Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Apr29-May06Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Dear OzU Family, The Athletic Center will serve from 10:00 to 17:00 during the Ramadan Feast and all week (between May 02- May 06). We wish you a happy holiday.
Apr29-May11ÖzU in Press - En Etkili Üniversiteler Açıklandı (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
Apr29-May17Our University Ranks First Among Foundation Universities in THE Impact 2022 - Universities with Highest Social Impact Rankings
The results of the Times Higher Education’s “THE Impact Ranking” 2022 have been announced. The ranking assesses universities based on their social contributions towards the United Nations’ ‘Sustainable Development Goals....
Apr29-May22Peer Advising Program Applications Started
2022-23 PEER ADVISING PROGRAM APPLICATION OzU Peer Advising Program - Apply Today! This is a program of the Student Life Office. Eligible students must have completed at least 1 year in their Faculty at OzU. As a volunteer Peer Advisor,...
Apr28-May03Trial Access: Scite
Dear Library Users, Scite database available for trial access until May 29, 2022. Scite is a tool that provides a quantitative and qualitative interpretation of how scientific publications cite each other. Please register to access it. Please complete...
Apr28-May12Library Working Hours on Ramadan Holiday
Dear Library Users, Library working hours during Ramadan holiday will be as follows; Saturday, April 30, 2022 – Friday, May 06, 2022 / CLOSED Saturday, May 07, 2022 / 10.00 – 18.00 Sunday, May 08, 2022 / 10:00 – 18:00 The library...
Apr28-May19We Come in Second in Middle-East Africa Region in "Go Green" Competition Organized by Schneider Electric
The team founded by Ece Sümer, senior Electrical-Electronics student at the Faculty of Engineering, Sinem Öztürk and Fatma Nur Keleş, senior Industrial Engineering students at the Faculty of Engineering, came in second in the “Go...
Apr28-Jun272021-2022 Commencement Ceremony Date
Dear Students,"Eligibility Requirements to Attend the Commencement Ceremony" determined by the Senate of our University have been previously announced on our website. 2022 Spring Commencement Ceremony to be held at the end of 2021-2022 Spring...
April26Özyeğin University’s OzU Rover Team Advances to Finals After Achieving Highest Score Among Turkish Teams at URC 2022
The designers of Turkey’s very first Martian rover, the Özyeğin University’s OzU Rover Team returned home yet another international achievement. The team competed in the University Rover Challenge (URC), one of the most prestigious...
April26Assistant Prof. Doğa Dinemis Aman’s Team Honored with First Prize in "5 Ocak Park and Surroundings Urban Design Competition"
The team that included Assistant Prof. Doğa Dinemis Aman from the Faculty of Architecture and Design was honored with first prize in the “5 Ocak Park and Surroundings Urban Design Competition”, an open, international, two-stage design competition...
Apr26-May10Sailing Team Selection Announcement
We expect the candidates who will compete in our Sailing Team according to the above qualifications to participate in team selections in the Athletic Center office between 13:40/18:40 9th of May, on Monday. Operation in moving release classes, Operation...
Apr26-Jun25Summer School 2022: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the ICT Summer School 2022 sent from one of our partner institutions Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland). You can find the information...
Apr26-Jun25Summer School 2022: Estonian Business School, Estonia
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the EBS International Summer School on Digitalization and Sustainability sent from one of our partner institutions Estonian Business School (Estonia). You...
April22-29Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
April21-28Library Working Hours on April 23
Dear Library Users, The library will be closed between 24:00 on Friday, April 22, and 08:00 on Sunday, April 24, due to April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day. *7/24 study hall will remain open. Happy 23rd April National Sovereignty and...
Apr21-May31Site Visit: Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport
Site Visit: Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport
Apr21-Jun202022 Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility Application Results
Dear Students, We announce the 2022 Erasmus+ traineeship mobility application results publicly. You may review the ranking list by clicking the following link: Ranking List The student ID information in the document is encrypted in line with the...
April202021-2022 Bahar Dönemi Ukrayna'dan Kurumlar Arası Yurt Dışı (Başarıya Göre) Yatay Geçiş Başvuru Değerlendirme Sonuçları
Sevgili Adaylar, 2021-2022 Bahar Dönemi Ukrayna'dan Kurumlar Arası Yurt Dışı (Başarıya Göre) Yatay Geçiş Başvuru Değerlendirme Sonuçları için lütfen buraya tıklayınız. Saygılarımızla,Öğrenci ...
April20-26Thesis Defense - Halil Zınar Düzgün (MSME)
Halil Zınar Düzgün – M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Asst. Prof. Polat Şendur – Advisor Date: 26.04.2022 Time: 11:00 Location: AB1 412 DURABILITY TESTING AND VIBRATION...
April19-22IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Today (on Tuesday, April 19) IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance from 20:00-24:00. During this time, there may be intermittent impact on performance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library...
April18-24Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Dear OzU Members We present the Sports Center Weekly Bulletin for your information.
Apr18-Jun172022/2023 Global Exchange Program 2nd Application Period
2022/2023 Global Exchange Program 2nd Application Period The 2nd online application period for Global Exchange Program will be active between 26 April 2022, 08:00 – 12 May 2022, 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be considered. You...
April15Trial Access: American Chemical Society (ACS)
Dear Library Users, American Chemical Society (ACS) database available for trial access until May 10, 2022. ACS includes, more than 65 journals about analytical chemistry, applied chemistry, biology, engineering, and physics. Please complete Trial...
April15-27Online Info Meeting - Gastronomy and Design Track - Design, Technology, and Society Graduate Programs
Design, Technology, and Society Master’s Degree Program Gastronomy and Design Track will admit students for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: May 01 -May 31, 2022 Online Info Meeting: April...
April15-27Online Info Meeting - Design, Technology, and Society Graduate Programs
The Thesis Master’s Program in Design, Technology, and Society will admit students for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: May 01 -May 31, 2022 Online Info Meeting: April 27, 2022 (from...
April15-29Official Gazette Job Advertising for Open Faculty Positions
Our University invites applications for full-time faculty positions. Candidates are expected to meet the requirements listed in the “Rules and Regulations for the Appointment and Promotion of Faculty Members” as per Higher Education Law No:2547...
April15-29Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı
15 Nisan 2022 tarihli, 31810 sayılı T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan 4156/2/1-1 no.lu ilandır. Özyeğin Üniversitesi Rektörlüğünden: Üniversitemizin aşağıda belirtilen akademik...
Apr15-May15Psychology Master's Degree Program Online Info Meeting
Psychology Master’s Degree Program will admit students for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: April 18 - Mayıs 18, 2022 Online Information Session I : May 14, 2022 ...
Apr15-Jun14Summer School 2022: University of Angers, France
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Summer Schools 2022 sent from one of our partner institutions University of Angers (France). You can find the information and details provided by the partner...
Apr15-Jun14Summer School 2022: Kühne Logistics University (KLU), Germany
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Summer School in Sustainability sent from one of our partner institutions Kühne Logistics University (Germany). You can find the information and...
April14-16Investment Preparation Program for Technology Entrepreneurs
Dear ÖzÜ Member, The applications of the “Investment Preparation Program for Technology Entrepreneurs”, which are carried out in collaboration with Özyegin University Fit Startup Factory and Kavlak Lawyer Firm and aims to improve...
April14-2124/7 Library Service
Dear Library Users, As of Monday, April 18, the library will be open 24/7. Best regards, Library
April13-15Information About Sports Center Pool Renovation
Dear OzU Members, Indoor pool will be closed due to renovation works until Friday,April 15th. Thank you for your understanding. Athletic Center
April12-30Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşı Nedeniyle Ukrayna’dan Türkiye’ye Dönmek Zorunda Kalan Öğrencilere Sunulan Yatay Geçiş İmkanı
Ukrayna-Rusya savaşı nedeniyle Ukrayna’dan Türkiye’ye geri dönmek zorunda kalan T.C. vatandaşı öğrencilere Yükseköğretim Kurumu’nun 28.03.2022 tarihinde aldığı karar doğrultusunda 2021-2022...
April11Five Young Academicians of Özyeğin University Recognized with Awards in Five Areas at BAGEP Awards Ceremony with Our Rector Prof. Dr. Esra Gençtürk in Attendance
The winners of the Science Academy’s Young Scientists Program (BAGEP) 2022 have been announced. The BAGEP program was initiated by the Science Academy to choose and reward the best young academics, and to support them in conducting new studies....
April11-12Table Tennis Tournament
Beginning day of the tournament will be at April 13, Wednesday 10:00 a.m. The table tennis tournament will be played over two sets won (the athlete who reaches 11 points in each set will be considered the winner of the set) The table...
April11-17Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Dear OzU Members We present the Sports Center Weekly Bulletin for your information.
Apr11-May27L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Dinner Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant “L’Atelier Bleu” is opened as of 13th April 2022 for ‘A la Carte’ service on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays evenings until the end of Spring term....
Apr11-Jun10Summer School 2022: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding AUAS Summer School 2022 sent from one of our partner institutions Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands). You can find the information and...
April08-30First Place in "Darc Awards" Goes to Assistant Prof. Faruk Uyar from Faculty of Architecture and Design
“LAB1.Lighting Design” co-founded by Assistant Prof. Faruk Uyan from the Faculty of Architecture and Design came in first in the “SPACE” category in this year’s Darc Awards, annual international lighting design awards organized...
Apr08-May01CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter | March-April 2022
CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter | March-April 2022
Apr08-Jun072nd Water Management Awards | 2022
For various categories announced by the Infrastructure and Trenchless Technologies Association on the website www.suyonetimiodulleri.org in order to increase awareness in water management by reinforcing the motivation of public institutions, private...
April07-10Journal Portal and OZoogle+ Access Problem Solved
Dear Library Users, Journal Portal and OZoogle+ access problem has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April07-29MBA Program Online Information Session-Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 19:00
We would like to inform you that our MBA program Online Information Session will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 19:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please click for registration. Best regards, Graduate...
April07-29Executive MBA (EMBA) Graduate Program Online Information Session-Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 19:00
We would like to inform you that our Executive MBA (EMBA) program Online Information Session will take place on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 19:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please click for registration. Best...
April07-30We Rank 4th in Night Photography Rendering Challenge
As the only team attending from Turkey, our team that featured Özyeğin University academicians and students ranked fourth among 29 teams from 7 countries in the Night Photography Rendering competition which was held as part of the event “New...
Apr07-Jun06Summer School 2022: Tilburg University, Netherlands
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Online Summer School, July 11-12 sent from one of our partner institutions Tilburg University (Netherlands). You can find the information and details...
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Göz İzleme Cihazı temin edilmesi ihalesi Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler...
April05ÖzU in Press - Kampüste Dijital Sanat (Turkish)
Cumhuriyet Newspaper
April05-08Library Catalog Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Due to scheduled system maintenance, access to Library Catalog will be unavailable from April 5, 2022 at 17:00 to April 6, 2022 at 02:00 Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April05-10Accessing the Journal Portal and OZoogle+
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, OZoogle+ and the Journal Portal are temporarily unavailable. You can access OZoogle+ here and Journal Portal here until the issue is resolved. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you...
April05-12OZoogle+ and Journal Portal Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, OZoogle+ and the Journal Portal are temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understand. Best regards, Library
April05-30Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. Web of Science Core Collection kullanarak güvenle araştırma yapın, Araştırmacı Profili oluşturun : Akademisyen OturumuDate: Wednesday,...
April05-30We Emerged as Winners in Turkey’s First End to End Energy Trading Hackathon
The team that included our students Semanur Sancar, an Electrical-Electronics Engineering master’s student at the Graduate School of Engineering and Science, and Emin Kartçı, senior Electrical-Electronics Engineering student at the Faculty...
April05-30We Came in First in "Ideatrophy" Organized by Unilever
Özyeğin University students came in first in the “Ideatrophy” challenge organized by Unilever for a clean future with their project “Bluechip” designed to help recycle solid waste. The students developed a system to dispose...
April04-09Journal Portal Access Problem Solved
Dear Library Users, Journal Portal access problem has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April01-05Library Account Access Problem Solved
Dear Library Users, Library Account access problem has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
April01-08TOUR: Dolmabahçe Palace & Galata
A STROLL THROUGH DOLMABAHCE PALACE AND GALATA The Student Life Office invites you to enjoy a walking tour of the historic neighborhood of Galata and Dolmabahce Palace. Date: Friday, 8 AprilTime: 09.00 departure from Campus to Dolmabahce,...
April01-09Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Foundation - Fiba Volunteers - Book Donation Campaign
Please be informed that a book donation campaign is being organized to contribute to the empowerment of female students residing in secondary school dormitories built and donated to the Ministry of National Education by Hüsnü M. Özyeğin...
April01-17FAAS - Seminar: WOMEN IN AVIATION: A Stakeholder Approach
FAAS - Seminar: WOMEN IN AVIATION: A Stakeholder Approach
Mar30-Apr02Journal Portal Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to Journal Portal will be temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understand. Best regards, Library
Mar30-Apr13The Team That Includes Our Student Wins First Place in "Productive Design Challenge 2022" Organized by METU MECH
The team which included our senior Industrial Design student Başak Berument from the Faculty of Architecture and Design has won first place out of 50 teams in attendance at "Productive Design Challenge 2022" organized by METU MECH, a student...
Mar30-Apr28Özyeğin University Students Design A New Generation Agency Portal in Gulf Insurance’s “Agency Portal Development Hackathon”
The Agency Portal Development Hackathon organized by Gulf Insurance for Özyeğin University students took place from March 11 through March 23, 2022 within the scope of this year’s Sectoral Orienteering week. During the competition, students...
Mar30-May29Summer School 2022: IESEG School of Management, France
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the IESEG Summer Programs 2022, sent from one of our partner institutions IESEG School of Management (France). You can find the information and details...
Mar29-Apr04About Connected Library
Dear Library Users, Connected Library will not be held this week due to National Library Week. We welcome you to the Library. We meet our users who cannot come to the Virtual Library. Kind regards, Library
Mar28-Apr28Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut, Head of The EU Delegation, Visits Özyeğin University
The panel “Heading to a Sustainable Future” co-organized by Özyeğin University and SMI was held at Özyeğin University Çekmeköy Campus on March 28, 2022. The panel discussion featured Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut,...
Mar28-Apr30Erasmus+ 2022-23 Study Mobility Application Results
We announce the 2022-23 Erasmus+ study mobility application results publicly. You may review the ranking list by clicking the following link: Ranking List The student ID information in the document is encrypted in line with the Law on Personal...
Mar25-Apr01Engelsiz ÖzÜ - Creative Drama Workshop
Drama workshop will be held in Turkish.
Mar25-Apr10Industrial and Organizational Psychology Master’s Program - Info Meeting
Applications are invited for the Thesis Master’s Program in Industrial/Organizational Psychology for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications : April...
Mar25-Apr12Psychology Master's Degree Program Online Info Meeting
Psychology Master’s Degree Program will admit students for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: April 18 - Mayıs 18, 2022 Online Information Session I : April 11,...
Mar25-Apr18Thesis Master’s Program in International Relations and Globalization - Info Meeting
The Thesis Master’s Program in International Relations and Globalization will admit students for the 2022-2023 Fall semester. The application calendar is available below. Applications: May 01-31, 2022 Master’s Programs Info Meeting...
Mar25-May24Summer School 2022: Inha University, Korea
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 2022 Inha Summer School sent from one of our partner institutions Inha University (Korea). You can find the information and details provided...
Mar25-May24Online Tanıtım Toplantısı - Hukuk Lisansüstü Programları
Hukuk Lisansüstü Programları 2022-2023 Akademik Yılı Güz Dönemi için öğrenci alacaktır. Başvuru takvimini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz: 18 TEMMUZ - 19 AĞUSTOS 2022 ...
Mar21-May20Summer School 2022: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding NTU ESG Investing Online Summer Program sent from one of our partner institutions National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan). You can find...
Mar21-May20Summer School 2022: University of Osnabrück, Germany
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding 2022 International Summer Schools sent from one of our partner institutions University of Osnabrück (Germany). You can find the information and details...
Mar18-May17ART Exhibition of Faculty of Social Sciences, Online and At the Forum Area
The Social Sciences Faculty Fall Art Exhibition 29 March 2022 - 29 May 2022 The paintings in the show were selected by our Art teacher M. Harrison-Priestman from his students of ART 101 A-B-C and ART 102 A, Fall semester 2022. ...
Mar10-May13Özyeğin Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğretim Görevlisi İlanı - 10.03.2022 Sınav Programı
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümünün açmış olduğu 22.02.2022 tarihli ilana başvurarak, yapılacak olan yazılı sınava girmeye hak kazanan adayların...
Mar08-May07Summer School 2022 - University of Trento, Italy
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 2nd edition of the PsyHuman Summer School sent from one of our partner institutions University of Trento (Italy). Since the host institution requires...
Mar03-May022022-2023 Academic Year MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering (FERM) Master Programs and PhD in Business Program Applications
Applications for 2022-2023 academic year MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering (FERM) Master Programs and PhD in Business Program have started. PhD in Business Application Deadline: July, 08, 2022 EMBA, MBA, FERM Application Deadline:...
Feb25-Apr26Summer School 2022 - University of Fribourg, Switzerland
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Summer University on Federalism, Decentralisation, and Conflict Resolution 2022 sent from one of our partner institutions University of Fribourg (Switzerland)....
Feb23-Apr24Summer School 2022 - Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Portugal)
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding New Marketing Trends, Summer School sent from one of our partner institutions Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Portugal). You can find the information and details...
Feb01-Apr02Fulbright Master's and Ph.D. Scholarship Programs and Education in the USA
Dear Students, Fulbright Istanbul Office will hold an online seminar for OzU students on Fulbright Master's and Ph.D. Scholarship Programs and Education in the USA on Thursday, February 17 at 15.30. Since the scholarship programs are...
Feb01-Apr02Summer School 2022 - University Institute of Lisbon - ISCTE, Portugal
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 18th Summer School Lisbon 2022 - Iscte Business School, sent from one of our partner institutions University Institute of Lisbon - ISCTE (Portugal)....
Feb01-Apr02Summer School 2022 - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Summer School 2022: “Recent developments on financial crime, corruption, and money laundering: European and international perspectives” sent from one...
Apr23-Jul23Mimarlık ve Tasarım Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü 2020-2021 Yaz Stajı Bilgilendirme
Architecture students may find 2020-2021 Summer Internship information and internship info video below. The page also consists of other internship implication steps, procedures and internship documents from the same page. https://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/...