Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Our Rector Attends the 4th R&D and Innovation Summit as an Invited Speaker
The Architects and Engineers Group organized its 4th R&D and Innovation Summit in the Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Center from October 23 to October 24. The event featured Mr. Fatih Dönmez, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, among its key note speakers. During the event organized with the theme of “To Global Markets with Local Intelligence”, participants addressed the topics of discussion that will strengthen Turkey’s technological moves.
The 4th R&D and Innovation Summit discussed the required strategies for Turkey in order to keep up with the ongoing global digital transformation and open up to global markets with all its technological developments. The summit also played host to a session titled “Building Entrepreneurial Universities with Local Intelligence”. During the session chaired by Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal, TÜBİTAK President, participants discussed how to use knowledge created at universities more effectively in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gencturk was among the invited speakers of the session. Other invited speakers included Prof. Dr. Haluk Özen, Rector of Hacettepe University, Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin, Rector of Yıldız Technical University, and Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran, Rector of İzmir Institute of Technology.
Our Rector Prof Dr. Esra Gencturk underscored the fact that today the concept of entrepreneurship is being reshaped, and both universities and academicians must keep up with this change. Prof Dr. Esra Gencturk remarked: “In addition to their core activities of creating knowledge and researching, universities must draw inspiration from local needs and take up new responsibilities to add some global touches. Back in the days, when the concept of entrepreneurship was still in its infancy period, we were discussing just individual entrepreneurs and the employment they will create. However, today, we are at a stage where organizations must also value and support their own intrapreneurs. While, as universities, we add individual entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, and, much less discussed social entrepreneurship to our agendas, we also believe that we must internalize entrepreneurship as a management style, a philosophy, and a principle. As Özyeğin University, being an “Entrepreneurial Research University” is a principle we have adopted since our foundation. We kept this approach not just limited to our students, but strived to make sure that our faculty also embrace this culture. To this end, we have adopted a supportive and encouraging management style that helps our faculty bring their own initiatives to life.”