Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
January31ÖzU in Press - Öğrencilere Pilot Olma Kolaylığı (Turkish)
Posta Newspaper
Jan29-Feb09SEC 499: Building a New Business
SEC 499: Building a New Business
Dear Researchers, The Young Scientists Award Programme (GEBİP) aims to support young (under 39 years of age and for women scientists who gave birth, one year for each birth is added to the age limit) and outstanding scientists who are at the...
Jan28-Feb112018-2019 Spring Undergraduate Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the undergraduate weekly course schedule for the 2018-2019 Spring semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. Kind Regards, Student Services
Jan25-Mar01Summer Schools 2019: University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dear Students, We are pleased to share with you a summer school opportunity in Amsterdam for PhD candidates, advanced master students, and postdoctoral researchers. The program is jointly organized by the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES)...
January23Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık Honored by ASME with “Clock” Award
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık, our faculty member at the Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Program, has been honored with the K16 (Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment) Clock Award by the Heat Transfer Division (HTD) of The American Society of Mechanical...
Jan23-Feb282018 – 2019 Spring Undergraduate Tuition Payments
Dear Students, Information pertaining to tuition payments & payment dates for the 2018 – 2019 Spring semester is now posted on our university website. For detailed information, please click here. In order to be eligible...
Jan23-Feb282018 – 2019 Spring Graduate Programs Tuition Payments
Dear Students, Information pertaining to tuition payments & payment dates for the 2018 – 2019 Spring semester is now posted on our university website. For detailed information, please click here. In order to be eligible...
Jan22-Mar23Summer Schools 2019: University of Liverpool, England
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce a summer school opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Liverpool! There are three modules you can choose from. The dates are as follows: Start date: June 24, 2019 - Duration: 3 weeks Start...
Dear Students, You may find below the dormitory application and check-in procedures for the 2018-2019 Spring Semester. Please observe the guidelines and rules below when applying for or checking in the dormitories. 2018-2019 SPRING SEMESTER...
January19-22ÖzU in Press - İsrafa son! Vakit geldi geçiyor... (English)
Hürriyet Newspaper - Müge Akgün
January18-312018 – 2019 Spring Semester Tuition Payments
Dear Students, Information pertaining to tuition payments & payment dates for the 2018 – 2019 Spring semester is now posted on our university website. For detailed information, please click here. In order to be eligible to renew your...
January16Our Master of Psychology Program Receives International Accreditation
Özyeğin University Master of Psychology Program’s Couple and Family Therapy Track (Thesis Track) has demonstrated compliance with the Advanced standards and found suitable to be an accredited academic program as a result of the evaluations...
January16-20Scheduled maintenance : Proquest
Dear Library Users, Due to scheduled maintenance, ProQuest “Ebook Central” and “ProQuest Dissertations & Theses” will be unavailable at: Saturday, January 19, from 6am to 14:00pm. Thank you for your patience. Best regard...
January15-25Library Space Renovation
Dear Library Users, We will make various arrangements in the library in order to provide you with a better service. We thank you in advance for your understanding of the noise caused by this maintenance. Best regards, Library
January14-21Library Working Hours from January 16th to February 10th
Dear Library Users, Library working hours will be as follows during Semester Break from January 16th to February 10th; Weekdays : 08:30 - 16:30Weekend : 09:00 - 18:00 7/24 Study Hall will remain open. Best regards, Library
January11Doç. Dr. Özge Samancı Topkapı Sarayında Düzenlenen “Gastronomi Turizmi: İstanbul Mutfağı” Paneline Katılmıştır.
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Bölüm Başkanımız Doç. Dr. Özge Samancı 11.01.2019 tarihinde İstanbul İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü tarafından Topkapı Sarayında düzenlenen “Gastronomi...
January10-132018-2019 Spring Semester Dormitory Applications 2
Dear Students, You may find below the dormitory application and check-in procedures for the 2018-2019 Spring Semester. Please observe the guidelines and rules below when applying for or checking in the dormitories. 2018-2019 SPRING SEMESTER...
Jan10-Mar11Summer Schools and Winter School 2019-20: University of Trento, Italy
Dear Students, We are happy to announce three 2019 summer programs and one 2020 winter program that will take place at the University of Trento! The programs are open to fourth year undergraduate students and graduate students. The details are as follows: Summer...
Jan07-May07Electronical Signature Applications
Dear Faculty Members, A link must be sent to you from KAMU-SM (from bilgilendirme@kamusm.gov.tr) regarding your e-signature application request. After entering the information, you must sign the form in the link with your e-signature (if your...
January04International Family Therapy Association - Accreditation
Özyegin University Psychology graduate program with sub-branch of Couple and Family Therapy (Non-Thesis Track) is eligible to be an accredited training program in accordance with the International Accreditation Commission of the International...
January04-15Özyeğin University Faculty of Law and Chicago-Kent College of Law (USA) signed a cooperation agreement in the field of master's degree
Özyeğin University Faculty of Law and Chicago-Kent College of Law (US) have signed Cooperation agreement on LL.M. Program which includes possibilities of scholarship and fee reduction between our Dear Rector and Chicago-Kent College of Law Representative...
January03Due To The Weather Condition The Tennis Court Will Be Closed All Day On Friday, January 4th
Due to the weather condition the tennis court will be closed all day on Friday, January 4th.
January02-18Technology Transfer Office (TTO) Administration Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey
Dear Faculty Members, At the end of every year, ÖzÜ TTO conducts TTO Administration Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey to collect feedbacks on TTO services and activities for improving the work we do and sharing the results with...
Dear Faculty Members, For detailed information about the grants, please click here. Best Regards, Özyeğin University Technology Transfer Office
Jan02-Mar01CEEE Funded by Islamic Development Bank for its NEXT-GEN Project
CEEE Funded by Islamic Development Bank for its NEXT-GEN Project