Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
April30ÖzU in Press - Bağlanmada, Kardeşler ve Akran İlişkileri (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
April30International Legal Assurance Mechanisms of State Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity Conference was held.
The international scientific conference on "International Legal Assurance Mechanisms of State Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity" organized by the Presidential Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, International Crimes and...
April30A conference on "Patient Autonomy and the Criminal Liability of the Physician" was held.
The event titled "Patient Autonomy and the Criminal Liability of the Physician" in which asst. prof. Mehmet Arslan was a speaker was held between 16.30-18.00 on Friday, within the scope of the Voluntary Specialized Meetings. ...
Apr30-May05Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu 15.04.2021 tarih ve 31455 sayılı T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmî Gazete 3198/2/1-1 no.lu Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları
Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu 15.04.2021 tarih ve 31455 sayılı T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmî Gazete 3198/2/1-1 no.lu Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı (İngilizce) Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları...
Apr30-May10Ebsco Platforms System Update
Dear Library Users, There will be a system update on Ebsco platforms in the week of May 5-12. The following transactions cannot be done in this process; - E-books on the Ebsco platform will not be able to be borrowed, but can be read online and download...
Apr30-May14Book Submission by Cargo in the Period of Full Closure
Dear Library Users, Due to full lockdown, books can not be sent by cargo between 30 April 2021 - 17 May 2021. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Apr30-May28Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. *Training sessions will be held in Turkish. Web of Science Researcher ID & PublonsDate: Thursday, May 6Time: 11:00-11:30For registration...
Apr30-May30Online Info Meeting - Graduate Law Programs
Graduate Law Programs will admit students for the 2021-2022 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: July 12 - August 13, 2021 Online Info Meeting: May 30, 2021 (from 11:30 through 12:30) Please click for Online Info...
Apr29-May06UBYO- 2021 Spring Seminars - "Changes in Talent Needs in the Hospitality Industry Globally - Current Updates After Covid-19 Pandemic" - Burçin Türkkan
We celebrated 2021 World SKAL Day at our Hospitality and Gastronomy Seminar with the participation of SKAL International Board Members. Ms. Burçin Türkkan, SKAL International Senior Vice President, has participated as a guest speaker. Ms. Türkkan...
Apr29-May20Psychological Development Unit - Understanding Emotions at The End of the Spring Term
Understanding Emotions at The End of the Spring Term As we live in pandemic conditions, we are getting ready to leave another academic year behind. Within the framework of the rules and requirements brought by this situation, we try to adapt to the...
April28"American Influence on International Commercial Arbitration" conference was held.
Our event titled "American Influence on International Commercial Arbitration" was held with the participation of Pedro J. Martínez-Fraga (Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, Miami USA) on April 28, 2021 between 20:00-21:30. ...
April28-30Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science database access interruptions may occur between 14.00-23.00 on Thursday, April 29 due to planned maintenance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April28-30Access Problem Has Been Solved: PsycTHERAPY Database
Dear Library Users, Access problem to the PsycTHERAPY database has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Apr27-May03PsycTHERAPY Database is Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to PsycTHERAPY database will be temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April26July 15 Coup D'état Attempt conference was held.
Our event titled "July 15 Coup D'état Attempt" was held with the participation of Prof. Tanel Demirel (Department of Political Science and International Relations, Çankaya University, Association for Liberal Thinking ...
April26-28IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Monday, April 23) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 20:00-23:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Apr26-May03Trial Access: IET.tv
Dear Library Users, IET.tv is available for trial access until June 15, 2021. IET.tv database provides access to over 13,000 videos in engineering, technology and related subjects. Please complete Trial Database Feedback Form to help with the evaluation...
Apr26-May31We Rank 1st in Turkey and 70th in the World for “Responsible Consumption and Production” in the THE Impact 2021 - Universities with Highest Social Impact Rankings
Times Higher Education’s “THE Impact Ranking” 2021 have been announced. Conducted by Times Higher Education, a London based higher education ranking institution, "THE Impact Ranking” ranks universities based on their societal...
April24Arbitration in Switzerland Conference was held.
Our event titled "Arbitration in Switzerland" was held with the participation of Dr. iur. Ali Çivi (Attorney at law, Çivi & Partners Law Firm) on April 24, 2021 between 17:00-18:30.
April23ÖzU in Press - Bağlanmada babaların rolü (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
April23-24"International Symposium on Child Law" was held.
The International Symposium on Child Law was held on Friday, April 23 between 16:45 and 20:20, with presentations by speakers from different countries and discussing issues related to child law in terms of comparative law and international law. ...
April23-29UBYO - 2021 Spring Seminars "Opening and Running a Restaurant Abroad"" Civan Er
Head Chef of Yeni Lokanta Istanbul and Yeni London, Mr. Civan Er, has participated as a guest speaker to the Hotel and Gastronomy Seminar of the School of Applied Sciences. Our guest shared his knowledge and experiences with a focus on various aspects...
Özyeğin Üniversitesi 4 adet hesaplama sunucusu temin edilmesi ihalesi Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler...
Apr23-Jul23Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü 2020-2021 Yaz Stajı Bilgilendirme
Architecture students may find 2020-2021 Summer Internship information and internship info video below. The page also consists of other internship implication steps, procedures and internship documents from the same page. https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/...
April22NEWSLETTER | CEEE/EÇEM 2021 Earth Day!
2021 Earth Day!
Apr22-May05Online Info Meeting - The Thesis Master’s Program in Design, Technology, and Society Gastronomy and Design Track
The Thesis Master’s Program in Design, Technology, and Society Gastronomy and Design Track will admit students for the 2021-2022 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: May 01 -June 30, 2021 Online Info...
Apr22-May142020 – 2021 Spring Semester Undergraduate Final And Composite Exam Schedule
Dear Students, Please be advised that the 2020-2021 Spring semester final and composite exam schedules are now available in the Student Information System (SIS). To check your 2020-2021 Spring semester final and composite exam schedules, please...
Apr22-Jun21First Shares of OzU Artistic Memory Project Opened to Access
During the development phase of OzUArts (beta), which was designed as the interactive, digital art platform of Özyeğin University, we were pleased to see that all of us have interacted with different artworks on our campus without even realizing...
April21Prof. M. Pinar Mengüç is an Invited Speaker at the 3rd Energy Symposium organized by Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Prof. M. Pinar Mengüç, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville’in 3. Enerji Sempozyumu’na Davetli Konuşmacı olarak Katılıyor
April20-22IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Tuesday, April 20) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 20:00-24:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Apr20-May04"Fighting Against Addiction Conference Series IV- Internet and Social Media Addiction" was held.
Share to FacebookShare to TwitterShare to PinterestShare to LinkedInShare to Diğer Our event titled "Internet and Social Media Addiction" was held with the participation of Clinical Psychologist Ahmet YILMAZ (Üsküdar University,...
Apr19-May05Tanıtım Toplantısı - Tasarım Teknoloji ve Toplum Lisansüstü Programları
The Thesis Master’s Program in Design, Technology, and Society will admit students for the 2021-2022 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: May 01 -June 30, 2021 Online Info Meeting: May 5, 2021 (from...
April17ÖzU in Press - Bilimin Işığında Sağlıklı Gıda (Turkish)
Dünya Newspaper
April17"Fighting Against Addiction Conference Series III- Fighting Against Drug Addiction" was held.
Our event titled " Fighting Against Drug Addiction” was held with the participation of Murat Sarıgüzel (Counter-Narcotics Department, Unit head of Turkish Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (TUBİM), 3rd-degree...
April16Legal Responsibility Arising from Medical Intervention conference was held.
Within the scope of Voluntary Specialization Rates, The "Legal Liability Arising from Medical Intervention" continued event, where Att. Halide Savaş was a speaker, was held on Friday, April 16, between 16.30 - 18.00. ...
April16ÖzU in Press - Yeterince İyi Anne-Baba Olabilmek ve Bağlanma (2) (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
April16-21Holiday of Happiness
Dear ÖzÜ Family, We keep learning during 2021 from the thing that 2020 brought to all humanity. Doing good, showing empathy, being compassionate, helping out and sharing are some of the crutial values that needs to be permanent in our lifes....
April16-29Tuğçe Tomrukçu - Private Law Master Thesis Defense
You are cordially invited to join the online Master Thesis Defense by Tuğçe Tomrukçu (Private Law Master's Degree Program) on Thursday April 29, 2021 at 14:00. The title and the meeting links are as follows: Thesis...
April15-22Trial Access: DataTurkey
Dear Library Users, DataTurkey is available for trial access until May 12, 2021. The database provides access to Turkey’s economic, sectoral, social and demographic data by collecting 19 different institutions such as The Turkish Statistical Agency,...
April15-22UBYO - 2021 Spring Seminars- "Career opportunities within Hilton" - Björn Olthof
Mr. Björn Olthof, Sr. Manager Graduate Recruitment EMEA of Hilton has participated as a guest speaker to the Hotel and Gastronomy Seminar of the School of Applied Sciences. Our guest shared his/her knowledge and experiences with a focus on Career...
April15-29Open Faculty Positions in the Official Gazette
Our University invites applications for full-time faculty positions. Candidates are expected to meet the requirements listed in the “Rules and Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members” as per Higher Education Law No:2547...
April15-30Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı (T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmî Gazete, 3198/2/1-1)
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Rektörlüğünden: Üniversitemizin aşağıda belirtilen akademik birimine, 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 31. Maddesi ile “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki...
April14"Montreux Convention and Turkey" panel was held.
Moderated by Nuray Ekşi and Prof. Dr. Yaşar Gürbüz and former Rear Admiral Dr. Ali Deniz Kutluk were the speaker "Montreux Convention and Turkey" panel on Wednesday, April 14, was conducted between 19.00- 20:30 hours. ...
April14-17Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science will undergo scheduled maintenance from April 15, 2021 at 14:00 to April 16, 2021 at 02:00. During this time, access may be intermittent. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April14-21Trial Access: Bloomsbury Architecture Library
Dear Library Users, Bloomsbury Architecture Library is available for trial access until June 7, 2021. Bloomsbury Architecture Library is a digital resource for the study of architecture, urbanism, and interior design. It offers access to wide-ranging...
Apr14-May01FERM Online Information Session-April 29 at 18:00
We would like to inform you that our Financial Engineering (FERM) program Online Information Session will take place on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 18:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please click...
Apr14-May31Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility Applications Result
Dear All, We announce the 2021-22 Erasmus+ study mobility and 2020-21 Traineeship mobility application results publicly. You may review the ranking lists for study and traineeship mobility below: E+ Study Mobility Result- Ranking List E+...
Apr13-May28"Research Engineers" are sought for doctorate in Industrial Engineering (within the scope of Tübitak 2244 Industry Doctorate Program)
"Research Engineers" are sought for doctorate in Özyeğin University Industrial Engineering (within the scope of Tübitak 2244 Industry Doctorate Program) Job description In line with the needs of the sector, engineers will be recruited...
April12ÖzU in Press - Yaratılan Krizler Kutuplaşmanın Sınırlarını Yeniden Çiziyor (Turkish)
Cumhuriyet Newspaper
Apr12-May01EMBA and MBA Online Information Session-Friday, April 30 at 18:00
We would like to inform you that our Executive MBA (EMBA) and MBA programs Online Information Session will take place on Friday, April 30, 2021 at 18:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please...
April09The Beginning of Life and Embryo Protection conference was held.
The event titled "The Beginning of Life and Embryo Protection" in which Melike Şentürk Tur was a speaker was held between 16:30-18:00 on 9 April Friday, within the scope of the Voluntary Specialized Meetings. ...
April09"Protection of Trademark and Patent Rights in the Scope of Intellectual Property Rights and Anti-Counterfeiting" conference was held.
The event "Protection of Trademark and Patent Rights in the Scope of Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights and Anti-Counterfeiting", where Serra Coral was a speaker, was held on Friday, April 9 between 19:00 - 20:30. ...
April09ÖzU in Press - Yeterince İyi Anne-Baba Olabilmek ve Bağlanma (1) (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
April09-16New Book Added to the Ozu Authors Collection : Thermal radiation heat transfer / M. Pinar Mengüc
Dear Library Users, We are pleased to announce that the new book by Pınar Mengüç, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, has been added to the OZU Authors Collection. • Thermal radiation heat transfer / John R. Howell, M. Pinar...
April08-15UBYO - 2021 Spring Seminars - "Pre and Post-Opening of a Hotel" - Ahmet Antepli
Mr. Ahmet Antepli, General Manager of The Address Hotel and Residences İstanbul has participated as a guest speaker to the Hotel and Gastronomy Seminar of the School of Applied Sciences. Our guest shared his/her knowledge and experiences with a focus...
April08-22"The Banks Association of Turkey Customer Complaints Arbitration Panel" was held.
Our event titled "The Banks Association of Turkey Customer Complaints Arbitration Panel" was held with the participation of Gülin Bölükbaşı on April 7, 2021 between 17:00-18:30.
April07Legal Education in America and Bar Examination conference was held.
The "Legal Education in America and Bar Examination" event, where Gülay Altınok was a speaker, was held on Wednesday, April 7 between 12.00 - 13.00.OzU members can access the meeting records from the relevant link: https://...
April07Forensic Medicine Conversations III - Evidence Detection in Crimes Committed with Firearms and Expertise conference was held.
The "Forensic Medicine Conversations III - Evidence Detection and Expertise in Crimes Committed by Firearms" was held on Wednesday, April 7, between 19.00 - 20.30, where Exp. Dr. Baha Berk Arpak (Forensic Medicine Institute Morgue Specialization...
April07-21Our Faculty Members Honored with BAGEP Award
The winners of the Science Academy’s Young Scientists Program (BAGEP) 2021 have been announced. The BAGEP program was initiated by the Science Academy to choose and reward the best young academics and to support them in conducting new studies. Assoc....
April07-30Fit Startup Factory Joins MobileAction for Startups Program!
Startups of Fit Startup Factory will be able to get a chance to access to MobileAction Growth Plan and SearchAds.com for 3 months and will have access to MobileAction Startup Plan 50% off for 1 year. And 30% off for the following years.
April06ÖzU in Press - Gündemi Değil "Anı" Kaçırıyoruz (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
April06-08IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Tuesday, April 6) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 20:00-22:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April05-19"Court of Accounts Auditors and Career Opportunities" was held.
Our event titled "Court of Accounts Auditors and Career Opportunities” was held with the participation of Dr. Şerif Özkan (Senior Auditor) on April 5, 2021 between 19:00-20:30. OzU members can access the meeting...
April05-26Our Students Return with Awards from IMMIB Industrial Design Competition
Our senior Industrial Design students Kumsal Kurt and Melis Çalıvık returned home with awards from the IMMIB (Istanbul Mineral and Metals Exporters' Association) Industrial Design Competition organized jointly by the Ministry of Commerce, ...
April02Seminar On “Sexuality In Children And Communicating This Subject To Parents”
Within the scope of the ÖzÜÇAM Monthly Seminars on Friday, April the 2nd, Sexologist and Sexuality Educator Rayka Kumru held a seminar on “Sexuality In Children And Communicating This Subject to Parents”.
April02"Introduction to Medical Law" conference was held.
Within the scope of Voluntary Specialization Rates, The event titled "Introduction to Medical Law", where Att. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hakan Hakeri was a speaker, was held on Friday, April 2 between 16.30 - 18.00. ...
April02ÖzU in Press - Üniversitelerden Zengin Burs Olanağı (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
April02-16"Current Issues Of International And Comparative Nationality Law" was held
Our event titled "Current Issues Of International And Comparative Nationality Law” was held with the participation of Professor Gerard-René de Groot on April 2, 2021 between 17:00-18:30. OzU members can access the...
April02-26Türkan Melis Parlak - Thesis Defense of Public Law PHD Program
You are cordially invited to join the online PHD Thesis Defense by Türkan Melis Parlak (Public Law PHD Program) on Monday April 26, 2021 at 02:00 p.m. The title and the meeting links are as follows: Türkan Melis Parlak Thesis...
Apr02-May28Çağla Karadağ - Doctoral Qualifying Oral Examinations of Public Law PHD Program
You are cordially invited to join the online Doctoral Qualifying Oral Examination by Çağla Karadağ (Public Law PHD Program) on Friday May 28, 2021 at 12:00 a.m. The title and the meeting links are as follows: Çağla Karadağ Doctoral...
April01-30EÇEM/CEEE Newsletter | April 2021
Mar31-Apr07Psychology Master's Degree Program Online Info Meeting
Psychology Master's Degree Program will accept students for the 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester. Online Info Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 16:00. Please register to attend the Meeting:https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/sosya...
Mar31-Apr15Assistant Professor Senem Timuroğlu’s Book “Winged Women - Friendship of Ottoman and European Women Writers” Selected the Best Book of the Year
Özyeğin University Professor Assistant Professor Senem Timuroğlu’s book “Winged Women - Friendship of Ottoman and European Women Writers”, which was published by İletişim Publishing House, has been recognized as Best Book of...
Mar31-May308 Questions 8 Answers
Dear Students, We have prepared the 360 Advising Office Brochure for you in order to provide you with the information about the support you can get from the 360 Advising Office. You can always contact us at advising@ozyegin.edu.tr for more questions...
Mar30-Apr13"Marine Accidents" was held.
Our event titled "Marine Accidents" was held with the participation of Binoy DUBEY (INCE & CO Admiralty Manager ) on March 30, 2021, between 10:00-12:00.
Mar30-Apr28Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. *Training sessions will be held in Turkish. Web of Science Core Collection kullanarak güvenle araştırma yapın : Akademisyenlere YönelikDate:...
Mar28-Apr12Senem Timuroğlu Awarded by GSU Students
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences faculty member Dr. Senem Timuroğlu's book "Kanatlanmış Kadınlar" received the Best Book of 2020 Prize by the students of Galatasaray University.
Mar26-Apr02OZU Library Guides: LibGuides
Dear Library Users, We are pleased to announce that the online library guides of OZU Library "LibGuides" has been added to Library webpage. LibGuides were created to help you with your research. We will be adding more LibGuides very soon. Please...
Mar26-Apr09"Current Developments in Eastern Mediterranean In Terms Of International Law” was held.
Our event titled "Current Developments in Eastern Mediterranean In Terms Of International Law” was held with the participation of Prof. Hasan Köni (İstanbul Kültür University Faculty of Law) on March 26, 2021 between...
Mar25-Apr01UBYO - 2021 Spring Seminars - "Career Planning and Interview Techniques" Koray Adıgüzel
Mr. Koray Adıgüzel, Director of Human Resources of Lujo Hotel Bodrum has participated as a guest speaker to the Hotel and Gastronomy Seminar of the School of Applied Sciences. Our guest shared his/her knowledge and experiences with a focus on Career...
Mar25-Apr08Fit Startup Factory Joins Digital Ocean Hatch Program!
Startups of Fit Startup Factory will be able to get a chance to apply for $1,000 in infrastructure credit, plus access to a vibrant community of founders, free priority support, technical consultation, events, and more!
Mar24-Apr0157th Library Week|Conversations: Okumadan Kitap Eleştirileri
Dear Library Users, We would like to invite you to a pleasant conversation with the psychiatrist Fatih Altınöz, moderated by our Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty member Çimen Günay-Erkol, within the scope of the 57th Library Week....
Mar19-Apr02"March 18, 1915 Gallipoli Victory and Atatürk" was held.
Our event titled "March 18, 1915 Gallipoli Victory and Atatürk” was held with the participation of Dr. Orhan Çekiç. OzU members can access the meeting recordings from the link below:
Mar12-May11MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering (FERM) Programs Online Applications
Online applications for MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering and Risk Management (FERM) Programs have started. Early Application: May 31, 2021 (5% incentive discount for early applications) Application Deadline: August 31, 2021 For...
Feb17-Apr17Graduate Education Cooperation Protocol
"Graduate Education Cooperation Protocol" has been made between Justice Academy of Turkey and Özyeğin University. In accordance with this Protocol, which entered into force on 30.12.2020, judges, prosecutors, judge, and...
Feb17-Apr18Art at Özyeğin University
What does art mean for a university? Art has always been a significant component of high-level discussions at Özyeğin University. Art has expanded the boundaries of research and discussions across disciplines, ever deepening our comprehension. ...
Feb17-Apr18360 Advising Office Brochure
Dear Students, 360 Advising Office contributes to your academic, social and personal development, and helps you make academic planning and goal management. We direct you to the relevant student support units in the matters you need and support...
Feb08-Apr09“Nonviolent Masculinity Workshops” Manual Available Online
The dissemination meeting to promote the “Nonviolent Masculinity Workshops” Manual by Özyeğin University and the Initiative for Critical Studies of Masculinities (ICSM) was held online on 30th January 2021. The dissemination...
Feb05-Apr06REMINDER - Erasmus+ Applications start today as of February 5!
2021-22 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship online application period starts today and will be active until 19 February, 13:00. The late applications will not be accepted. You may review the previous announcement from this link and follow the...
Feb01-Jun05Acı Kaybımız: Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Mezunumuz Emre Özgüler
Değerli Özyeğin Üniversitesi Mensupları; Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Lisans Programı 2019 Güz Dönemi mezunumuz Emre Özgüler’i elim bir olay neticesinde kaybetmenin derin üzüntüsü içerisindeyiz. Öğrenci...