Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Fit Startup Factory - Covid19 Fast Track Funding Call Winners Announced!
The winners of the Fit Startup Factory’s Covid19 Fast Funding Support Call have been announced.
Organized within the scope of the Center for Entrepreneurship Funding Program, the COVID-19 Fast Track Support Call is designed to support the innovative projects of the Özyeğin University faculty, students, and alumni which have the potential to make an impact, respond to an actual need, and are focused on scalable technology or social innovation. 20 projects applied for the call in total. Also, 32 volunteering students applied to support the projects within their capacities. The call garnered great attention, with the highest number of applications received from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business, and Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, and the School of Applied Sciences.
The finalists qualified to benefit from 40,000 ₺ financial support in total.
Anlık: A mobile application designed to offer affordable food-beverage services at restaurants and cafes with continuous campaigns
R-19: An automat intended to recycle medical waste such as masks and gloves used against COVID-19.
RetroStation: A retro game console designed to spend quality time at home during the quarantine.
Social Water: Smart water refill stations that unites water filtration and contactless payment.
Vet’NPaw: A virtual marketplace bringing together pet owners and veterinaries online.
In addition to 40,000 TL financial support, finalists will receive mentorship and strategic consultancy from the Fit Startup Factory’s Incubation Center and prototyping support from the OpenFab Workshop. Also, finalists will have free access to services offered by the Fit Startup Factory’s partners Oracle, Amazon Web Services, IBM and iyzico.
Projects which could not qualify to receive financial support will still be able to benefit from other types of support offered by the Center for Entrepreneurship, including mentorship and prototyping (MVP development).
The call also entails the organization of a separate event where project owners will be brought together with volunteers who wish to support the project teams. The event is intended to promote team building and accelerate the startup process.
If you also have startup ideas in the fields of the COVID-19 Fast Track Funding Call or in any other field, and would like to bring those ideas to life but you do not know where to begin, you can start with sending an email to girisimcilik@ozyegin.edu.tr explaining your business idea, and and begin benefiting from a vast array of supports offered by the Center for Entrepreneurship.