Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Box(es) of Hope
2020 was a year of difficulties, and yet we've learnt from it. During this year we've also remembered the importance of "being and doing good". Maybe we’ve never felt the joy of sharing, giving and volunteering from the heart before.
So come join us while we spread the good once more to Nişantepe district with the Box(es) of Hope project. Let us be a means of good once again in 2020 with the Box(es) of Hope. Thanks to us, the families living in Nişantepe District will be able to boil a soup in their homes during New Year's eve.
By clicking the application link below, you may send as many food & cleaning items to the homes of families who live in Nişantepe. Here are the steps that you can follow;
- Fill up the application form
- Wait for the detailed e-mail from duyarliozu@ozyegin.edu.tr. We will share the detailed list of food & cleaning items with that e-mail. In coordination with Nişantepe Primary Scholl we’ve gathered the communication information of the families that we know the need is urgent, and with this e-mail we’ll send it to you as well as a suggestion list of items that you can send.
- After receiving the e-mail go to any of the online market / shopping apps who deliver food and other supplies and place your order.
- Write the address that we sent you as the “delivery address” and write your own address as “billing address”.
- Feel the joy of doing good and encourage your friends to do so!
Application deadline: 16th December
Sending deadline: 26th December
All the best,
Community Engagement Projects & Sustainability Platform