Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

2020 Architecture Summer Schools in Italy (Update)
2020 Architecture summer schools in Italy (update)
Due to the global pandemic, we are moving the ISAR Summer school program to remote learning platforms, carrying out a modified version of the summer schools through distance learning.
It is unlikely that participants will be able to travel to Italy, but we don’t rule out the possibility and welcome the opportunity to work with you on site if possible. Students who do come to Italy this summer should count on finding their own transport and lodging.
We are waving the program fee and requesting only a symbolic donation to ISAR of €15/participant for each of the two summer schools. We have reopened until May 17 the enrollment, those interested may register and submit payment as instructed below.
Roman Forum (18-28 June)
1-18 June Preparatory Assignments
Thur 18 June Opening Conference
Fri 19 June Virtual Site Visit
Mon-Fri 22-26 June Research and Design teams work remotely
Sat 27 June Final Reviews and Presentations, closing ceremonies
Castelvecchio Calvisio, Abruzzo (17-27 July)
1-17 July Preparatory Assignments
Sat 18 July opening conference
Sun 19 July Virtual Site Visits
Mon-Fri Design charette and seminar meetings
Sat 25 July Final Reviews and Presentations
The online registration form is now active at this link.
Payment of the €15/person for each of the two programs you choose can be made through PayPal (which can most process credit cards) at https://paypal.me/isarome or bank transfer to IBAN IT97P0308703201CC0130058898 (THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ARCHAEOLOGY ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF ROMA).
To aid us in covering the expenses of the planning and management of the schools we welcome partnerships with institutions and individuals and thank you in advance for your support.
International Society for the Art, Architecture and Archaeology of Rome
un'associazione culturale non a scopo di lucro dedicata allo studio, la conservazione e la divulgazione di siti archeologici e monumenti romani