Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter | March-April 2022
CEEE’s New Project “Lahore Time Square” (LTS) Takes Off
The kick-off meeting of the international consulting project launched by the Center for Energy, Environment, and Economy in cooperation with Lahore Time Square Limited, LTS, was held on March 24, 2022. The project covers strategic planning and engineering services the CEEE will offer in the fields of sustainability, energy efficiency, and smart buildings for the mix-use development project underway in Lahore, Pakistan by LTS. The project is expected to last 11 months and includes five different work packages centered on the aforementioned areas.
CEEE/OzU - UCLA (US) Collaborations in Full Speed
Prof. M. Pınar Mengüç launched a new collaboration with the University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA. Prof. Mengüç will serve as a visiting professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Department at UCLA for a short term, where he will also work with Prof. Laurent Pilon and Tim Fisher as well as their students on both energy and radiative heating transfer projects.
Prof. Dr. M. Pınar Mengüç Attends Launch of “Responsible Engineers of Sustainability” Project Organized by Sustainability Steps Association As Invited Speaker
The Sustainability Steps Association and Poul Due Jensen / Grundfos Foundation kicked off a new project to call attention to the role of young engineers in sustainable development and to prompt young engineers to develop solutions for the current social and environmental problems. The opening addresses for the launch of the “Responsible Engineers of the Future” Project were delivered by Emrah Kurum, Chairman of the Sustainability Steps Association, and Işıl Aksoy, Regional Director of Business Development & Marketing for the IMEA Region. During the event Prof. M. Pınar Mengüç delivered a speech that highlighted the importance of the role engineers can play in the sustainability strategy to be envisioned for the complex problems the world faces today.
You may access the event via the Youtube page of the Sustainability Steps Association.
CEEE R&D Manager Dr. Cem Keskin’s Visit to Sweden
Dr. Cem Keskin,R&D Manager at CEEE, and Assistant Prof. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu from the Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department at Özyeğin University attended a professional visit paid to the cities of Lund and Gothenburg in Sweden from March 14 through March 18, 2022 as part of the IPA 2005 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technical Support Project for Municipalities and Universities (YEVDES Project), whose beneficiary is the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. During the visit, universities, techno-parks, and newly-built residential areas were examined in order to study low carbon emission and smart city practices employed in both cities.