Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Jun29-Jul10Yandex Hackathon: Exclusive to OzU
Özyeğin University and Yandex, a technology company that builds intelligent products and services, have organized a hackathon that will take place online on July 17-20 and will give current students and graduates a chance to experiment and turn their ideas into real-life digital music solutions. This hackathon will take place remotely. The working language will be English. Apply via LinkProfessional before July 10!
June26ÖzÜ’nde Has Bilgi (First Meeting)
The first meeting of the event "OzU'nde Has Bilgi" has taken place on the 26th of June 2020! Özyeğin University, Istanbul Bilgi University and Kadir Has University Psychology Departments' different graduate programs have collaborated in this...
Jun25-Jul13Girvak Fellow Program Applications are Now Open!
Girvak Fellow Program Applications is Now Open! Founded by business people and opinion leaders who are aware of the importance of entrepreneurship and believe that it is the key to change, Turkish Entrepreneurship foundation works with youth to advance the entrepreneurship culture and to make entrepreneurship a career alternative among young people.
June23ÖzU in Press - No Change in Use of Dating Apps in Virus Times: Report
Hürriyet Daily News
June23-30Best LinkedIn Profile Award
The “LinkedIn for Young Talents” training has been brought to completion! Organized by LinkedIn, the training featured prominent speakers, including Mr. İhsan Mert, Dr. Sertaç Doğanay, Ms. Özlem Keleş and Mr. Yusuf Ekiz. Out...
Jun23-Jul07“ULDUZ” Wins A Cyber Security Award
Our senior Computer Science student Muhammet Burak Şentürk came in 4th in the Technopark Istanbul Cyber Security Idea Competition in recognition of his thesis and software program “ULDUZ: Automated Attack Surface Analysis”. The Cyber...
Jun23-Jul31Fit Startup Factory Joins the Hubspot for Startups Program!
Hubspot for Startups is designed specifically to help startups grow and scale better and faster - at a startup-friendly cost. We are looking forward to your applications for Hubspot for Startups Program.
June22-27ProQuest Ebook Central Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Due to scheduled maintenance, ProQuest Ebook Central will be unavailable on Saturday, June 27, 19:00 to 22:00. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Jun22-Jul01The Global Good Fund Fellowship Program 2021
The Global Good Fund Fellowship is a 12-month program supporting the leadership development of social enterprise leaders across the globe.
Jun19-Jul07Online TRACE
Online TRACE Online TRACE will be administered on 6th July, 2020, Monday at 09.45. You will access the exam here on the exam day. There is an Online TRACE Guidelines document available for you to learn about the exam requirements...
June17-24Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Araştırma Görevlisi Sonuçları – İletişim Tasarımı Bölümü
31.07.2008 tarihli Resmi gazetede yayımlanan “ Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Naklen Veya Açıktan Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav ile Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar...
June16-17IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Tuesday, June 16) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 20:00-23:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
June16-30“Tomurcuk” (Bud) Returns Home with An Award
The “Edible Design Contest”, the first event of the AURA Prism series organized by the AURA Alumni, graduates of the AURA Istanbul Certificate Program, has been concluded. The contest aims to explore food with a focus on the concepts of architecture,...
June15-16docomomo_tr Modern Interior Spaces in Turkey Symposium
docomomo_tr Modern Interior Spaces in Turkey Symposium, which is hosted by Özyeğin University, will be held online on 15 - 16 June 2020. Guest speakers will be Önder Küçükerman and Şebnem Uzunarslan. Main theme of "Modern...
Jun15-Jul152019-2020 Summer School Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the weekly course schedule for the 2019-2020 Summer School from Ozu Website --> Courses Offered. For all your requests about courses, we kindly remind you to contact the academic department which offers the respective...
June12-21Applications Invited for Ibrahim Bodur Social Entrepreneurship Awards!
Applications are invited for the Ibrahim Bodur Social Entrepreneurship Awards presented jointly by Ashoka Turkey and Kale Group to encourage new generation social entrepreneurs. The deadline for applications is June 21.
June11-302019 - 2020 Spring Semester Undergraduate Final Grade Changes
Dear Faculty Members, Please be advised that the Grade Change interface will be available for access on Student Information System (SIS) via the Grades - Final Grades - Grade Amendment screen until Thursday, June 18, 2020, 3.00 p.m. to make...
Jun11-Jul01U.S. Graduate Engineering Schools Webinar
Dear Students, We would like to share a webinar that will be held by Turkey Fulbright Commission, the EducationUSA Center and the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering. In the presentation titled "Preparing a Competitive...
June10ÖzU in Press - İlk 20 bine Tam Burs (Turkish)
Cumhuriyet Newspaper
June10-13Factiva Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Access to Faciva database will be unavailable due to planned maintenance. Start: Saturday, Jun 13, 2020, 19:00End: Saturday, Jun 13, 2020, 24:00 Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
June10-20Fit Startup Factory - Covid19 Fast Track Funding Call Winners Announced!
The winners of the Fit Startup Factory’s Covid19 Fast Funding Support Call have been announced.
June10-26FERM Online Information Session-June 25 at 18:00
We would like to inform you that our Financial Engineering and Risk Management (FERM) program Online Information Session will take place on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 18:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please...
Jun10-Jul31EÇEM YEVDES AR-GE Teknik Desteği Almaya Hak Kazandı
EÇEM YEVDES AR-GE Teknik Desteği Almaya Hak Kazandı
June09-12Cem Keskin - Thesis Dissertation Defense
Cem Keskin - Thesis Dissertation Defense
June05-12Dissertation Defense - Cem Keskin (PHDME)
Cem Keskin - Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering Prof. Pınar Mengüç – Advisor Date: 11.06.2020 Time: 14:00 Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an e-mail...
June05-12Thesis Defense - Oğuzhan Dalgıç (MSEE)
Oğuzhan Dalgıç- M.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Asst. Prof. Barkan Uğurlu – Advisor Asst. Prof. Ahmet Tekin - Co-Advisor Date: 11.06.2020 Time: 15:30 Location: This...
June05-30CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | 5 Haziran 2020 | DÜNYA ÇEVRE GÜNÜ Kutlu Olsun
CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | 5 Haziran 2020 | DÜNYA ÇEVRE GÜNÜ Kutlu Olsun
Jun05-Jul03DAAD German Universities Online Information Sessions - 2
Dear Students, A webinar event will be organized between the hours of 14.00-17.00 on 9 and 10 June 2020 by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD. A total of 10 German institutions will introduce themselves and their academic programs online....
June04-11Trial Access: Torrossa
Dear Library Users, Torrossa database is available for trial access until July 3rd. Torrossa database includes e-journals and e-books on Social Sciences, Art, Architecture, Applied Sciences, Technology, Language and Literature, History, Religion, Psychology...
June04-24Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. This online training series will include the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Citation Reports, Incites and Publons. One of the Web of...
June03-10Thesis Defense - Gisu Güldoğan (MSCE)
Gisu Güldoğan - M.Sc. Civil Engineering Asst.Prof. Zeynep Başaran Bundur – Advisor Date: 10.06.2020 Time: 11:30 Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an e-mail...
June03-11Thesis Defense - Uluç Şahin (MSCS)
Uluç Şahin - M.Sc. Computer Science Asst. Prof. Furkan Kıraç – Advisor Date: 10.06.2020 Time: 10:30 Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an...
June03-11Thesis Defense - Yağmur Baran (MSARCH)
Yağmur Baran - M.Sc. Architecture Prof. Alper Ünlü – Advisor Date: 10.06.2020 Time: 14:00 Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please send an e-mail to gizem.bakir@ozyegin.edu.tr in...
June02Info Webinar for Graduate Programs of the Faculty of Architecture and Design
The Faculty of Architecture and Design invites you to an info webinar to introduce its graduate programs: Master of Science (Thesis/Non-Thesis) and PhD Programs in Architecture, Master of Science in City and Architecture (Thesis/Non-thesis/ Turkish),...
June02-04Havelsan Online Career Summit
HAVELSAN Online Career Summit starts on Thursday, June 4th. If you want to be a participant in the Online Career Summit, you can reach detailed information via the "Yetenek Kapisi" (https://www.yetenekkapisi.org/) and make your application. The subject of the first part of HAVELSAN's Online Career Summit will be "Entrepreneurship and Product Management". Each participant will be given a certificate of participation, after a competition, one of the participants will win 1 Airpods.
June02-05ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Online Training
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about ProQuest Dissertations and Theses online user training. Date: Friday, June 5Time: 15.00-16.00Trainer: Hazal Yılmaz, The ProQuest Training & Consulting PartnerFor registration and training participation...
June02-05Trial Access: Sayısal Kitap
Dear Library Users, Sayısal Kitap database is available for trial access until June 30th. Sayısal Kitap is a Turkish database containing e-books and e-journals such as full-text novel, literary work, poetry, biography etc. Best regards, Library
June02-09Dissertation Defense - MOHAMMED ELAMASSIE (PHDEE)
MOHAMMED ELAMASSIE - Ph.D., Electrical and Electronics Engineering Prof. Dr. Murat Uysal – Advisor Date: 08.06.2020 Time: 10:00 Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please...
June02-11Ending the Year at Peace with Yourself
Psychological Development Unit Webinar Ending the Year at Peace with Yourself We have completed the Spring Period when the final exams ended. As the Psychological Development Unit, we invite you to renegotiate what you have experienced in the past year...
June02-12EMBA and MBA Online Information Session-June 11 at 19:00
We would like to inform you that our Executive MBA (EMBA) and MBA programs Online Information Session will take place on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 19:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please click for registration. Best...
June02-29We Are The Best Foundation University In Turkey In the Fields of Computer Sciences and Electronics
Guide2Research, one of the leading portals for computer science research, has published the “University Ranking for Computer Science & Electronics 2020”. Özyeğin University ranked first among the foundation universities in...
June01-29Communication Design senior student Tugay Çetinkaya has been awarded by winning the highest level in the poster design competition organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey held a poster design competition, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, with the theme of “National Sovereignty” to raise awareness...
June01-30ÖzU in Press - Gezegen Gezgini Dünya Finalinde (Turkish)
Seyyah Magazine - June
May30-Aug01Özyeğin University Child Rights Studies 2020 Master's Thesis Award
Child Rights Studies Master's Thesis will be given in partnership with Özyeğin University Faculty of Law Inter-Disciplinary Child Rights Laboratory and The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund Un...
May28-Jun08Silk Road School, Renmin University of China (Suzhou) Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies 2020 Program
Silk Road School, Renmin University of China (Suzhou) Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies 2020 Program Overview The Master of Contemporary Chinese Studies Program at Renmin University's Silk Road School (SRS) is a key measure by Renmin...
May26-Jun05Fulbright Webinar - Hidden Tips and Secrets: Applying to Graduate School
Dear Students, Turkey Fulbright Commission and the EducationUSA Center, along with Bentley University "Hidden Tips and Secrets: Applying to Graduate School entitled" webinar will be held. In the presentation, the information will be given about the...
May25-Jun05FERM Online Information Session-June 04 at 18:00
We would like to inform you that our Financial Engineering and Risk Management (FERM) program Online Information Session will take place on Thursday, June 04, 2020 at 18:00. We are looking forward to online meeting you in person....
May25-Jun29Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Küçükönal Elected for the Aviation Accreditation Board International(AABI) Management
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hatice Küçükönal, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science, has been elected as a member of the Board of Trustees at the Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI). The Aviation...
May20-Jun05Summer School 2020 - After the Damages (Italy)
“After the Damages - Prevention and safety solutions through design and practice on the existing built environment. The Italian experience”. Web platform: www.afterthedamages.com Deadline for candidatures: 23:00 CET of May 31, 2020. Description AFTER...
May13-Jun172019 – 2020 Spring Semester Final and Composite Examination Schedule
Dear Student, Please be advised that the 2019-2020 Spring semester final and composite exam schedules are now available in the Student Information System (SIS). To check your 2019-2020 Spring semester final and composite exam schedules, please go to...
May13-Jun172019 – 2020 Spring Semester Final And Composite Exam Schedule
Dear Students, Please be advised that the 2019-2020 Spring semester final and composite exam schedules are now available in the Student Information System (SIS). To check your 2019-2020 Spring semester final and composite exam schedules, please go to...
May06-Jun12DAAD German Universities Online Information Sessions
Dear Students, A webinar event will be organized between the hours of 15.00-18.00 on 13 and 14 May 2020 by the German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD. A total of 10 German institutions will introduce themselves and their academic programs online....
Apr17-Jun12REMINDER: Undergraduate Course Substitution Procedures (2019 - 2020 Spring Semester)
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till June 08, 2020 Monday at 14.00 via the Course Substitution screen under...
Apr13-Jun12OzU Art Collection Moves to Digital Platform with A New Perspective
Extraordinary Conditions and Art Challenges, small or big, always face us, and will continue to do so. The extraordinary conditions we go through globally these days is only one of these challenges. In overcoming these challenges, art helps us to take...
Apr10-Jun15Counselling Sessions and CV Trainings Continue Online
Counselling Sessions and CV Trainings Continue Online