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2019-20 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Applications Start Today!
Dear All,
2019-20 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship online application period starts today. Online application system will be active between 30 January – 13 February 2019, 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be accepted.
Please review the previously announced information from this link and follow the instructions copied below to start your online application via intexchange.ozyegin.edu.tr
Information Session
International Office will hold an information session on both programs (Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility) on the following day and hour for students who have not attended the previous sessions.
12 February 2019, Tuesday @AB2 (FEAS) #110 : 10:50-12:00
For individual consultation, you must set up an appointment: international.relations@ozu.edu.tr
Online Application System
- If you are using the online application system for the first time, you need to complete the “Pre-application Step” with your OzU username-password.
- If you have used the online application system previously, you may skip the pre-application step and login with your OzU username-password.
1- Pre-Application:
Click the respective link stated in the box.
- Then, select the program (Erasmus+) and your status (Student/Outgoing Student) and insert your OzU username/password.
- Click validate. Your personal information will be automatically filled in. Check your information and click save. Then, you will receive an email from intexchange@ozyegin.edu.tr
- After your validation, you will review the following screen with your personal information and will need to complete it by making the required selections. Please select either Internship or Study Mobility options and the respective semester you wish to be on exchange.
- Double major students can choose either one of their departments or submit a seperate application form for each department.
- Students cannot select their minor program.
2- Application:
Login to the system and access the “Application Form”. Please login with your OzU username and password.
- When you are logged in, click on the “Complete the Application” button to continue (screenshot is below).
- You must complete all seven parts of your application form. Mandatory fields need to be filled in before you are able to submit the form.
- If you are planning to apply for both Study and Internship Mobility, you must apply separately for each mobility by clicking “Make a New Application”. Please be informed that each form has to be separately submitted.
- If you are a double major student and would like to apply from both departments, you must submit a seperate application form for the other department by clicking “Make a New Application."
3- Important Notes:
You can start working on your application, save it and re-open it multiple times. Do not forget to submit it at a later stage, before the deadline.
When you save your application, you will see “Online Registered” as your application status. Once you successfully submit your application, your status will change as “Submitted”. Please make sure to submit the form before the deadline and note that you can only submit the form once.
We strongly suggest you to check the application information and special notes about institutions’ before you finalize your application.
The location of the Erasmus Language Exam (ELE) and further additional information/ instructions (rankings, placements etc.) will be announced after the application deadline via MyOzU. Please note that you will not receive announcements via email by International Office anymore and you are expected to follow IO announcements via MyOzU.
If you encounter any technical difficulties, please click on the Report a Bug button. The respective unit will review the problem and contact you as soon as possible.
Best Regards,
International Office