Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
October31Residence Life Committee Presents: "Halloween Party"
Hi Friends,You are invited to our Halloween event organized by 4 different clubs on Thursday evening, October 31 where we will have the DJ party, concert, dance performance, costum contest and lots of surprises. Wearing a costume is optional...
October31Forum Area - Soundcheck
Hello, For the 'Halloween 2019' Party, soundcheck will be held in the Forum Area from 12:30 to 14:30. We apologize for any inconvenience during this process. Thank you for your understanding. Student Life Office
Oct31-Nov06Sectoral Education and Professional Development: Mavi - Mock Interview
Mülakat Simülasyonlarına 6 Kasım 2019 Çarşamba Mavi ile başlıyoruz. İşe alımlarında kullandıkları mülakat uygulamalarının simülasyonunu gerçekleştireceklerdir. Not: Bu mülakatlar gerçek pozisyona yol açabilir! Başvurular, arasından uygun olanlar Mavi İnsan Kaynakları ile paylaşılacak ve katılımcılar belirlenecektir. Başvuru yaptırmak isteyen öğrencilerimizin en geç 1 Kasım 2019 Cuma günü saat 16:00’a kadar LinkProfessional sistemi üzerinden ÖzÜ formatında CV’lerini yüklemesi ve workshops altındaki bu etkinliğe kayıt yaptırması gerekmektedir. İstenilen Kriterler: İşletme Fakültesi ve/ya Endüstri Mühendisliği öğrencisi 3. veya 4. sınıf öğrencisi olmak Tarih: 6 Kasım 2019 Çarşamba Yer: Profesyonel Gelişim Ofisi (Öğrenci Merkezi -2. Kat) Saat aralıkları: Her bir mülakat 45 dakika olacaktır Son Başvuru Tarihi: 1 Kasım 2019 Cuma / 16:00 Kontenjan 8 Kişiyle sınırlıdır. Not 2: CV'ler değerlendirildikten sonra katılım hakkı kazananlara bildirim yapılacaktır. Not 3: Lütfen CV'nizi LinkProfessional'a yükleyin! (yüklü ve onaylı CV'si olmayanlar kabul edilmeyecektir) Not 4: Tüm başvurular (Ana liste veya bekleme listesi ayırt edilmeksizin) için CV yüklenmesi zorunludur.
Oct30-Nov16LeanLab: Akademiden Girişime Yenilikçi Dönüşüm Programı 2. Dönemi Başlıyor!
LeanLab: Akademiden Girişime Yenilikçi Dönüşüm Programı 2. Dönemi Başlıyor! Akademisyen ve doktora öğrencileri için özel olarak tasarlanan İSTKA destekli girişimcilik programının 2. Dönem...
October25-30Sports Center Basketball Court İs Closed For Use On 26-27 October Weekend Due to Renovations.
Dear OzU Family; Sports Center indoor basketball court will be closed all day due to change of lighting on the weekend of 26-27 October. Sports Center swimming pool 28-29 October (Monday-Tuesday) will be closed all day due to change of lighting in the...
October24-29Library Will Be Open on September 28-29
Dear Library Users, Library will be open on September 28-29 at routine working hours. We celebrate your Republic Day. Best regards, Library
October24-31ÖzU in Press - Algorithms and Turkey's record of online dating
Hürriyet Daily News
October24-31Our Graduates of 2019 Win First Place in Fiat Experience Workshop Hackathon
OzUTeam made up of our graduates of 2019 came in first during the “Fiat Experience Workshop-Mobility” Hackathon, which took place from October 19 to 20 at the TOFAŞ Headquarters.The competition aims to inspire and foster the design and development...
October23-30Republic Day Sport Centre Working Hours
Dear Ozu Family October 28th Monday open until 10:00 am -17:00 pm and October 29th Tuesday open until 10:00 am -17:00 pm We celebrate your Republic Day.
October23-31Our Board of Trustees Member Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toner Honored as the New Member of the “National Academy of Medicine”
Özyeğin University Board of Trustees Member Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toner, who is renowned for his research on circulating tumor cells in the bloodstream and currently pursuing his research interests in the United States, has been elected to the rank...
October22-25Thesis Defense - Wasim Nawaz (MSEE)
Wasim Nawaz- M.Sc. Electrical Electronics Engineering Prof. Murat Uysal - Advisor Asst. Prof. Ahmed Akgiray - Co-Advisor A COMPACT CIRCULARLY POLARIZED MONOPULSE SLOTTED WAVEGUIDE ARRAY FOR AIRBORNE APPLICATIONS ...
October22-31Our Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Students Placed First in the Local Chef Competition
The Özyeğin University team came in first in the “Local Chef -University Students are Competing” gastronomy competition during the GastroAntep International Gaziantep Gastronomy Festival. Organized jointly by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality...
Oct21-Nov01Sectoral Education and Professional Development Unplugged Talks: Inspiring Career Stories
Guest Speaker: Mehmet Energin, Strategy Director at OX2 Born in 1985 in Ankara, Mehmet Energin graduated from Konya Meram Science High School in 2004 and Koc University Business Administration Department in 2008. With a scholarship from the Turk Education Foundation and the British Council, he graduated from the University of Oxford in 2009. In the same year, after working in the United Nations Development Program in Kosovo, he started at McKinsey & Company Istanbul office in 2010 and completed the INSEAD MBA program in 2013-2014. In the same year, with 3 friends, he founded Uganda based Missing Middle Mesofinance company, which is still active. In 2014 he was transferred to the office of McKinsey & Company in Dubai and he concentrated on the energy projects of Middle East, Turkey, Asia between 2014-2017. Between 2017-2019, he was transferred to the Tokyo Office and continued his work on the energy sector. Mehmet, who moved to Stockholm in 2019, is the head of the strategy of OX2 which is active in the fields of Wind and Solar Energy. Mehmet Energin is interested in music as an amateur and travels in his spare time Examples of some of the works that Mehmet Energin has executed so far: • Japan Electricity Sector 2030 Strategy • Bangladesh Economic Development Strategy • Consultancy in Turkey to various enterprises and banks for acquisitons • Extraction of Sector Potential for G20 Country Investment Agency • Integrated Chemical Park Design for G20 Country • Short and midterm plan for an association in the field of Education
October18-25Sublime and Secluded: A Journey to the City Walls of İstanbul Now Published by ÖzU Press
Sublime and Secluded is a compilation of visual reflections Assistant Professor Metin Çavuş, a faculty member at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Özyeğin University, captured during his personal journey into the city walls of...
October18-25Trial Access: HukukTürk
Dear Library Users, HukukTürk database is available for trial access until December 31th 2019. The HukukTürk database provides access to the Supreme Court Decisions, Council of State Decisions, Constitutional Court Decisions, European Court...
October17-24ÖzU in Press - 2 Milyar Kişi Gıda Sorunu Yaşıyor (Turkish)
Sözcü Newspaper
October16-23World Food Day, 16 October, 2019
We wish you a happy World Food Day! October 16 World Food Day is a day of action dedicated to achieve zero hunger in honor of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This year, World Food Day will be celebrated with...
Oct16-Nov02Sectoral Education and Professional Development: PrET (Pre-Employment Training) Programı
Bu Program Özyeğin Üniversitesi ve Tbemark Eğitim ve Gelişim Benchmark Grubu iş birliği ile tasarlanmış, çok özel bir programdır. İçinde Yetkinlik tanımlama, Ölçme, değerlendirme, Kişiselleştirme, geleceğin beklentilerine yönelik yetkinlik geliştirme tasarımları içermektedir. Değerlendirme Koşulları: · İşletme, Sosyal Bilimler, Hukuk, Mimarlık ve Tasarım, Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakülteleri ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu 4. Sınıf öğrencisi, 2020 Mezun adayı olmak · Zorunlu Stajını tamamlamış olmak · Programa neden katılmak istediğinizi belirten Türkçe dilinde ön yazı yazmak · Mülakatlara katılmak ve başarılı olmak Program 16 kişi ile sınırlı olacaktır
October10-15Nexis Uni (LexisNexis) Training Meeting
Dear Library Users, You are invited to Nexis Uni training meeting, which is the new platform of the LexisNexis database. The training will be at the Library Seminar Room between the dates of October 15, 2019, 14.30-15.30. Please click here to...
October09-16Trial Access: Business Premium Collection
Dear Library Users, Political Science Complete database is available for trial access until November 21st, 2019. Business Premium Collection combines ABI/INFORM Collection; Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection; Asian & European Business Collection;...
October08-11Update On The Student Representative Election For The Accommodation Services Disciplinary Board
Dear Students, Please be advised that applications are now closed for the Student Representative for Accommodation Services election, which will be held as per the Rules and Regulations for Private Student Accommodation Services of the Ministry...
October08-15Prof. Dr. Mehmet Arık Honored by Two International Awards
In celebration of its 75th issue, the LED Professional Review magazine held the LPS 2019 Symposium in Austria to recognize ground-breaking scientific research through to solutions, designs and innovative applications to celebrate the complete spectrum...
October08-15Trial Access: Islamic Finance Hub (IFH) and Islamic Banking
Dear Library Users, Islamic Finance Hub (IFH) and Islamic Banking database is available for trial access until November 15th, 2019. The database provides policy institutes, economic think tanks, government regulators, banks, law firms and academic institutions...
October08-15Trial Access: Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Dear Library Users, Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals database is available for trial access until December 1st, 2019. This database indexes journal articles on architecture and design, covering subjects such as the history and practice of architecture,...
October08-15Trial Access: Engineering Source
Dear Library Users, Engineering Source database is available for trial access until December 1st, 2019. Engineering Source is the premier database for professionals and researchers across all engineering disciplines, including biomedical, civil, electrical,...
October08-15Trial Access: Political Science Complete
Dear Library Users, Political Science Complete database is available for trial access until December 1st, 2019. Political Science Complete is a full-text research database covering political topics with a worldwide focus, including international relations,...
October08-31CEEE/EÇEM - Bülten | Ağustos & Eylül 2019
CEEE/EÇEM - Bülten | Ağustos&Eylül 2019
Oct08-Nov08The Second Best Article Award Belongs to Ozyegin University
The article “A Comparison between Mediating and Ombudsman Corporation within Alternative Disagreement Solution Management” by the junior year Law Faculty student Furkan Yaşar was awarded with the title of second best article in the...
Oct08-Nov08The 16. edition of the journal "Hukuk Köprüsü / Rechtsbrücke" has been published
As German Law Research Center we would like to inform you that we have published the 16. edition of the journal " Hukuk Köprüsü / Rechtbrücke. The publication was taken over by the publishing house Seçkin. ...
Oct08-Dec07DAAD Scholarships Information Session
Dear Students, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service will organise an information session regarding the Higher Education in Germany and DAAD Scholarships on 17th October. You may find the details below. We would like to inform you that the session will...
October05-16ÖzU in Press - Mühendislik Zayıf Müteahhitlik Güçlü (Turkish)
Hürriyet Newspaper
October04-11Özyeğin University Attended Alicanto's First General Meeting
The International Association of Aviation and Aerospace Education (ALICANTO) convened its first general meeting in Montreal, Canada. Launched officially during the ICAO Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) summit 2018, ALICANTO was formed...
October03-07Student Representatıve Electıon For The Accommodatıon Servıces Dıscıplınary Board
Dear Students, Please be advised that an election will be held to elect a principal and a replacement Student Representative for Accommodation Services as per the Rules and...
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Çekmeköy Ana Kampüs Bitki ve Peyzaj Alanları Bakım Alımı ihalesi Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir....
October02-10FIAT Deneyim Atölyesi: Mobilite
19-20 Ekim 2019 tarihlerinde TOFAŞ Genel Müdürlük’te “Fiat Deneyim Atölyesi-Mobilite” gerçekleştirilecektir. İnsan Odaklı Tasarım metodolojisi ile “Mobilite” teması altında hizmet ve...
October02-25We are Hosting our Students
We met with the students of Faculty of Engineering, School of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences on Tuesday, October 1st. After the “Welcome ”speech by our director J. Melda Alpaydın, about our department...
Oct02-Dec012019 - 2020 Fall Semester Undergraduate Course Substitution Procedures
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till January 17, 2020 Friday at 14:00 via the Course Substitution screen...
Sep30-Oct06Our Sailing Team Returned Home With Cups
The Özyeğin University Sailing Team placed third in the Turkish Universities Sailing Championship, which took place at the Istanbul Kalamış Sailing Club from September 27 through September 29, 2019. Also, in the “Geographical Route - Long...
Sep30-Oct07Wiley Online Library
Dear Library Users, We want to announce that we have access to more than 1,300 academic e-books on Social and Behavioral Sciences and Psychology from the Wiley, which supports scientific research through academic content. About Wiley Books: •...
Sep30-Oct12Weekend Cuisine Programme begins!
Le Cordon Bleu Weekend Cuisine Programme begins at 12th of October 2019!
Sep27-Nov26OzU Life and Activities
Dear OzU Students, In this first week of the 2019-2020 academic year, we welcome all our newly admitted students, current students, and alumni with our traditional Orientation event, the lively club events of the Welcome Week, and Homecoming, respectively....
Sep26-Oct01Invitation For Get Together (FE - SAS - FAAS)
As Sectoral Education and Professional Development, we invite our students from the following faculties and classes to our get together which will be held on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019. Faculty of Engineering - School of Applied Sciences - Faculty...
Sep26-Oct02Invitation For Get Together (FEAS - FLAW)
As Sectoral Education and Professional Development, we invite our students from the following faculties and classes to our get together which will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019 Faculty of Business – Faculty of Law 12:00 – 13:00...
Sep26-Oct03Invitation For Get Together (FAD - FAS)
As Sectoral Education and Professional Development, we invite our students from the following faculties and classes to our get together which will be held on Thursday, October 3rd, 2019. Faculty of Architecture and Design – Faculty of Social Sciences 12:00...
Sep26-Oct032019-2020 ÖZÜ Şampiyonlar Ligi Başlıyor
Dear Students, You can apply from the athletic center office Takımlar 13 kişiden oluşacaktır ( 12 oyuncu, 1 Kaleci) Deadline for Application: 2.10.2019 tuesday First İnformation...
Sep25-Oct06ÖzÜ Spor Merkezi
ÖzÜ SPOR MERKEZİ YENİ AKADEMİK YILA HAZIR Çağdaş, Yenilikçi, Girişimci ve Donanımlı Kadrosuyla, Bu Yılda Öğrencilerine İyi'yi, Güzeli ve Doğruyu Yaşatmak Dileği İle....
Sep25-Oct10Sport Teams Selection Training
Dear OzU Family, Please be advised that we will be holding team selections to select the new members of our OzU Sports Teams that will represent Özyeğin University in sports competitions. Below you may find the dates and times of team...
Sep23-Oct022019 - 2020 Fall Semester Undergraduate Add – Drop Period
Dear Students, The add-drop period for the 2019 - 2020 Fall semester will start on September 25, 2019, Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. and will end on October 01, 2019, Tuesday at 4.00 p.m. You can add, drop and change sections of the courses on Student Information...
Sep23-Nov22Spor Merkezi Grup Fitness Dersleri
Dear OzU Members We are pleased to let your know studio classes will kick off on September 24 as of 16:00 at the Athletic Center. Our Fall semester will classes will take place from September 24 to December 23. The maximum number of participants...
Özyeğin Üniversitesi 4. Akademik Bina Projesi Laboratuvar Mobilya ve Ekipmanları Temin, Montaj İşleri Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliği 16. maddesine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile...
Sep20-Oct01An Exciting New Elective Course: SEC 405 Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Humanity, Society and Business
An Exciting New Elective Course: SEC 405 Artificial Intelligence: Impact on Humanity, Society and Business
Sep20-Oct01About Library 7/24 Working Area
Dear Library Users, On September 23 - October 1, Library 7/24 working area will be closed for student use between these dates. Thank you for your understand. Kind regards, Library
Sep17-Oct16Students of Özyegin University Returned with 2 Cups from the Netherlands
Our students representing Turkey in Joost Peters Student Business Challenge 2019, Leiden, the Netherlands made Turkey proud by winning 2 cups in total. The students rivaled against each other in groups in order to develop new digital marketing...
Sep16-Oct022019 - 2020 Fall Semester Undergraduate Course Registrations
Please be advised that course registration dates for the 2019 - 2020 Fall semester are below. Please click here to view the list of courses offered. The Course Registration Information document is prepared to provide you with...
Sep16-Oct02Principles and Procedures for PE Coded Courses Undergraduate Students May Take in a Semester
Dear Students, The principles announced in the web page regarding the PE coded courses, which students can take in a semester in their undergraduate programs to be implemented as of 2019-2020 academic year, are given below. Principles and Procedures...
Sep11-Nov112019-2020 Fall Undergraduate Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the undergraduate weekly course schedule for the 2019-2020 Fall semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. Kind Regards Student Services
Sep04-Oct07As Yoda Says ...
"Much to learn, you still have." In the new academic year, the SEC 101 Introduction to University seminars of the Learning Office will be carried out under two categories: Presentations and workshops. You can follow their announcements at our Twitter...
Oct22-Dec31Reminder: Swedish Universities Master Programs Fair
Consulate General of Sweden Istanbul and Study in Sweden is organizing a mini fair at Ozyegin University on October 23rd, Tuesday between 11:00-16:00 in Forum Area - Student Center. All students are kindly invited to attend the fair and meet the...
October16-16French Embassy Research Fellowships
Dear Faculty Members, The Embassy of France in Turkey is launching three fellowships: Fellowship for PhD students Fellowship for Young Visiting Researchers (Submission up to 3 years after acceptance in a PhD program) Fellowship for Visiting...
Oct15-Dec31Swedish Universities Master Programs Fair
Consulate General of Sweden Istanbul and Study in Sweden is organizing a mini fair at Ozyegin University on October 23rd, Tuesday between 11:00-16:00 in Forum Area - Student Center. All students are kindly invited to attend the fair and meet the...
Oct12-Dec31British Council - Study UK Days 2018
For more information please review this link.
Oct09-Dec31IESEG School of Management: International MBA Challenge
Dear Students,We are happy to share the announcement of our partner university IESEG's the first edition of International Challenge focus on social entrepreneurship. The aim of this challenge is to gather MBA students from different partners...