Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
October30Discretionary Specialized Meetings, October Fourth Session, Protection of Personal Data and Commercial Electronic Messages
As a part of the 'Discretionary Specialized Meetings', the event titled 'Protection of Personal Data and Commercial Electronik Messages', with Dr. Mehmet Bedii Kaya as a speaker, was held on Friday, October 30, 2020, between 16:30-18:00.  ...
Oct30-Nov03Özyeğin Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı - 03.11.2020 Sınav Programı
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümünün açmış olduğu 12.10.2020 tarihli ilana başvurarak, yapılacak olan yazılı sınava girmeye hak kazanan adayların...
Oct29-Nov06Instructor Recruitment Pre-Screening Results for the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences
You may find below the list of eligible applicants who qualified to take the examination following the pre-screening, and the examination details for the instructor positions at the Humanities and Social Sciences Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences...
Oct29-Nov30Özyeğin University, The Youngest Turkish University in THE World Rankings 2021, Adds a New Accolade to Its International Achievements
After announcing its World University Rankings 2021, which ranks the world’s best universities, Times Higher Education (THE), London-based higher education ranking institution, announced its World Rankings by Subject, which highlights the world’s...
October28On the occasion of 29 October Republic Day, Don't Forget Yesterday, Have the Right to Tomorrow "Republic and Atatürk"
Our conference titled "On the occasion of 29 October Republic Day, Don't Forget Yesterday, Have the Right to Tomorrow-Republic and Atatürk” was held over the Teams system with the participation of Timsal KARABEKİR, daughter of...
Oct28-Nov03Trial Access: Legal Online and Legalbank
Dear Library Users, Legal Online and Legalbank databases are available for trial access until December 8th , 2020. Legal Online includes more than 450 law books and 650+ law journal issues. Please complete Trial Database Feedback Form to help with the...
Oct28-Nov04Trial Access: Bloomsbury Design Library, Bloomsbury Architecture Library, Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts, Fairchild Books Interior Design Library
Dear Library Users, Bloomsbury Design Library, Bloomsbury Architecture Library, Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts, Fairchild Books Interior Design Library databases are available for trial access until November 30th , 2020. Bloomsbury Design Library...
Oct27-Dec05Student Workshop: "Democracy in the Context of Political Parties and Election Systems"
Dear students, We organized an event that will be discussed some topics like democracy, free election, rule of law, duties of political parties, right of election, separation of powers, etc. on a Turkish book between 23 – 24 December 2020 in the...
October26R&D and Innovation Panel “Fikir Meltemi” Organized Online
The last session of “Fikir Meltemi”, a panel discussion series organized by Netaş, a leading technology company in information and communication technologies, put a spotlight on Turkey’s national vision towards building an infrastructure...
October26-27Fikir Meltemi - Panel Invitation
Dear Members of OzU, Our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk will attend the panel discussion “Fikir Meltemi” (“Idea Breeze”) as an invited speaker. The panel will bring together participants from different disciplines...
Oct26-Nov09"Unaccompanied Refugee Children in Terms of Child Protection Law No. 5395" was held.
Our conference titled "Unaccompanied Refugee Children in Terms of Child Protection Law No. 5395" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Judge Gökten Koçoğlu (Ankara 2nd Juvenile Court).The recordings of the meeting...
Oct26-Dec23Winter School 2020-21 - South Ural State University, Russia
Dear Students, We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding INTERNATIONAL WINTER SCHOOL 2020-2021 sent from one of our partner institutions, South Ural State University, Russia. You can find the...
October23Discretionary Specialized Meetings, October 3rd Session, Introduction to Information Technology Law
As a part of the “Discretionary Specialized Meetings”, the event titled “Introduction to Information Technology Law”, with Gürkan ÖZOCAK as a speaker, was held on Friday, October 23, 2020 between 16.30 and ...
Oct22-Nov05"Organ Transplant and Criminal Law Responsibility" was held.
Our conference titled "Organ Transplant and Criminal Law Responsibility" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Professor Sevgi ŞAHİN (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Diseases,...
Oct22-Nov05Webinar: WRDS Database
Dear Library Users, We would like to invite you online training “WRDS database”. WRDS training is a good opportunity to enhance the use of WRDS for teaching and research alike. The presentation will go through the system, download data,...
Oct21-Nov04"Working Hours and Covid 19 Measures of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey" was held.
Our conference titled "Working Hours and Covid 19 Measures of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Asst. Prof. Abbas KILIÇ from the Faculty of Law at Atılım University. The...
Oct21-Dec20DAAD & Nuffic Neso Online Information Session: 'Research in Netherlands and Germany'
Dear All, We would like to share that DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) organizes a series of online seminars that will be presented about higher education in Germany, the points to consider when applying to universities, application...
October20Seminar on “Medical Family Therapy”
Within the scope of the ÖzÜÇAM Monthly Seminars on Tuesday, October the 20th, Couple and Family Therapist Dr. Özlem Köse held a seminar on "Medical Family Therapy".
October20-22Webinar: Discover the Academy with Sobiad
Dear Library Users, We would like to invite you online training "Discover the Academy with Sobiad" Date: Thursday, October 22 Time: 14:00For training participation please click here. *Training session will be held in Turkish. Participants will have...
October19-23Deloitte - Be a part of Consulting
Endüstri Müh., Elektrik Elekt Müh., Bilgisayar Müh, Makina Müh, İşletme ve Ekonomi Bölümü, 3. sınıf, 4.sınıf ve yeni mezun öğrencileri Katılabilir.
October19-26Library New Database: Turcademy
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Turcademy database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Turcademy offers more than 3000 Turkish academic resources in electronic formats covering natural sciences, law, engineering sciences,...
October19-27Özyeğin Üniversitesi Çekmeköy Ana Kampüs Bitki ve Peyzaj Alanları Bakım Alımı ihalesi
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Çekmeköy Ana Kampüs Bitki ve Peyzaj Alanları Bakım Alımı ihalesi Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir....
Oct19-Nov30EÇEM/CEEE Newsletter | October 2020
Oct19-Dec18Winter School 2021 - ITMO University, Russia
We would like to share with all our students the Online Winter School sent to our office by our partner institution ITMO University (Russia). You can find the details in the announcement from the institution below. International Office -- Dear...
October16Discretionary Specialized Meetings, October 2nd Session- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Medicine
As a part of the “Discretionary Specialized Meetings”, the event titled “Artificial Intelligence Applications in Medicine” with Nilüfer KÖYLÜOĞLU as a speaker, was held on Friday, October 16, 2020 between 16.30...
October15-29"Fight Against Drugs in Turkey" was held.
Our conference titled "Fight Against Drugs in Turkey" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Murat Sarıgüzel, 3rd Degree Police Chief and Branch Manager at the Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction...
Oct15-Nov30“MY ERASMUS DAYS” Photo Competition Result
The winner of the "My Erasmus Days” photo competition that was organized to celebrate the #ERASMUSDAYS 2020 is Berna Bolsoy. We would like to thank all the entrants for their contribution and for sharing their wonderful stories with us. The award...
October14-28Investors and Startups meets at Fit Startup Factory Deep-Tech Demo Day
Entrepreneurs who graduated from different programs of the Startup Factory and develop deep technologies; met with investors on the Deep-Tech Demo Day
October13Discretionary Specialized Meetings, October 1st Session, İntroduction to Artificial İntelligence Law
As a part of the “Discretionary Specialized Meetings”, the event titled “İntroduction to Artificial İntelligence Law”, with Başak Ozan ÖZPARLAK as a speaker, was held on Friday, October 9, 2020 between 16.30 and 18.00....
Oct13-Dec12Undergraduate Course Substitution Procedures (2020 - 2021 Fall Semester)
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till January 20, 2021 Wednesday at 14:00 via the Course Substitution screen...
October12ÖzU in Press - Özyeğin University Aviation Clubs
Aviation Turkey Dergisi
October12-26Open Faculty Positions
Our University invites applications for full-time faculty positions. Candidates are expected to meet the requirements listed in the “Rules and Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members” as per Higher Education Law No:2547...
October09-13New Lesson: SEC 401.6 Sectoral Practicum for Psychology Students
SEC 401.6 aims to introduce students to the planning, organization and reporting processes of a real-world project carried out in the context of an organization / company to make them familiar with the processes of generating solutions for a specific problem by evaluating and presenting the solution proposals. It bridges the theories, methods and concepts learned in the first three years of undergraduate program with the problems and challenges faced in real-world corporate environments. Course Prerequisites: Having completed SEC 201, SEC 202, PSY 305 and PSY 306 courses successfully
October09-23"International Law and Diplomacy" was held.
Our conference titled "International Law and Diplomacy" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Prof.Dr. Şükrü Sina GÜREL (Atılım University / Former Foreign Minister). The recordings of the meeting...
October08-15Atatürk and The Legal Revolution-Online Conferences 2020-2021 VII
As a part of the Online Conferences 2020-2021 VII, event was held with the participation honorable Assistant Professor Naim BABÜROĞLU. The recordings of the meeting (only for OzU members) can be accessed via the following link: htt...
October07-14Child Soldiers and Foreign Terrorist Fighters-Online Conferences 2020-2021 III
As a part of the Online Conferences 2020-2021 III, event was held with the participation honorable Prof. Dr. Nuray EKŞİ. The recordings of the meeting (only for OzU members) can be accessed via the following link: https://drive.google.com/f...
October07-21"Post Exam Orientation Process" was held.
An online conference of our Faculty of Law featured a talk on "Post Exam Orientation Process" by Clinical Psychologist/Psychotherapist Ahmet Güler, on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. The conference had taken place online via Teams. The record of...
October07-21"Sports and Law" was held.
Our conference titled "Sports and Law" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Mr. Emin ÖZKURT (attorney at law, CAS arbitrator, and Law Director at the E-Sports Federation of Turkey). The recordings of the meeting (only for ÖzÜ...
October07-21"Turkish Music And Jurist Composers" was held.
Our conference titled "Turkish Music And Jurist Composers" was held over the Teams system with the participation of Mr. Doğacan Kaşıkara, Attorney at law. The recordings of the meeting (only for ÖzÜ members) can be accessed via the following...
October07-25Erasmus+ Programme Photo Competition: “MY ERASMUS DAYS”
International Office is organizing a photo competition to celebrate the #ERASMUSDAYS 2020. The theme of the competition is “My Erasmus Days”. Former Erasmus+ study or traineeship participants, who are interested in taking part in the competition,...
October06-13Trial Access: Hiperkitap (Turkish E-Book Database)
Dear Library Users, Hiperkitap database is available for trial access until November 30th , 2020. It includes more than 24,000 Turkish electronic books in many subject areas such as history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, art and engineering....
October06-14Trial Access: De Gruyter Journal Collection
Dear Library Users, De Gruyter Journal Collection is available for trial access until November 30th , 2020. It includes more than 400 peer-reviewed academic journals in many subject areas such as economy, law, mathematic and engineering. Please complete...
October06-26Marketing Ideas Compete at bizz@kampüs
The winners of bizz@kampüs talent acquisition program and talent were announced! “bizz@kampüs” is a talent acquisition program and contest organized to encourage junior and senior undergraduate students and graduate students to develop...
October06-26Doğuş Datathon’s Winner is “Tripel”
The winners of the inaugural Doğuş Datathon competition organized by Doğuş Teknoloji are announced. The competition received 755 individual applications and took place with 64 select teams. The competition was launched on September 9 with an opening...
October06-27Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. *Training sessions will be held in Turkish. Web of Science Core Collection kullanarak güvenle araştırma yapın: Akademisyenlere YönelikDate:...
October05-19Law Faculty Opening Lecture I: "Protection of Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Supervision" was held.
Our first opening lecture titled "Protection of Fundamental Rights and Constitutional Supervision" was held over the Teams system with the participation of honorable Mr. Hasan Tahsin Gökcan, Deputy President of the Constitutional Court.
October05-19Faculty of Law Opening Lecture - II : “Justice as a Virtue” was held.
Our second opening lecture titled "Justice as a Virtue" was held over the Teams system with the participation of honorable Professor Hayrettin Ökçesiz. The recordings of the meeting (only for ÖzÜ members) can be accessed via the...
October05-31OzU Gender Equality Unit Has Become The First Turkish Institution To Be A Member Of RINGS
Ozyegin University Gender Equality Unit has become the first institution in Turkey to become a member of The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies (RINGS). With over 60 members from 32 countries, RINGS was established...
Oct05-Dec04CEEE’s 10(+) Year Book is Published!
As the Center for Energy, Environment and Economy (CEEE), Özyeğin University’s first research and application center, we are pleased to announce that our first Turkish booklet is now available, featuring a compilation of our 10(+) years of hard work and dedication.
October04-10About Your Books in Your Library Account
Dear Library Users, The return dates of the books you borrowed are extended until 1 March 2021. Best regards, Library
October01"Being a Lawyer in the Modern Age" has been carried out.
As part of our orientation week activities, the event titled "Being a Lawyer in the Modern Age", with Professor Hüseyin Altaş as a speaker, was held on Thursday, October 1, 2020, between 14:40 and 14:45.
October01-03Thesis Defense - Mert Kahyaoğlu (MSEE)
Mert Kahyaoğlu - M.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dr. Ahmet Tekin - Advisor Date: 02.10.2020 Time: 09:30 Location: This meeting will be held ONLINE. Please...
October01-062020-2021 Fall English Preparatory Course Schedule
Dear Students, You will be able to reach 2020-2021 Fall weekly English Preparatory course schedule as of October 02, 2020, Friday at 16.00 on Student Information System (SIS) - My Schedule For all your prospective requests about courses, we kindly...
October01-15Property Law in terms of Public and Private Law has been published.
Property Law in terms of Public and Private Law, which is the joint publication of ÖzÜ Faculty of Law, Maribor University Faculty of Law, and Ljubljana University Faculty of Law has been published.
October01-15Comparative Current Criminal Law Series 20 - Police Law book has been published.
Comparative Contemporary Criminal Law Series -20, which includes translations of many ÖzÜ Faculty of Law students; "Police Law" has been published.
Sep25-Oct02Trial Access: Inspec
Dear Library Users, Inspec database is available for trial access until November 30th , 2020. Created by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, this bibliographic database provides abstracts and indexing to the world's scientific and technical...
Sep25-Oct02Faculty of Architecture and Design: Design Studios
2020-2021 Academic Year, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Design Studio posters (for course registrations) are updated on the faculty blog. To reach MİM, ARCH and INAR design studio posters; https://ozumtf-studyolar.blogspot....
Sep25-Oct162020 - 2021 Fall Semester Course Registrations
Dear Students, You may complete your 2020-2021 Fall semester course registrations from September 30, 2020 through October 2, 2020 as per the schedule below. For courses offered, weekly schedule, and syllabi, please visit Courses Offered page. We...
Sep25-Oct31Özyeğin University Named Turkey's Youngest Foundation University In "THE World University Rankings"
Times Higher Education (THE), London-based higher education ranking institution, announced its World University Rankings 2021. Only 11 universities from Turkey, including Özyeğin University, made it to the world’s top 1,000 universities...
Sep24-Oct092020-2021 Fall Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the weekly course schedule for the 2020-2021 Fall Semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. For all your requests about courses, we kindly remind you to contact the academic department which offers the...
Sep23-Oct08The OzU GameTech and Entrepreneurs Meeting took place
The OzU Game Sector and Entrepreneurs Meeting took place on September 15 with the contributions of significant participants from the game sector.
Sep22-Oct06EDU 201 Learning to Learn is now a Sectoral Education Course as SEC 250!
Starting the Fall 2020 semester, Ebru Kılıç-Bebek, Ph.D. will continue her studies on discipline-based and interdisciplinary learning as well as field-specific skill development under the roof of Sectoral Education Program. Her EDU 201 course titled Learning to Learn is also transferred to this program and will now be offered by the Rectorate as SEC 250.
Sep19-Oct03“Oath-Taking Ceremony for Diploma"- Summer Term
With the end of the 2019-2020 summer term, the "Oath-Taking Ceremony for Diploma" event, organized traditionally by our faculty for our students who have come to the graduation stage, has been carried out in conjunction with our faculty members...
Sep10-Oct192019-2020 Undergraduate Academic Merit Scholarships - Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences
Dear Students, Please be informed that as the grades for the flight training courses offered by the Professional Flight Program at the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences have not been announced yet, and these grades will affect the rankings,...
Sep08-Nov07Local and Rural Development Certificate Programs Are Completed
Local and Rural Development Certificate Programs, aiming to bring a new vision in the fields of local and rural development, agriculture, food and ecology policies, to make functional information accessible and to establish networks have been successfully...
Aug24-Oct23The Turkish Fulbright Commission Scholarship Programs
Dear All, We share brief information notes of the Fulbright Education Commission on different scholarship programs for only Turkish citizens below: DOKTORA TEZİ ARAŞTIRMA BURSU: Türkiye’de bir doktora programına kayıtlı ve tez...
Aug24-Oct23Rules and Regulations for the English Preparatory Program
Dear Students, Please be advised that the Rules and Regulations for the English Preparatory Program at Özyeğin University have been revised. The revised rules and regulations took effect after publication in the Official Gazette No: 31177...