We added the IEEE Learning Network (ILN) to our resources, which you can access for free on LMS-Next. IEEE Learning Network (ILN) is an online platform that delivers continuous education in the fields of engineering and...
Jun15-Sep30Micro Case Studies (Academic Advising, Metaverse and Videos)
Dear Instructors, As you know, we are working on micro and macro-level case studies to address the challenges encountered in the learning-teaching processes based on our interactions with our students and you. You can access the newly published micro...
Jun12-Sep01Summer School 2024 - Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Germany: International Summer School 2024
We would like to share with all students the announcement regarding the announcement for International Summer School 2024 sent from one of our partner institutions, Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin (Germany). Please note...
Mar07-Oct01ScOLa Student Seminar: Write and Shine: Tips for Editing and Improving Academic Paragraphs at ScOLa
This session is designed for ScOLa students who want to learn more about how to improve their academic paragraphs. The session will be both in Turkish and English. Please review the poster for details.
Jan18-Nov062024-25 Erasmus+ Study Mobility Applications
Application Call for Erasmus+ Study Mobility Applications for the 2024-25 Erasmus+ study mobility will start on 6 February and end on 20 February 2024, 13:00. The applications for the Erasmus+ study mobility must be submitted in two steps: 1) TURNA Portal...