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Psychological Development Unit - Taking Care of Ourselves During Summer Period
Taking Care of Ourselves During Summer Period
We are leaving behind another spring term, in which our shares increase day by day and we feel the importance of each other’s existence and social bond more. Although a part of us feels tired and bored due to the long pandemic process, we feel relax with the arrival of the summer period, and our excitement for life increases.
We once again understood the importance of adapting to new conditions by reviving our existing capacity in the past period. When we cannot change the situation, we are in, we have learned to question what we can and cannot control in this situation. We experienced again the importance of looking flexible and increasing our emotional resilience.
Our ability to listen and hear ourselves and be aware of our needs determines our psychological resilience and emotional resilience in the face of challenging situations. At this point, it will be important to evaluate the summer period in a way that is good for you and to take time for yourself, both to rest your mind and body to make a fresh start to the new academic term.
What Can you do that will be good for you during the summer period?
Enjoy the sun- Research shows that fresh air and sunlight are good for our mental health by helping us to secrete Serotonin; now is the time when we will have the best relationship with the sun… You can take 20-30 minutes of outdoor walks, have your coffee and spend time outdoors with your friends or loved ones.
Renew your routines- The summer months can be a time when we think that we lose control of time and even get lazy at times. Although we are fidgety, we tend to be a little more inclined to complacency. It will be good for you to review how you plan your day after allocating the rest you need to yourself. You can try creating daily and weekly routines that make room for all your needs.
Try to be active both mentally and physically – You can plan your days by including activities that can keep your body active, such as outdoor walks, yoga, swimming. It will be very valuable for the summer period to be active in daily life by reminding yourself that the integrity of mind and body.
Take time for yourself- You can start a hobby that you have wanted to start for a long time, with the refreshing energy of the summer months. You can create space for yourself and consciously increase your awareness by doing exercises to stay in the moment.
Open space for your emotions- It is very valuable to open up space for your emotions and look at how you feel. As the first step to this, you can start by recognizing your emotions are in your bodies, you can try to notice your emotions with breathing exercises and mindfulness practices.
As the Psychological Development Unit Team, we will continue to provide online psychological support through the summer period. If you think you need psychological help, you can always reach us by making an appointment via MyOzÜ or by sending an email to counseling@ozyegin.edu.tr.
The main point of; It’s time to reflect on what kind of spring semester you had, to get back to yourself, to think about how you feel, and to spend a summer with activities that can be good for you.
We hope that you get in touch with yourself more this summer and this period will be good for you…
Psychological Development Unit