Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Jun30-Jul08Hentbol Kadın Milli Takımımıza Ev Sahipliği Yaptık
HENTBOL KADIN MİLLİ TAKIMIMIZA EV SAHİPLİĞİ YAPTIK...Avrupa Şampiyonasına Hazırlanan ''Hentbol Kadın Genç Milli Takımız'' Bir Haftalık Kamp Çalışmasını Üniversitemizde Yaptı. Hentbol Federasyonu Başkanı Sn. Bilal...
Jun30-Jul08Plaj Hentbolü Takımımız Türkiye 2. si...
PLAJ HENTBOLÜ TAKIMIMIZ ÜNİVERSİTELERARASI TÜRKİYE 2. Sİ...Muğla Köyceğizde Bir Haftadır Devam Eden Türkiye Üniversitelerarası Plaj Hentbolü Şampiyonasında Zorlu Maçları Başarıyla Tamamlayarak Türkiye...
Jun30-Jul31Pilotaj Lisans Programı Araştırma Görevlisi Değerlendirme Sonucu
Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi 2547 sayılı kanunun ilgili maddeleri ile 31.07.2008 tarihli ve 26953 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim...
Jun28-Jul08Eskrim Takımımız Türkiye Şampiyonu...
ESKRİM TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE ŞAMPİYONU...22-27 Haz Tarihlerinde Sivasta Yapılan, Türkiye Üniversitelerarası Eskrim Şampiyonasından, Flöre Branşında Türkiye Şampiyonu Olarak Dönen Takımımızı, Ayrıca Ferdi Olarak,...
June27-28Havacılık Yönetimi Araştırma Görevlisi Başvuruları Ön Değerlendirme ve Sınav Daveti
31.07.2008 tarihli Resmi gazetede yayımlanan “ Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Naklen Veya Açıktan Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav ile Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar...
June27-28Pilotaj Araştırma Görevlisi Başvuruları Ön Değerlendirme ve Sınav Daveti
31.07.2008 tarihli Resmi gazetede yayımlanan “ Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Naklen Veya Açıktan Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav ile Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar...
Jun27-Aug01Araştırma Görevlisi Ön Değerlendirme Sonuçları
31.07.2008 tarihli Resmi gazetede yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Naklen Veya Açıktan Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav ile Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar...
Jun25-Jul03Özyeğin Üniversitesi Alüminyum Kapı ve Aksesuarları Alım Montaj ve Demontaj İhalesi
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Alüminyum Kapı ve Aksesuarları Alım, Montaj ve Demontaj İhalesi Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliği 16. maddesine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye...
ÖZYEĞİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ CISCO MARKA CİHAZLAR İÇİN SMARTNET ANLAŞMASI ihalesi Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin...
Jun24-Jul02Library Summer Period Working Hours
Dear Library Users, Library updated working hours will be as follows during the summer period; Weekday 8:30-16:30 Weekend 9:00-18:00 *7/24 Study Hall will remain open. Best regards, Library
Jun21-Aug202019 Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility 2nd Call Applications
Dear Students, We are happy to announce that Erasmus+ traineeship mobility 2nd round applications will be active on 10th July 2019. Application deadline is 24 July 2019, 23:59. Please be advised that late applications will not be accepted....
June20-28Özyeğin Üniversitesi Kampüs ve Yurt İç-Dış Cephe Boya Tadilatı ihalesi
Kampüs ve Yurt İç-Dış Cephe Boya Tadilatı ihalesi, Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır: İhaleyi...
Jun19-Jul242018 - 2019 Summer Session Undergraduate Course Registrations
2018 – 2019 Summer Session undergraduate course registrations will be held between the dates specified below. To check the courses offered during the 2018-2019 Summer Session, please click here. To read the previous announcement about summer...
Jun17-Jul192018-19 Erasmus+ Staff Teaching 2nd Call Applications
Project ID: 2018-1-TR01-KA103-050130Application Period: 17 June – 10 July 2019The Erasmus+ program offers full/part-time academic staff the opportunity to undertake a short teaching visit to a higher education institution in Europe, with funding...
Jun17-Jul192018-19 Erasmus+ Staff Training 2nd Call Applications
Project ID: 2018-1-TR01-KA103-050130Application Period: 17 June – 10 July 2019The Erasmus+ program offers full/part-time academic and non-academic staff the opportunity to undertake a short training visit to a higher education institution...
June15-21Final 5 Days For Early Bird Dormitory Application !
Dear Students, Early bird applications are invited via SIS from May 13, 2019, 16:00 am through Jun 21, 2019, 17:00pm. Please be advised that all dormitory applications will be annual applications, and housing fees will be charged equally in two semesters,...
June14-23We're Going to Make Yoga on International Yoga Day
We're doing YOGA on International Yoga Day 21st June 2019 Friday at 08:30 in the lawn near the football field. All OzU members are invited to this free yoga event! (Open to all levels. Please bring your mat just in case of limited mats.) Date:...
June13-21ÖZYEĞİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ AB4 Binası Yerel Alan Ağı Yapısal Kablolama Malzeme ve Hizmet Alımı ihalesi
AB4 Binası Yerel Alan Ağı Yapısal Kablolama Malzeme ve Hizmet Alımı ihalesi, Vakıf Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler...
June12-19Assistant Professor Ceren Hayran Şanlı Elected as the National Representative of Turkey for the European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
Assistant Professor Ceren Hayran Şanlı from the Faculty of Business will serve as the EMAC National Representative of Turkey for a term of 3 years. Assistant Professor Ceren Hayran Şanlı has been elected as the national representative of Turkey following...
June12-26Pilotaj Bölümü Araştırma Görevlisi İlanı
Üniversitemiz Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi Pilotaj Lisans Programına, 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 31. Maddesi ile “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak...
June12-26Havacılık Yönetimi Araştırma Görevlisi İlanı
Üniversitemiz Havacılık ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi Havacılık Yönetimi Lisans Programına, 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 31. Maddesi ile “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına...
June12-28Araştırma Görevlisi İlanı
Üniversitemize, Öğretim üyesi dışındaki öğretim elemanı kadrolarına aylık ve özlük hakları yönünden 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu hükümlerine tabi olarak Araştırma Görevlisi alınacaktır....
June11-18Our Rector Attends the 6th European Women Rectors Conference as an Invited Speaker
The “6th European Women Rectors Conference organized by the European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) took place on May 13-14 at the University of Malmö in Sweden. This year, the conference was held under the theme of “Responding to...
June10-21Commencement Ceremony 2019 Volunteer Students Application
Dear students, As you know our Commencement Ceremony 2019 is coming up on Saturday, July 6th. The Student Life Office is responsible for much of the event planning and we need your help! Can you teach marching at the rehearsal,...
June10-21Long Term Borrowing for Summer
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you that the return date for books has been set as September 30 for the summer term. The long-term borrowing rule applies only to books. If you would like to renew the books that have already been in your...
June05-12Dissertation Defense - Isam Jabbar Ibrahim Bajilane (PHDME)
Isam Jabbar Ibrahim Bajilane - Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Assoc.Prof. Güney Güven Yapıcı - Advisor DEVELOPMENT OF A SOLID STATE SPOT WELDING TECHNIQUE FOR THE MANUFACTURING OF DEFECT FREE JOINTS Date: 12.06.2019 Time: 14:00 Location: AB2 G12 Thesis...
June04-11Thesis Defense - Ahmet Emir Tuzcu (MSIE)
Ahmet Emir Tuzcu - M.Sc. Industrial Engineering Assoc.Prof. Erkun Kundakcıoğlu - Advisor EXACT APPROACHES FOR THE NO WAIT FLOWSHOPPROBLEM Date: 11.06.2019 Time: 16:00 Location: AB2 G03 Thesis...
June04-11Thesis Defense - İbrahim Edhem Sakarya (MSIE)
İbrahim Edhem Sakarya - M.Sc. Industrial Engineering Assoc.Prof. Erkun Kundakcıoğlu - Advisor AUC MAXIMIZATION FOR BINARY CLASSIFICATIONUSING COMBINATORIAL BENDERS CUTS Date: 11.06.2019 Time: 15:00 Location: AB2 G03 Thesis...
June04-11Thesis Defense - Olkan Kurt (MSIE)
Olkan Kurt- M.Sc. Industrial Engineering Asst.Prof. İhsan Yanıkoğlu - Advisor A MATHEMATICAL MODELLING APPROACH FOR DLED TV PANEL DESIGN Date: 11.06.2019 Time: 09:00 Location: AB2 G02 Thesis...
June03-10Thesis Defense - Sadi Safaraliev (MSEE)
Sadi Safaraliev- M.Sc. Electrical Electronics Engineering Prof. Murat Uysal- Advisor LIGHTING DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND CHANNEL MODELING FOR VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATIONS Date: 10.06.2019 Time: 10:00 Location: AB2 G16 Thesis...
June02Mimarlık Bölümü Öğrencileri 10. Betonik Fikirler Proje Yarışması'nda Üçüncülük Ödülü Aldılar
Sürdürülebilir bir yaşam için dijitalleşen dünyada "Yapıda Dijital Dönüşüm"e katkı sağlayacak bir fikrin var mı? sorusuna yanıt arayan 10. Betonik Fikirler Proje Yarışması; çağımızın...
May31-Jun07Library Will Be Closed During the Ramadan Feast
Dear Library Users, The Library will be closed on Monday 3 June to Friday 7 June during the Ramadan Feast. 1-2 June and 8-9 June weekends will be open in routine working hours (09.00-18.00). *7/24 study hall will remain open. We wish you a happy Ramadan...
May31-Jun10Spor Merkezi Ramazan Bayramı Kullanım Saatleri
Dear OzU Family, Between the 1st and 9th of June 2019, due to the Ramadan Feast, the Sports Center will be open from 10:00 to 17:00. We celebrate your Ramadan holiday and wish you a nice and happy holiday. Our respect, Sport...
May31-Jun11Thesis Defense - Erdi Mertcan Karagöz, M.Sc. Financial Engineering
EFFECTS OF WAGE PAYMENT DAYS ON USD/TL FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE IN TURKEY Erdi Mertcan Karagöz, M.Sc. Financial Engineering Date: June 10, 2019 Time: 12:00 Location: Özyeğin University Financial Engineering...
May31-Jun11Thesis Defense - Petek Filizer, M.Sc. Financial Engineering
AN EMPIRICAL STUDY FOR THE SYSTEMIC RISK IN THE TURKISH BANKING SYSTEM Petek Filizer, M.Sc. Financial Engineering Date: June 10, 2019 Time: 11:00 Location: Özyeğin University Financial Engineering Center, Altunizade,...
May31-Jun11Smart Led Thermocouple Receives An Award from GIV
The Entrepreneurial Businessmen Foundation (GIV) organized the seventh edition of the Entrepreneurship Awards Ceremony, bringing together NGO representatives and entrepreneurs.This year, the 7th GIV Entrepreneurship Awards Program was held with the theme...
Dear Students, Please be advised that in response to your requests due to the 9-day Ramadan Feast holiday and final examinations, the deadline for 2019-2020 Fall Semester Dormitory Applications has been extended till June 21, 2019, 17:00pm. Early...
May28-Jun04Short Film “Empty Trash Bin” Receives Award from the Ministry
The winners of the “Zero Waste Challenge” have been announced! The Zero Waste Challenge is organized by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization to promote students across Turkey to think about environmental damages caused by uncontrolled...
May28-Jun12Safari is now O’Reilly for Higher Education
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you Safari Technical and Business Books Online is now O’Reilly for Higher Education. The O’Reilly for Higher Education digital platform includes more than 38,000 book titles and more than 30,000...
May24-Jun14Between 27 May- 14 June Library Opening Hours
Dear Library Users, Between 27 May- 14 June Library will be open during the following working hours; 27 May Monday – 31 May Friday 08:30 – 24:00 3 June Monday – 7 June Friday ...
STUDENTS OF WHICH FACULTY GOT THE THRONE? A prerequisite for the compulsory internships, the Skills Management course was once again full of almost Game of Thrones type excitement with its mind-blowing weekly quizzes. Now that they are all over, which...
May22-Jul19ScOLa Chinese Course Student Won The “Chinese Consulate General Scholarship”
Hamza Aydın, who is taking Chinese courses at the Modern Languages Program in ScOLa received his Scholarship certificate from the Chinese Consulate General Cun Wei during the ceremony held in Shangri-La Hotel in İstanbul on June 10th 2019. We...
May17-Jun18OzU SAS - Scuba Diving
Dear Friends, OZUSAS will be in Bodrum for Scuba Diving training and diving event right after the finals!!! All adventurers are invited to join us in Bodrum to shake off the stress of the year and explore the mysterious world of underwater! You...
May16-Jul012018-2019 Summer Undergraduate Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the undergraduate weekly course schedule for the 2018-2019 Summer semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. Kind Regards Student Services
May13-Jun25Composite Exams On June 23, 2019 Postponed
Dear Students, Please be informed that composite examinations scheduled for Sunday, June 23, 2019 have been postponed to Tuesday, June 25, 2019 due to Istanbul mayoral elections. The revised examination schedule will be posted on the Student...
May10-Jun09Short Fiction Contest - Better Futures: What Comes Next?
Short Fiction Contest - Better Futures: What Comes Next? First Place: $1000 | Second Place: $500 | Third Place $300
May03-Jul02Summer Schools 2019: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Dear Students, We are glad to announce to you the ICT Summer School 2019 at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Finland! The summer school program caters to students who want to study in an international atmosphere and are interested in information...
Apr29-Jun28Seminar 2019: Universita degli studi di Camerino, Italy
Dear Students, Wo would like to present to you a seminar opportunity at the Universita degli studi di Camerino in Italy! The XXIX International Seminar and Award for Architecture and Urban Culture: Contemporary Architecture and Historical Context...
Apr29-Jun28Summer Schools 2019: Biblioteca Archivio "Emilio Sereni," Italy
Dear Students, We would like to present to you a summer school opportunity at the Istituto Alcide Cervi, Biblioteca Archivio "Emilio Sereni" in Gattatico, Italy! The XI Landscape Summer School "Emilio Sereni" Water Landscapes is open to all students...
Apr18-Jun17Summer Schools 2019: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Dear Students, We are happy to present to you a summer school opportunity at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in Taiwan! The ‘2019 Summer School: Smart Technology and Sustainable Cities’ will take place from August...
Apr16-Jun15Summer Schools 2019: Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Dear Students, We are glad to share with you a summer school program at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania! The summer school will take place from June 11-14, 2019 and will cover two main topics: Variety of Assessments and Evaluations:...
Apr12-Jun03Summer Schools 2019: ITMO University, Russia
Dear Students, We are happy to share with you a summer school program at ITMO University in Russia! There are 9 international summer schools which you can see below: Programming: July 1-28, 2019 (click here) Game Design: July 15 - August 4, 2019...
Apr11-Jun10Erasmus+ 2019 Traineeship Mobility Ranking Results
Dear Students, We are happy to announce the Erasmus+ 2019 traineeship mobility ranking results! Please refer to this link for the list. Students who are in the list will receive an email with information regarding the next steps. Best Regards,International...
Apr10-Jun092018-2019 Spring Semester Undergraduate Final And Composite Exam Schedule
2018 – 2019 SPRING SEMESTER UNDERGRADUATE FINAL AND COMPOSITE EXAM SCHEDULE Dear Students, You may now view your undergraduate final and composite exam schedule for the 2018-2019 Spring semester via SIS. To view your final and composite...
Apr05-Jun04Summer Schools 2019: University of Liege, Belgium
Dear Students, We are happy to share with you the Summer University 2019 at the University of Liege in Belgium! The program, which will be held between August 5 - 23, 2019 and offers French courses, is ideal for students who would like to: begin,...
Apr04-Jun01CHN Students Get Shangai University Language Scholarships
CHN students Ali Kaan Kurbanzade and Ege Sinan Çetin got a 4 week scholarship in Shangai University and Simge Güner and Begüm Özcan got a 2 week scholarship in Shangai University. We congratulate our students and the Chinese Instructor. ...