Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
March31"Artificial Intelligence Principles: Ethics and Law" panel was held.
Organized by the Faculty of Law, The "Artificial Intelligence Principles: Ethics and Law" panel, where Başak Ozan Özparlak and Dr. Cansu Canca were speakers, was held on Wednesday, March 31, between 17.00 - 19.00. OzU members can access the meeting...
March31The Conference on the Importance of English in the Lawyer Profession was held.
Organized by the Faculty of Law, Att. The "Importance of English in the Profession of Law" event, where Yeşim Bezen was a speaker, was held on Wednesday, March 31, between 14.30 - 15.30. OzU members can access the meeting records from the relevant...
March31The Invention Co-Developed by Prof. Dr. M. Pınar Mengüç Receives Triadic Patent
The invention “Flow System for Avoiding Particle Agglomeration”, which was co-developed by Prof. Dr. Pınar Mengüç, Director of the Center for Energy, Environment and Economy (CEEE) at Özyeğin University, was registered by...
Mar31-Apr07Psychology Master's Degree Program Online Info Meeting
Psychology Master's Degree Program will accept students for the 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester. Online Info Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 16:00. Please register to attend the Meeting:https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr/sosya...
Mar31-Apr15Assistant Professor Senem Timuroğlu’s Book “Winged Women - Friendship of Ottoman and European Women Writers” Selected the Best Book of the Year
Özyeğin University Professor Assistant Professor Senem Timuroğlu’s book “Winged Women - Friendship of Ottoman and European Women Writers”, which was published by İletişim Publishing House, has been recognized as Best Book of...
Mar31-May308 Questions 8 Answers
Dear Students, We have prepared the 360 Advising Office Brochure for you in order to provide you with the information about the support you can get from the 360 Advising Office. You can always contact us at advising@ozyegin.edu.tr for more questions...
Mar30-Apr13"Marine Accidents" was held.
Our event titled "Marine Accidents" was held with the participation of Binoy DUBEY (INCE & CO Admiralty Manager ) on March 30, 2021, between 10:00-12:00.
Mar30-Apr28Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. *Training sessions will be held in Turkish. Web of Science Core Collection kullanarak güvenle araştırma yapın : Akademisyenlere YönelikDate:...
Mar28-Apr12Senem Timuroğlu Awarded by GSU Students
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences faculty member Dr. Senem Timuroğlu's book "Kanatlanmış Kadınlar" received the Best Book of 2020 Prize by the students of Galatasaray University.
March26ÖzU in Press - Çocuğun Mizacı ve Bağlanma (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
March26Protection of the Environment Through Procedural Rights: Right to Information Conference was held.
The event titled "Protection of the Environment Through Procedural Rights: Right to Information" in which asst. prof. Erkan Duymaz was a speaker was held between 16.30 - 18.00 on Friday, within the scope of the Voluntary Specialized Meetings. ...
March26Seminar On “The Process of Handling Legal Issues in Therapy”
Within the scope of the ÖzÜÇAM Monthly Seminars on Friday, March the 26th, Head of the Istanbul Bar Association Child Rights Center, Advocate Aşkın Topuzoğlu, and Assoc. Prof. Asli Akdas Mitrani held a seminar on “The...
March26-28The Video of with Our Olympic Athlete Tutya Yılmaz on Our Youtube Channel
Dear OzU Members, Our pleasant conversation with our national athlete Tutya Yılmaz is on youtube. Our video here. Atlethic Center
March26-29IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, On Saturday, March 27, user account functions will be unavailable from 2:00 AM–10:00 PM ET. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Mar26-Apr02OZU Library Guides: LibGuides
Dear Library Users, We are pleased to announce that the online library guides of OZU Library "LibGuides" has been added to Library webpage. LibGuides were created to help you with your research. We will be adding more LibGuides very soon. Please...
Mar26-Apr09"Current Developments in Eastern Mediterranean In Terms Of International Law” was held.
Our event titled "Current Developments in Eastern Mediterranean In Terms Of International Law” was held with the participation of Prof. Hasan Köni (İstanbul Kültür University Faculty of Law) on March 26, 2021 between...
Mar25-Apr01UBYO - 2021 Spring Seminars - "Career Planning and Interview Techniques" Koray Adıgüzel
Mr. Koray Adıgüzel, Director of Human Resources of Lujo Hotel Bodrum has participated as a guest speaker to the Hotel and Gastronomy Seminar of the School of Applied Sciences. Our guest shared his/her knowledge and experiences with a focus on Career...
Mar25-Apr08Fit Startup Factory Joins Digital Ocean Hatch Program!
Startups of Fit Startup Factory will be able to get a chance to apply for $1,000 in infrastructure credit, plus access to a vibrant community of founders, free priority support, technical consultation, events, and more!
March24-26IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Wednesday, March 24) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 21:00-23:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March24-26Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science will undergo scheduled maintenance from March 24, 2021 at 14:00 to March 25, 2021 at 02:00. During this time, access may be intermittent. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Mar24-Apr0157th Library Week|Conversations: Okumadan Kitap Eleştirileri
Dear Library Users, We would like to invite you to a pleasant conversation with the psychiatrist Fatih Altınöz, moderated by our Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty member Çimen Günay-Erkol, within the scope of the 57th Library Week....
March23Our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk attends as invited speaker a panel discussion organized by the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk attended as invited speaker the panel discussion “Pandemic & Challenges and Opportunities: Women” organized online by the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO on Tuesday, March 23 in observance...
March20ÖzU in Press - Özyeğin Üniversitesi Tasarımına İki Ödül (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
March20-27Hospitality & Tourism Complete Database Online Training
Dear Library Users, We would like to invite you to attend the online training "Hospitality & Tourism Complete Database”. Date: Friday, March 26 Time: 12:30- 13.30 For training participation please click here. On the date and time of the webinar...
March19The conference on Protection of the Environment Through Procedural Rights: Right to Participation and Judicial Appeal was held.
The event titled "Protection of the Environment Through Procedural Rights: Right to Participation and Judicial Appeal" in which Ilgın Özkaya Özlüer was a speaker was held between 17:00-18:30 on Friday, within the scope...
March19-25There Is No Planet B!
Climate crisis is here with all its glory. Past couple of years planet Earth keeps breaking temperature records of being the highest each year. We can swim during the supposedly coldest times of winter, and we lack water during summer months. We...
Mar19-Apr02"March 18, 1915 Gallipoli Victory and Atatürk" was held.
Our event titled "March 18, 1915 Gallipoli Victory and Atatürk” was held with the participation of Dr. Orhan Çekiç. OzU members can access the meeting recordings from the link below:
March18-23EndNote User Training
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about EndNote user training. Please register here before the training day. Date: Monday, March 22Time: 14:00-16:00To join the training please click here on the day and time of the event. In this webinar...
March17-21Access Problem Has Been Solved: PsycTHERAPY Database
Dear Library Users, Access problem to the PsycTHERAPY database has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March17-31We Support Earth Hour!
Organized annually as a global initiative by WWF since 2007 to call attention to global environmental issues, in particular climate change, Earth Hour will be celebrated this year on Saturday evening, March 27, with the participation of millions of people...
March15Fight Against Addiction Conference Series II - Drug Addiction conference was held.
"Drug Addiction" Conference was held with the participation of Ömer Esenkaya on Monday, March 15, between 18:00 and 19:30. OzU members can access the meeting records from the relevant link: https://ozu.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=2ad59eb4-b79b-4772-8d65-acec01238d75 ...
March15-29Conference Series on The Fight Against Addiction II- Drug Addiction was held.
As part of the Conference Series on The Fight Against Addiction, our event titled "Drug Addiction" was held on Monday, March 15, from 18:00 through 19:30 with the participation of Dr. Ömer Esenkaya.
March14-22Buse Usta, Master Student in City and Architecture Non-Thesis Master Program, Won an Equivalent Award in the 'Kaş'ın Kahramanları Monument Design Competition.
Our student Buse Usta, who is in the City and Architecture Non-Thesis Master Program, and her teammate won an equivalent award in the 'Kaş'ın Kahramanları Monument Design Competition. We congratulate them for their success.
March13The book "Robot, Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies in Criminal Law" was published with the contribution of OzU Faculty of Law students.
ÖzÜ Faculty of Law graduates and students Ceren Kalan, Esra Rüveyda Uçar, Şevval Mihran, Burcu Çirkinceli, Işık Ağırgöl, Çağla Karadağ, Güneş Sarıtaş and Eylül Tarım contributed to the book...
March13-31THE Emerging Economies 2021 Rankings named Özyeğin University one of the top five foundation universities in Turkey
Özyeğin University is also the youngest Turkish university in the 2021 rankings, and is placed third among all Turkish universities in the terms of research influence as measured by citations. Times Higher Education (THE), a leading ranking institution...
March12Discretionary Specialized Meetings- Right to Environment and Protection of Environment in ECHR Decisions conference was held.
The event titled "Right to Environment and Protection of Environment in ECHR Decisions" in which asst. prof. Erkan Duymaz was a speaker was held between 17:00-18:30 on Friday, within the scope of the Discretionary Specialized Meetings. ...
March12-19EndNote 20 Windows and Mac have been released!
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you that EndNote20 the latest version is accessible under the Library E-Resources. Note: Windows 8 users will continue to use the previous version of EnNote, EndNote X9.3.3. EndNote is a software that allows...
March12-19NexisUni Database is Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to NexisUni database will be temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Mar12-May11MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering (FERM) Programs Online Applications
Online applications for MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering and Risk Management (FERM) Programs have started. Early Application: May 31, 2021 (5% incentive discount for early applications) Application Deadline: August 31, 2021 For...
March09Our National Anthem and Mehmet Akif Ersoy Conference was held.
Our event titled "Our National Anthem and Mehmet Akif Ersoy” was held with the participation of Prof. Dr. Nurullah Çetin. OzU members can access the meeting records from the relevant link: https://ozu.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=39bd45d2-2031-4eb2-9077-ace60120fa6b ...
March09-12IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Tuesday, March 9) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 09:00-13:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March09-23SEPG's Social Media Accounts ...
Follow us to be informed about the developments!
March08Fight Against Addiction Conference Series I- ADDICTION Conference was held.
"ADDICTION: What is it? How to be addicted? How can we protect ourselves?" Conference was held with the participation of Aylin Ağırman on Monday, March 8, between 14:00 and 15:00. OzU members can access the meeting records from the relevant...
March08March 8 International Women's Day Celebrated with a Series of Events
International Women’s Day is a global day observed all around the world to raise women’s political and social awareness on human rights, and celebrate their economic, political, and social achievements. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk...
March08-12The Hospitality & Tourism Complete Online Database Training Has Been Postponed
Dear Library Users, The Hospitality & Tourism Complete online database training, which will take place tomorrow, has been postponed to a later date. We’ll inform you again as soon as we know the new date. Thank you for your understanding. Best...
March08-23March 8 International Women’s Day Events
ÖzU Business ClubWomen in Business Summit – March 8, 2021 The summit whose opening address will be delivered by our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk will begin at 14:00. The event will feature Deniz Tavşancıl Kalafatoğlu, President...
March05Attorney Profession and Internship Conference was held.
Our event titled "Attorney Profession and Internship Conference” was held with the participation of Efra Aydın Can and Erman Eralp. The meeting records from the relevant link: https://ozu.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.asp...
March05Discretionary Specialized Meetings- An Overview of the Right to Environment conference was held.
The event titled "An Overview of the Right to Environment" with the participation of Mikdat Kadıoğlu was held on Friday, March 5, between 16.30 - 18.00. ...
March05ÖzU in Press - Bağlanma ve Psikolojik Bozukluklar (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
March05Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
According to the announcement has been declared on the Official Gazette and on the Özyeğin University website on 15.02.2021, the research assistant candidate who passed the preliminary examination stage and qualified to take the written...
March05-10Hospitality & Tourism Complete Database Online Training
Dear Library Users, We would like to invite you to attend the online training "Hospitality & Tourism Complete Database”. Date: Tuesday, March 9 Time: 13:30- 14.30For training participation please click here.On the date and time of the webinar...
March05-31Fit Startup Factory Joins Jetlexa Startup Program
Startups applying to the Jetlexa Startup Program will be eligible to benefit from 20+ professionally prepared legal contract templates in the contract library will be transferred to the startup's basic account free of charge.
March04ÖzU in Press - Hüsnü Özyeğin ile Bir Söyleşi (Turkish)
Harvard Business Review
March04ÖzU in Press - Yeni Problemlere Yeni Çözümler (Turkish)
Start Up Magazine
March04-11Creating a Landing Page for Customers Workshop
Within the scope of the webinar that we will organize as part of the 2nd Call period of the Techno-entrepreneurship Capital Support Program (BIGG), we will explain in practice how you can test the value proposition of your startup idea with customers.
March04-11UBYO - 2021 Spring Seminars - "Hotel Operating Business Models" - İlhan Akpınar
Mr. İlhan Akpınar, Owner Representative of Hotel Investments of Ant Yapı Industry and Trade JSC has participated as a guest speaker to the Hotel and Gastronomy Seminar of the School of Applied Sciences. Our guest shared his/her knowledge and experiences...
March04-25Özyeğin University Honored with University Contributing to Gender Equality Award
Turkey's Women Leaders Award Ceremony, organized by Dünya Newspaper in strategic partnership with the Center for Gender Studies at Koc University (KOC-KAM), was held on March 1, 2021. Özyeğin University was honored with the “Universities...
March03-17"Forensic Medicine Talks II - Beyond the Seen in Forensic Genetics" was held.
Our event titled "Forensic Medicine Talks II - Beyond the Seen in Forensic Genetics" was held with the participation of Assistant Professor İpek Esen Melez (Bezmialem Vakıf University, Forensic Medicine Department Head). ...
March03-17Research Assistant Recruitment Pre-Evaluation Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 15.02.2021 and on the Özyeğin University website on 15.02.2021, the pre-evaluation results of the Research Assistant in the field of Public Law /Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law are...
March02"Sports Law and Football Management" conference was held.
Our event titled "Sports Law and Football Management” was held with the participation of Erkut Söğüt. OzU members can access the meeting records from the relevant link: https://ozu.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer....
March02-04Liyakat Startup School
The Liyakat Startup School Event will take place on Wednesday, March 3 with the opening speech of Director of Knowledge, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship, Dr. İsmail Arı, our academic initiatives Pacha Cip and Optiyol and their startup experiences, and our team member Yücel Faruk Şaha with No-Code Training.
March02-16Deriş Academy Seminar Series
The Deriş Academy Seminar Series will start on Wednesday, March 10. Events will be held online and Yasemin Başar (Consultant of the Board of Directors at Deriş Patents and Trademarks Agency) will be the instructor of these seminars. The pr...
March02-23Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. *Training sessions will be held in Turkish. Web of Science Researcher ID & PublonsDate: Tuesday, March 9Time: 14:00-14:30For registration...
March02-23Two Papers Authored by Our COVID-19 Forecasting and Solution Development Team Published on Sarkac.org
Founded to conduct strategy-focused, fast, and guided research on COVID-19 pandemic-related problems pertaining to our society or university and share its findings with society and decision makers, the OzU COVID-19 Forecasting and Solution Development...
March01-04Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science will undergo scheduled maintenance from March 1, 2021 at 14:00 to March 2, 2021 at 02:00. During this time, access may be intermittent. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March01-304th International Women Filmmakers Festival Turkey
The program of the 4th International Women Filmmakers Festival Turkey has been announced. The festival is organized by the Women Filmmakers Association and is directed by a woman director Gülten Taranç on three different dates this year. Within...
Feb26-Mar10Our Students Return From “Hack The Bank – Design The Future Banking” Hackathon with Honors
The "Hack the Bank - Design the Future Banking" Hackathon, exclusively designed for university students by Yapı Kredi Technology, was held on February 20-21. The hackathon brought together university students who are interested in new technologies...
Feb25-Mar04New Database: Legal Online - Online Library
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Legal Online – Online Kütüphane database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Legal Online - Online Library includes more than 480 law books and 690+ law journal issues. Best...
Feb25-Mar04New Database: Legalbank
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Legalbank database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Legalbank includes more than 2,000.000 ruling-cases, 44,000+ legislations and academic articles, petitions and 400+ justifications. Best...
Feb25-Mar05Trial Access: EconLit with Full Text
Dear Library Users, EconLit with Full Text is available for trial access until May 1, 2021. EconLit includes many full-text journals, including the American Economic Association journals without embargo. Please complete Trial Database Feedback Form...
Feb25-Mar05Trial Access: Engineering Source
Dear Library Users, Engineering Source is available for trial access until May 1, 2021. Engineering Source is the database across all engineering disciplines, including biomedical, civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental and software. It includes...
Feb25-Mar05Trial Access: Political Science Complete
Dear Library Users, Political Science Complete is available for trial access until Mayıs 1, 2021. Political Science Complete includes more than 440 non-open access full-text journals, nearly 330 full-text reference books and monographs, more than 50,000...
Feb25-Mar09Özyeğin Üniversitesi Microsoft Lisans Yenileme İhalesi
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Microsoft Lisans Yenileme ihalesi Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda...
Feb25-Mar12Return date of the books in your Library Account
Dear Library Users, The return dates of the books you borrowed are extended until 27 September 2021. Best regards, Library
Feb25-Mar27EMBA and MBA Online Information Session-Friday, March 26 at 18:00
We would like to inform you that our Executive MBA (EMBA) and MBA programs Online Information Session will take place on Friday, March 26, 2021 at 18:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please...
Feb24-Mar10“Forensic Medicine Talks I - Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection in Violent Crimes” was held.
Our event titled "Forensic Medicine Talks I - Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence Collection in Violent Crimes” was held with the participation of Associate Prof. Murat Nihat Arslan (Director of Istanbul Morgue Department at...
Feb22-Mar15Fit Startup Factory Joins Botgate AI for Startups Program
Startups of Fit Startup Factory will be eligible to receive Botgate usage credits with discounts of 50%, 60%, and 70%.
Feb19-Mar07Undergraduate Add – Drop Period (2020 - 2021 Spring Semester)
Dear Students,The add-drop period for the 2020 - 2021 Spring semester will start on February 24, 2020, Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. and will end on March 02, 2021, Tuesday at 4.00 p.m.You can add, drop and change sections of the courses on Student Information...
Feb17-Apr17Graduate Education Cooperation Protocol
"Graduate Education Cooperation Protocol" has been made between Justice Academy of Turkey and Özyeğin University. In accordance with this Protocol, which entered into force on 30.12.2020, judges, prosecutors, judge, and...
Feb17-Apr18360 Advising Office Brochure
Dear Students, 360 Advising Office contributes to your academic, social and personal development, and helps you make academic planning and goal management. We direct you to the relevant student support units in the matters you need and support...
Feb17-Apr18Art at Özyeğin University
What does art mean for a university? Art has always been a significant component of high-level discussions at Özyeğin University. Art has expanded the boundaries of research and discussions across disciplines, ever deepening our comprehension. ...
Feb15-Mar01Open Faculty Positions in Official Gazette
Our University invites applications for full-time faculty positions. Candidates are expected to meet the requirements listed in the “Rules and Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members” as per Higher Education Law No:2547...
Feb08-Apr09“Nonviolent Masculinity Workshops” Manual Available Online
The dissemination meeting to promote the “Nonviolent Masculinity Workshops” Manual by Özyeğin University and the Initiative for Critical Studies of Masculinities (ICSM) was held online on 30th January 2021. The dissemination...
Feb05-Apr06REMINDER - Erasmus+ Applications start today as of February 5!
2021-22 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship online application period starts today and will be active until 19 February, 13:00. The late applications will not be accepted. You may review the previous announcement from this link and follow the...
Feb01-Jun05Acı Kaybımız: Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Mezunumuz Emre Özgüler
Değerli Özyeğin Üniversitesi Mensupları; Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Lisans Programı 2019 Güz Dönemi mezunumuz Emre Özgüler’i elim bir olay neticesinde kaybetmenin derin üzüntüsü içerisindeyiz. Öğrenci...
Jan22-Mar23Summer School 2021 - University of Pecs, Hungary
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding The Cultural Heritage of Hungary, sent from one of our partner institutions University of Pecs (Hungary). You can find the information and details provided by...