Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Özyeğin University Faculty Members Listed Among the World's Most Influential Scientists
Our six faculty members have been named among the world’s most influential scientists. The list is compiled based on the performance evaluation of approximately 7 million scientists across the world, using metrics such as number of articles, number of citations, and order of authors.
The study conducted by Ioannidis, Boyack and Baas (2020) using SCOPUS data ranked scientists in 22 disciplines and 176 sub-disciplines based on their career-long performance. The ranking used a special index to provide a list of the world’s top 100,000 most-cited scientists across all scientific fields as well as scientists who are in the top 2% of their sub-disciplines.
Our Faculty of Business member Prof. Dr. Bülent Mengüç ranked 132nd in the list which includes only 222 scientists in the sub-discipline of marketing world-wide, while our Faculty of Engineering member Prof. Dr. Murat Uysal ranked 329th among 3,417 scientists in the sub-discipline of computer networks and communication world-wide.
Also, the following faculty members from Özyeğin University were named to the list in the sub-disciplines below:
- Our Faculty of Engineering member Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arıkin the sub-discipline of mechanical engineering and transportation,
- Our Faculty of Engineering member Prof. Dr. Ethem Alpaydın in the sub-discipline of artificial intelligence and video processing,
- Our Faculty of Engineering member Assoc. Prof Ali Cengiz Beğenand Assistant Professor Evşen Yanmaz Adam in the sub-discipline of computer networks and communication.
Meanwhile, in addition to Prof. Dr. Bülent Mengüç, Prof. Dr. Murat Uysal, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık, Prof. Dr. Ethem Alpaydın and Assistant Professor Evşen Yanmaz Adam, our Faculty of Engineering member Associate Prof. Burcu Balçık also made it to the list in the sub-discipline of logistics and transportation in a second list compiled based on the single-year performance of scientists in 2019.
We would like to congratulate our faculty members on their stellar achievements and wish them continued success.
Ioannidis JPA, Boyack KW, Baas J (2020) Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918.