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Trial Access: ICONDA
Dear Library Users,
ICONDA database is now available until November 25, 2018.
ICONDA database is published by the International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation (CIB) and has included technical literature since 1976 on all areas of building construction, civil engineering, architecture, and city planning worldwide. ICONDA includes resources from more than 20 countries. Each record is presented with summary and detailed keywords.
The database provides quick and comprehensive access to subject-specific information for building builders, researchers, and field-trained trainers, and academic staff. The types of ICONDA content sources include books, research reports, conference papers, business reports, theses, and data on non-traditional literature.
Please complete Trial Database Feedback Form to help with the evaluation of this resource regarding its suitability. For students, please click here. For academic and administrative staff, please click here.
Best regards,