Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Holiday of Happiness
Dear ÖzÜ Family,
We keep learning during 2021 from the thing that 2020 brought to all humanity. Doing good, showing empathy, being compassionate, helping out and sharing are some of the crutial values that needs to be permanent in our lifes. And this past year helped us out to learn, feel and experience the importance of those values.
As Community Engagement Projects Unit at Özyeğin Üniversity we work for to keep our battle on making sense of those values though creating social responsibility projects. One of them was Boxes of Hope, that took place last December in coordination with our Sustainability Platform. With this project we were able to help 191 families living in Nişantepe to meet their daily and basic food and cleaning product needs. Thank you all who contributed! 23rd of April is at the corner!
So during this 23rd of April (National Sovereignty and Cahildren's Day) we are celebrating kids holiday who study at Nişantepe Primary School. Holiday of Happiness projects aims to appreciate and support childrens' right to play. In order to support that mission you can send toys, crayons and books to the kids.
You need to follow the steps and send gifts to as many children as you wish;
- Fill out the application form,
- Wait for the e-mail from duyarlıozu@ozyegin.edu.tr address. In that email we are going to tell you the demographic and communication information of the kid (We've gathered this information with the help of our partner, Nişantepe Primary School)
- After receiving that e-mail you may go to any online shopping website / app and fill your basket with the things you wish to send,
- Write the address that we sent you as the “delivery address” and write your own address as “billing address”.
Feel the joy of sharing! And invite your friends to feel it too!
Application Deadline: 21st April 2021
Sending Deadline: 26th April 2021
All the best,
Community Engagement Projects