Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

March 8 International Women’s Day Events
ÖzU Business Club
Women in Business Summit – March 8, 2021
The summit whose opening address will be delivered by our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk will begin at 14:00.
The event will feature Deniz Tavşancıl Kalafatoğlu, President of the Animal Rights Center at Istanbul Bar Association, Begüm Nalcı, Regional Human Resources Director for Turkey and Middle East at Danone, Dr. Aslı Zuluğ, Faculty Member at Özyeğin University and Entrepreneur, and Simay Akar, CCO and Co-Founder at INOSES, as invited speakers.
For Registration: https://linktr.ee/ozubusiness/
Talk: Boğaziçi University Sociology Society - March 8, 2021
Associate Prof. Berna Zengin Arslan from our Faculty of Social Sciences will attend the talk“Feminist Science Criticism and Feminist Epistemology” organized by Boğaziçi University Sociology Society.
The event will be held online via Zoom at 18:00. You may register for the event via the link below.
For Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrXQ0BE9cEKle0Y_9PhROu36hwsWWwnsAF41mAGQYem8W77A/viewform
Sustainability Conversations - Inspiration Series -1 Elibelinde Agriculture: An Example of Woman Entrepreneurship in Agriculture - March 9, 2021
We previously shared our “Sustainability Conversations -Inspiration Series” with you. Our new series will begin with the talk “Elibelinde Agriculture: An Example of Woman Entrepreneurship in Agriculture” with your participation. The talk will put the spotlight on the foundation journey of Elibelinde Agriculture, a woman entrepreneurship example focused on sustainable agriculture and local production through agricultural investment and development.
Invited Speaker: Aslı Aksoy - Elibelinde Agriculture Founder, Entrepreneur
Moderator: Assistant Professor Candan Türkkan - Özyeğin University School of Applied Sciences
Time: 15:40-16:30
For Registration: https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsduugrz4vGNHHQ0tKw4o_sTnAH6tUTOlC
“Men’s Intervention To Gender Inequality: What can be done?” – March 9, 2021
The online panel discussion “Men’s Intervention To Gender Inequality: What can be done?”organized by Özyeğin University and the Initiative for Critical Studies of Masculinities in collaboration with the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul will take place at 15:30. The event will begin with the opening address of our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk.
The panel will feature the Violence-Free Men’s Workshops Handbook project team, AÇEV, HeForShe, and UNDP Turkey Goodwill Ambassador Mert Fırat as invited speakers.
Zoom Registration Link: http://bit.ly/9mart_zoom
ICSM Youtube Account: https://bit.ly/eeii_youtube
Gastronometro Talks : “Women’s Power” in the Horeca Sector - March 9, 2021
The panel discussion will explore the challenges and opportunities women face in their career journeys. The event will begin at 13:00. Ms. Defne Ertan Tüysüzoğlu, Instructor at the School of Applied Sciences at Özyeğin University and Director of Le Cordon Bleu, will join the event as invited speaker at 14:20.
To watch the event: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTA7Ymv6zaAUMFx_1qrgjg
OzU Women’ Studies Club - March 9, 2021
The talk “Being a Woman and its Challenges During Covid-19” will begin at 18:30.
OzU Women’ Studies Club : “Development of Women’s Rights” - March 11, 2021
In observance of International Women's Day, the historical development of women’s rights will be discussed within the framework of “Suffragette”, one of the movies that best describes women’s right development. The event will begin at 19.00.
Participation Link: https://ozyegin-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95831834068?pwd=ZTlOQzZqUGNuK3JuMGIvdnQ3TjRDQT09
UNESCO - Pandemic & Challenges and Opportunities: Women’s Panel - March 23, 2021
“Pandemic & Challenges and Opportunities: Women’s Panel” organized online by the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO in observance of International Women’s Day will take place on March 23, 2021, at 15:00 with the participation of our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk.
To join the event, please use the following link: https://zoom.us/j/95581166958?pwd=Wm55Vkk5NGowdXZ4SGJiNHAwVmJpQT09
To join with ID Number: ID: 955 8116 6958
Password: 258604