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2019 Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility 2nd Call Applications
Dear Students,
We are happy to announce that Erasmus+ traineeship mobility 2nd round applications will be active on 10th July 2019. Application deadline is 24 July 2019, 23:59. Please be advised that late applications will not be accepted. Only two traineeship mobilities will be funded during this second call applications.
You may apply online for the Erasmus+ Programs through the KION system. The details regarding the application process and evaluation criteria can be found below.
Application Procedure
1. Complete your Erasmus+ traineeship mobility online application by submitting the required documents.
2. You will be invited for the Erasmus Language Exam on Friday, 26th July 2019. Since ELE scores are valid for two years, students who took the 2018 ELE and the 2019 ELE this past February may select their existing ELE score while completing the online application.
3. Traineeship mobility applicants must submit a valid acceptance letter at the time of application after getting approval from their faculty program coordinator. Applicants should contact their faculty program coordinator to get signed approval on their acceptance letter. Otherwise, the application will not be considered. Please note that you won’t be able to submit more than one acceptance letter and cannot request to change it after submitting your online application.
4. Ranking & grant results will be announced mid-August.
5. It’s possible to participate in the Erasmus+ program as a zero grant student.
Students are responsible for finding their own host organization/company. The acceptance letter should include the following information:
• Start and end date of the traineeship
• Name of company and supervisor & contact information
• Job description of the trainee
• Signature and stamp of the supervisor
You can find the sample acceptance letter by clicking here.
Erasmus Language Exam (ELE) will be held on Friday, 26th July 2019. The location and time of the exam will be announced after the application deadline via MyOZU announcements. If you have taken the ELE in 2018 and the 2019 ELE this past February, you do not need to retake the exam since ELE scores are valid for two years. Other standardized language exam scores (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE) will not be considered valid for the Erasmus evaluation/ranking.
Presentation slides, Erasmus+ program information and other important notes can be found in the following links. All applicants are responsible for the information provided under these links:
1. General Erasmus+ Program Rules
2. Presentation (program rules, documentation and mobility grants, important notes, etc.)
3. Erasmus Language Exam Guideline (Specifications, Sample Questions and Answer Key)
Eligibility Criteria to Apply to the Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility
Undergraduate students:
• Being a full time student at OzU
• Min. CGPA: 2.20
• Min. 60/100 points ELE score
• Submitting a valid acceptance/invitation letter from host company
Graduate students:
• Being a full time student at OzU
• Min. CGPA: 3.00
• Min. 60/100 points ELE score
• Getting approval from academic advisor and the relevant Graduate School is required
• Submitting a valid acceptance/invitation letter from host company
Eligibility Criteria to Participate in the Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility:
• The sector, enterprise and job description must be compatible with the applicant’s diploma program.
• The host institutions must be compatible with the Erasmus+ Program Guide.
The receiving organization can be any public or private organization active in the labor market or in the fields of education, training and youth. For example, such organization can be:
- public or private, a small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
- public body at local, regional or national level;
- social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
- research institute;
- foundation;
- school/institute/educational center (at any level, from pre-school to upper secondary education, and including vocational education and adult education);
- non-profit organization, association, NGO;
- body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services;
- program country higher education institution awarded with an Erasmus Charter (ECHE).
Ranking Criteria
• Ranking will be based on the Erasmus score (50% CGPA + 50% ELE = Erasmus score)
• Students will be ranked within their faculty.
• Students who have previously participated in the Erasmus+ program and students who withdrew in the previous years after the given deadline, will have 10 points deducted from their Erasmus score at the time of evaluations.
• Students with disabilities will be given 10 points extra. You must submit a “Disabled Identity Card” at the time of application.
• Students who are the children of Veterans/Martyrs will be given 15 points extra. You must submit a “Veteran/Martyr Identity Card” at the time of application.
• Students who wish to participate to the program in their countries of citizenship will have 10 points deducted from their Erasmus score.
• 10 points extra will be given to the students who submit an official letter based on Act No. 2828 on social services and child protection agency.
• Students who have benefitted from the Erasmus mobility activities (either study mobility or traineeship mobility) may participate in Erasmus+ program multiple times as long as the total mobility period does not exceed 12 months.
• Placed students who do not attend the meetings/orientation sessions, without a valid excuse will have 5 points deducted from their Erasmus score if they apply to the Erasmus program again.
General Terms for Traineeship Mobility
• Traineeship duration should be minimum 2 months (60 calendar days – not working days)
• Students cannot be placed in the European Union institutions, national agencies and institutions which manage EU programs.
• Students can benefit from the traineeship opportunity within 12 months upon graduation with the condition of applying before graduation in their final year.
• Students are responsible for finding their own organization/company and submitting the aforementioned approved acceptance letter to the International Office. You may start your search by visiting the links provided in the presentation.
If you have any questions, please set up an appointment by emailing: international.relations@ozu.edu.tr
OzU International Office