Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

2022 Fall Course Schedule and Mode of Instruction
Dear Students,
2022-2023 Fall semester course schedule has been announced on Courses Offered web page.
Just like in the 2021-2022 academic year in which we returned to face-to-face instruction, face-to-face instruction will also continue on campus in the 2022-2023 Fall semester, with a limited number of courses offered in hybrid mode (both face-to-face and online) or fully online in some special circumstances. You may find below the courses to be offered and their mode of instruction as well as course and exam rules below.
Mode of Instruction:
1) Fully Face to Face (In-Person) Courses: All of these courses are offered face-to-face. They are not offered online or they cannot be followed online. These courses are also not broadcast synchronously and are not recorded. 93% of the courses offered are face-to-face.
2) Hybrid (Both Face to Face and Online) Courses: These courses are offered face-to-face but can be followed online as well. 3% of the courses offered are hybrid.
3) Fully Online Courses: These courses can be taken online only. 4% of the courses offered are fully online.
Courses Offered, Course Schedule, and Syllabi:
For the list of the courses offered and their modes of instruction, please click here. The course syllabi will be available on the Courses Offered page as of Friday, September 16, 2022. Course syllabi will also include the course and exam rules for each course/branch.
Regardless of a course’s mode of instruction, all mid-terms, final exams, and composite exams will be administered face-to-face on campus. The mid-term, final, and composite exam schedules will be determined and announced to students after the add-drop period.
Course Withdrawal:
The 2022-2023 Fall semester course withdrawal period will be from November 14 through November 18, 2022.
Important Reminders:
The mode of instruction is subject to change in case of pandemic or other similar unavoidable reasons in line with the directives of the authorized public bodies. In such a case, the necessary revisions will be binding for all members of the OzU community, and will be announced by the relevant units, in particular Student Services.
Wishing you success in the new semester,
Kind Regards
Student Services