Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
April28-29Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science database access interruptions may occur between 14.00-02.00 on Tuesday, April 28 due to planned maintenance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Apr28-May26OzU Rover Team Advances to the Finals in the University Rover Challenge!
Renowned for the “planetary rovers” they have been developing at our university since 2014, the OzU Rover Team has unlocked a new achievement this year, advancing to the finals in the University Rover Challenge, URC, the world's premier rover...
Apr28-May27Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. This online training series will include the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Citation Reports, Incites and Publons. Training sessions...
April24Rosetta Stone Webinar Has Been Postponed
Dear Library Users, The Rosetta Stone webinar has been postponed to a later date. We’ll inform you again as soon as we know the new date. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Apr24-May01Library "Chat Now" App
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you "Chat Now" button has been added to the Library web page to answer your questions quickly. You can reach us directly between 09.00-16.00 on weekdays or you can leave us your message with the “Leave...
Apr24-May20Our University Listed in the THE Impact 2020 - Universities with Highest Social Impact Rankings
Özyeğin University was ranked among the world’s best universities in the “THE Impact” (Social Impact) Rankings, an overall ranking of universities announced for a second time by THE (Times Higher Education), a London based higher...
April22-2322 Nisan 2020 EARTH DAY / DÜNYA GÜNÜ Kutlu Olsun
22 Nisan 2020 EARTH DAY / DÜNYA GÜNÜ Kutlu Olsun
April22-25Webinar | Rosetta Stone
Dear Library Users, We would like to announce that there will be Rosetta Stone webinar. Rosetta Stone Library Solution offers 30 languages to meet a range of cultural interests, core lessons to build reading, writing, speaking and listening skills,...
April22-27Hackathon Announcement | #EUvsVirus
The European Commission, led by the European Innovation Council and in close collaboration with the EU member states, will host a pan-European hackathon to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop...
April20-23Webinar | Women Entrepreneurship During the Pandemic
The webinar series by the Fit Startup Factory resumes in full swing! During this webinar, we will discuss the effects of the quarantine on women entrepreneurs, and the challenges and advantages of being a women entrepreneur with our invited...
Apr17-Jun12REMINDER: Undergraduate Course Substitution Procedures (2019 - 2020 Spring Semester)
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till June 08, 2020 Monday at 14.00 via the Course Substitution screen under...
April14-28Our Industrial Engineering Team Selected as a Finalist for 2020 INFORMS Operations Research & Analytics Student Team Competition
INFORMS, the leading international association for Operations Research & Analytics professionals with over 12 thousand members from all around the world, announced the top 6 finalists of its fourth annual INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team...
April13-18Being a Startup Abroad During the COVID-19 and the Future of Marketing Technologies
You are invited to the webinar “Being a Startup Abroad During the COVID-19 and the Future of Marketing Technologies”, featuring leading techno-entrepreneurs with thriving start-ups based abroad. The webinar is intended to discuss the topics...
April13-20Reminder: Undergraduate Course Withdrawals (2019-2020 Spring Semester)
Dear Students, You may complete your course withdrawals for the 2019 – 2020 Spring session via the “Course Registration” page of the Student Information System (SIS) between 10:00 am on Monday, April 13,...
Apr13-Jun12OzU Art Collection Moves to Digital Platform with A New Perspective
Extraordinary Conditions and Art Challenges, small or big, always face us, and will continue to do so. The extraordinary conditions we go through globally these days is only one of these challenges. In overcoming these challenges, art helps us to take...
April10ÖzU in Press - Startup ve Kurum Buluşması (Turkish)
Fast Company
Apr10-Jun15Counselling Sessions and CV Trainings Continue Online
Counselling Sessions and CV Trainings Continue Online
April09-16Emerald Online Training
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about the seminar series "How to Publish Your Research Globally? " by Emerald. Join the online GGP sessions and get a certificate.Session Topic: Guide to Getting PublishedSession Duration: 2 hoursIt will...
April08-15COVID-19 Information & Resources by General Directorate of Red Crescent Society
"Coronavirus Information and Resources” prepared by the Red Crescent Society of the Republic of Turkey are available in the link below. https://www.kizilay.org.tr/corona/YOK_ve_MEB_icerikleri.html
April08-22Özyeğin University Team Qualifies to Be Among the 14 Finalist Teams in Android Academy
The pre-elimination and interview phases of the Android Academy organized for the second time by Google Turkey and Entrepreneurship Foundation under the auspices of the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK) were concluded. This year,...
April07-14New Databases Access
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that the following databases opened to access within the scope of ULAKBİM EKUAL national license have been added to Library's E-Resources collection. Central & Eastern European Academic Source This...
April07-21Our Board of Trustees Chair Hüsnü M. Özyeğin Named “Business Person of the Year”
Ekonomist has recently announced the finalist of the 2020 Business Person of the Year survey. Ever since 1991 when the its first issue was published, Ekonomist magazine has been recognizing the most admired and influential business leaders through...
April07-21Fiba Group’s COVID-19 Support Announcement
As FIBA Group, we set in motion the expertise and amenities of all our group companies to support our country, and we have allocated a total of 12 million TL in cash and in-kind contributions in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. We are...
April05-19OzU Represents Turkey in the Seismic Design Competition
Özyeğin University Civil Engineering and Architecture students participated in the Seismic Design Competition organized by the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute as the only team representing Turkey.Our Civil Engineering students Fatmanur...
April03-10About Your Books
Dear Library Users, The return dates of the books you borrowed are extended until beginning of the new semester. Best regards, Library
April03-21Web of Science Online Trainings
Dear Library Users, We would like to announce that there will be an online trainings giving by the Web of Science Group again. This online training series will include the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Citation Reports, Publons-Researcher...
April02-13Cambridge University Press Temporary Open E-Resources
Dear Library Users, We would like to announce that Cambridge University Press is providing free access to collections below until the end of May 2020. Cambridge University Press TextbooksCambridge University Press includes more than 700 open access...
April01ÖzU in Press - Eğitim Dünyası Koronayla Savaşta (Turkish)
Miliyet Newspaper
April01ÖzU in Press - Koronavirüsün Psikolojik Etkisi Salgın Travması (Turkish)
Hürriyet Newspaper
April01-14Voluntary Psychological Support for Healthcare Professionals
Assistant Professor Selenga Gürmen, a faculty member at the Psychology Department at Özyeğin University, and Couple and Family Therapist, created a voluntary therapy group to provide psychological support to healthcare professionals fighting...
Mar31-Apr05Webinar | What Awaits BioTech Startups ?
The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. İsmail Arı, Director of TTO and the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University, and Mr. Süha Soydan, Project Manager at the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University. The event will feature Dr. Sevgi Salman Ünver, editor of the book “Adım Adım Biyogirişimcilik” (Step by Step Bio-Tech Entrepreneurship), Erman Turan, co-author of the same book, and Mr. Merthan Öztürk, co-founder of Spirohome, as panelists.
Mar31-Apr07About Library ILL Requests
Dear Library Users, We are unable to process ILL (Interlibrary Loan) requests due to the Library's temporary closure. You can continue to send us your article requests and e-book requests. Regards, Library
Mar31-Apr17COVID 19 | Temporary Open & Free Resources
Dear Library Users, In order to support institutions and students moving to remote instruction & learning, many publishers are offering some or all of their e-resources freely for a period of time. Below is a list of publishers/resources that have...
Mar30-Apr202019-2020 Spring Course Withdrawals (Undergraduate Students)
Dear Students, You may complete your course withdrawals for the 2019 – 2020 Spring session via the “Course Registration” page of the Student Information System (SIS) between 10:00 am on Monday, April 13,...
Mar29-Apr06Library Will Be Closed From March 30
Dear Library Users, Library closed until further notice. All items on loan are being extended during our closure period. Librarians are available to provide assistance through e-mail reference library@ozyegin.edu.tr Regards, Library
Mar27-Apr15OzU Graduate Produces Face Shields with 3D Printing
Another valuable support to healthcare professionals fighting the Coronavirus pandemic surging across the world has come from the Özyeğin University alumnus Ahmet Alp Çakıcı. Our Mechanical Engineering alumnus, and a specialist at OpenFab...
Mar26-Apr08Time to Act Together for the Future of Our Planet - We Support the Earth Hour Movement!
This Year, Earth Hour is Unity Hour! Earth Hour is a movement organized by the WFF since 2017 to draw attention to global environmental issues, in particular climate change. The event is celebrated worldwide annually with turning off lights for one...
Mar26-Apr30Our University Will Continue with Remote Instruction During Spring Semester
Prof. Dr. Yekta Saraç, President of the Council of Higher Education (COHE) stated during a press conference held on March 26, 2020 that universities will not resume in-person instruction in the spring semester, as part of the precautionary...
Mar25-May132019-2020 Resume Book Applications
Dear Graduate Candidate, We hope your 2019-2020 academic year has been a good one. Every year we publish a ‘Resume Book’ for Özyeğin University graduates that is shared with reputable companies and distributed at the Graduation Ceremony....
Mar19-Apr05Remote Instruction
Dear Students, On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Mr. Yekta Saraç, COHE (YÖK) President, announced that universities capable of offering remote instruction may begin remote instruction effective from Monday, March 23, 2020. Please be advised...
Mar16-Apr03Psychological Counseling Unit - Online Support
Dear Students, It is observed that people experience high levels of anxiety worldwide due to COVID - 19 pandemic process. Therefore, you may need support to increase your mental resilience. As the Psychological Counseling...
Mar12-Apr30Information about Suspension of Instruction at Higher Education Institutions
Dear Members of OzU, Please be advised that following the Coronavirus Summit held at the Presidential Complex on March 12, 2020, it was announced that instruction at higher education institutions will be suspended for three weeks as of Monday,...
Mar02-Apr01CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | Ocak-Şubat 2020
CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | Ocak-Şubat 2020
Feb20-Apr20Student Sick Leave Report Procedure
Dear Students, You can find Student Sick Leave Report Procedure and relevant forms on MyOzU page. Forms and Recognized Private Health Institutions list relevant to Sick Leave Report are also available on Student Services –...
Feb05-Apr05Summer School 2020 - ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Dear Students, The Summer School Lisbon 2020 gives students the opportunity to choose between 20 high-quality academic courses allowing them to enhance their skills and knowledge whilst experiencing first hand Portuguese culture, history and language. The...
Feb05-Apr05Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony
Dear Students, The “Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony” are determined by the University Senate and are posted on our webpage. Please be advised that our next Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, June...
Feb04-May222019-2020 Summer School Courses
Dear Students, Please click here to see the courses planned to be offered during the 2019 - 2020 summer school. Kind Regards, Student Services