Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

2018-2019 Spring Semester Dormitory Applications 2
Dear Students,
You may find below the dormitory application and check-in procedures for the 2018-2019 Spring Semester. Please observe the guidelines and rules below when applying for or checking in the dormitories.
2018-2019 Fall “Semester Residents” (residents who did not choose the Annual Registration option) and “First-Time Residents” (residents who previously did not stay in the dormitories) must submit a new dormitory application in order to stay in the OzU dormitories in the 2018-2019 Spring Semester. These students must submit their dormitory applications within the dates specified below. (First-time residents must also pay a security deposit in order for their dormitory applications to be considered.)
Start Date for Applications: Monday, January 07, 2019, 10:00
Last Day for Applications: Friday, January 11, 2019, 17:00
Last Day for Security Deposit Payments: Friday, January 11, 2019, 17:00
Announcement of Room Assignments: Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Applicants will be informed about the result of their dormitory applications. The initial announcement sent to admitted applicants will only include the dormitoryand type of room they are assigned. Room numbers will be announced on Friday, January 25, 2019, after all residents have checked out of the dormitories, and rooms are ready to move in.
Annual Residents (students who completed Annual Registration in the 2018-2019 Fall semester or students who were granted the status of Annual Resident, i.e. housing support recipients), do not need to submit a new dormitory application for the Spring Semester.
Residents may check in their rooms for the Spring Semester on the following dates:
Start Date for Spring Semester Check-Ins for Prep Students: Sunday, January 27, 2019
Start Date for Spring Semester Check-Ins for Undergraduate Students: Sunday, February 10, 2019
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be eligible to check in their rooms, residents must have no outstanding debts (i.e. housing fees, cost of damage or room card fees) to the University from previous semesters including the 2018-2019 Fall Semester. Failure to pay all of the housing fees will result in cancellation of the room assignment.
In order to check in,
Annual Residents: Annual residents must complete the following procedures before checking in their rooms:
Visit the Dormitory Management Office,
Fill out the Spring Semester Check-In Form,
Renew their room cards. (In order to be eligible to renew the room cards, residents must have paid their Spring Semester housing fees.).
Newly Admitted Spring Semester Residents: Newly Admitted Spring Semester Residents must complete the following procedures before checking in their rooms:
Visit the Dormitory Management Office (Applicants assigned a room in Dorm 1, 2, or 3 must visit the Dormitory Management Office in Dorm 3. Applicant assigned a room in Dorm 4 must visit the Dormitory Management Office in Dorm 4. Applicants assigned a room in Dorm 6 must visit the Dormitory Management Office in Dorm 6.),
Fill out the Spring Semester Check-In Form,
Collect the room cards of rooms assigned to them for the Spring Semester. (In order to be eligible to collect their room cards, residents must have paid their Spring Semester housing fees.).
Sign the Room Condition Inventory for their new rooms.
First-time residents (residents who did not stay in the dormitories during the Fall semester and will stay for the first time in the Spring semester) must submit a clean bill of health (health report) and a clean criminal record certificate (police clearance certificate) to Dormitory Management. (Residents who stayed in the dormitories in the Fall Semester do not need to submit any documents).
Accommodation Services Management