Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Mar29-Apr05Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Esteemed Members, We present to you the Sports Center Event Bulletin for the week of March 30th to April 5th.
Mar28-Apr05Özyeğin University Faculty Member Associate Prof. Akın Ünver Accepted to the Board of the European Cyber Conflict Research Incubator CIC
Associate Prof. Akın Ünver, a faculty member at the Department of International Relations at Özyeğin University, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the European Cyber Conflict Research Incubator CIC (ECCRI) at Oxford University. ECCRI...
March27-31Sunday, March 31 Library Working Hours
Dear Users, Due to local elections, the Library will open with a 1 hour delay on Sunday, March 31st. Sunday, March 31 Library working hours: 10:00-18.00 Best regards, Library
Mar27-Apr17Library Database available for Trial Access: Dalloz.Fr
Dear Library Users, Dalloz.Fr database is available for trial access until 17th April, 2024. Dalloz.Fr is a French legal database containing legal journals, legislations, legal commentaries, and case law. The database specialized in French administrative...
Mar26-May21L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Dinner Service
Dear OzU Members, Our Practice Restaurant 'L’ Atelier Bleu' is opened between 26 March-19 April 2024 and 30 April -21 May 2024 for dinner service on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, at 19:00 – 20:30 hours. You...
Mar26-May27ScOLa Student Seminar: Mastering Pronunciation
This session is designed for ScOLa students who want to learn more about how to improve their pronunciations. The session will be both in Turkish and English. Please review the poster for details.
March25-29Workshop: How To Improve Critical Thinking Skills?
Would you like to join “HOW TO IMPROVE CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS?” workshop? If yes, here are the details. The aim of this workshop is to provide you an overview of what critical thinking in academic life is, the ways and practices to improve...
March25-31Project Led by Prof. Canan Sümer, Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences at Özyeğin University, Receives Grant from International Labour Organization
The research project “Women’s and Men’s Perceptions and Experiences of Violence and Harassment at Work” led by Prof. Canan Sümer, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Özyeğin University, has been awarded a $161,500...
March22-26Design for Interiors Seminars "Intangible Layer of Interior Space: LIGHT"
In the realm of Design For Interiors lectures, we shall have the honor of hosting Merve Aşçıoğlu Yıldırım presenting a seminar entitled "The Ethereal Essence of Interior Space: LIGHT" on March 25th. This distinguished event will commence...
March22-26Table Tennis Tournament Will Starts
Esteemed Students; Those students who wish to participate in the Özü Table Tennis Tournament, which will be held at the sports center on Thursday, 28th of March at 16:30, can make their applications through the following link. Match Rules: The...
March22-29Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Esteemed Members, We present to you the Event Bulletin for the week of March 23-29 at the Sports Center.
March22-31You are invited to Library Week Celebrations!
Dear Library Users, The 60th Library Week will be celebrated this year between March 25th and 31st. At OzU Library, just like every year, we celebrate Library Week with various activities. We would love to see you among us. Events: Music, coffee, and...
Mar22-May31Group Sports Lessons for Our Students Continue
Dear Students, Free group lessons continue to be offered for our students at the sports center. Reservation is necessary to participate in the lessons. Please click here for the Reservation Link. We wish you healthy and active days. Sports Center...
March21Annual Reviews Database Access Problem Has Been Solved
Dear Library Users, Access problem to the Annual Reviews database has been solved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March21IR Department Student Classroom Conduct Policy
Esteemed Students, The Department of International Relations at Özyeğin University upholds the following principles of conduct crucial for establishing an enriching educational environment for all. Active and collaborative teaching and learning...
March20Özyeğin University Hosts a Series of Events in Observance of "World Water Day"
The Approach 2030 Program launched in 2018 by the Sustainability Platform at Özyeğin University continues to explore new approaches to current challenges and inspire innovative thinking and action. Under the theme of “By the Riverbank,”...
March20-23Annual Reviews Database Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to the Annual Reviews database will be temporarily unavailable off-campus. We will be informing you when the problem is solved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March19The Access Problem Has Been Solved: Journal Portal
Dear Library Users, The access problem to the Journal Portal has been solved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March19-21Games Research Lab. Opening Event
We kindly invite you to our research/project-based lab opening called “Games Research Lab,” which takes place this Thursday from 13:00-14:00 inside the Mac lab (AB4, B317) in Architecture and Design Building at Ozyegin University. Games...
March18-19Access Problem to Journal Portal
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem access to Journal Portal will be temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March15-16IEEE Xplore Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, IEEE Xplore will undergo scheduled maintenance On Saturday, 16 March 2024 from 16:00 to 21:00. During this time, the site will be unavailable. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March15-18Özyeğin University Hosts Symposium: "Pilot Demand in Turkish Civil Aviation and Proposed Solutions"
The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences at Özyeğin University organized a symposium in collaboration with the Turkish Private Sector Aviation Enterprises Association (TÖSHİD) to examine the current pilot demand in the aviation sector....
March15-19Özyeğin University Student Said Bolluk’s Master’s Thesis Qualifies for REHVA Competition
Said Bolluk, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Civil Engineering at Özyeğin University, has qualified to participate in an international competition organized by the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations...
March15-22Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Esteemed Members, The Sports Center presents the Activity Bulletin for the week of March 16-22 for your information.
March14Özyeğin University Students Win Second Place in Unilever’s 22nd Ideatrophy Challenge
The ÖzU team comprised of Özyeğin University’s undergraduate students Hakkı Kutluhan Yücel (Communication Design Program), Mert Serozan (Business Administration Program), and Emre Yiğit Ay (Law Program), won second place in the...
March13-23Faculty of Business External Research Seminar | Marketing | Dr. Kunter Gunasti (WSU)
Business School External Research Seminar | Marketing | Dr. Kunter GunastiDate: Friday, March 22, 2024Time: 13:30-15:00Location: AB2 G12Speaker: Dr. Kunter Gunasti, Associate Professor of Marketing Washington State UniversityTitle: The Sign...
March08Library Catalog Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, The Library Catalog will be temporarily unavailable this evening (Friday, March 8th) at 10:15 PM due to scheduled maintenance Kind regards, Library
March08-15Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Esteemed Members, We present to you the Sports Center's Event Bulletin for the week of March 9-15.
March07-08Özyeğin University Faculty Member Prof. Ethem Alpaydın Appears as a Guest on Teke Tek Bilim
Prof. Ethem Alpaydın from the Faculty of Engineering at Özyeğin University appeared as a guest on Teke Tek Bilim hosted by journalist Fatih Altaylı on YouTube. In the episode titled “What is the Capacity of Artificial Intelligence?”...
March07-15Web of Science Off-Campus Access
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to the Web of Science platform will be temporarily unavailable from off-campus. The access problem doesn’t cover those with a Web of Science account. Users who don’t have an account can...
Mar07-Oct01ScOLa Student Seminar: Write and Shine: Tips for Editing and Improving Academic Paragraphs at ScOLa
This session is designed for ScOLa students who want to learn more about how to improve their academic paragraphs. The session will be both in Turkish and English. Please review the poster for details.
March06-08Access Problem Has Been Solved: Wikilala Database
Dear Library Users, Access problem to the Wikilala database has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March04The Databases Unavailable for Off-Campus Access Temporarily
Dear Library Users, Due to the move to the new system for off-campus access, the following databases are temporarily unavailable from off-campus as of today. Efforts are continuing to solve the problem as soon as possible. Once resolved, you will be...
March04-07Wikilala Database is Temporarily Unavailable
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to Wikilala database will be temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March04-17Online Trainings| Evaluation of Research Performance
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about online trainings on evaluation of research performance. Web of Science Core Collection kullanarak güvenle araştırma yapın!Date: Tuesday, March12Time: 11:00-10:00For registration and training...
March04-27Financial Engineering (FERM) Graduate Program Online Information Session-Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 19:00
We would like to inform you that our Financial Engineering (FERM) program Online Information Session will take place on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 19:00. We are looking forward to meeting you. Please click for registration. Best...
Mar04-Jun30Kısmi Zamanlı Öğrenci Ücretleri
Kısmi Zamanlı Çalışma Programı kapsamında çalışan öğrencilerimizin saatlik ücretlerine 2023 – 2024 Güz dönemi (02 Ekim 2023) itibariyle geçerli olacak şekilde %30 oranında artış yapıldığını...
March02-17Librarious March Training Sessions
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about the Librarious March training schedule. What is Librarious? Librarious is the general name for comprehensive and interactive library training programs that will help you progress in the world...
March01-04Access Problem Has Been Solved: Grammarly Database
Dear Library Users, Access problem to the Grammarly database has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March01-08Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Esteemed Members, We present to you the Sports Center Event Newsletter for the week of 2-8 March.
March01-08The Databases Unavailable for Off-Campus Access Temporarily
Dear Library Users, Due to the move to the new system for off-campus access, the following databases are temporarily unavailable from off-campus as of today. Efforts are continuing to solve the problem as soon as possible. Once resolved, you will be...
Mar01-Aug31MBA, EMBA, FERM and PhD in Business Programs 2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Term Applications
Applications for MBA, Executive MBA (EMBA) and Financial Engineering (FERM) Programs have started. Early Application: May 31, 2024 (5% incentive discount for early applications) Application Deadline: August 31, 2024 Özyeğin University with...
Feb29-Mar02Reminder! Muteferriqa: Ottoman Turkish Discovery Portal User Training
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about the "Muteferriqa: Ottoman Turkish Discovery Portal" Database training. Date: Friday, March 1Time: 14:00Location: Seminar Room (Library, B2) The training is planned as a hybrid; click here to participate...
Feb29-Mar05Access Problem to the Grammarly Platform
Dear Library Users, Due to a technical problem, access to the Grammarly platform will be temporarily unavailable. We will be informing you when access is available. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Feb29-Mar07Private Law - Commercial Law Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 05.02.2024 the results of the Law Faculty Private Law Research Assistant evaluation exam held on 27.02.2024 are given below. With respect,Faculty of Law
Feb29-Mar07The Databases Unavailable for Off-Campus Access Temporarily
Dear Library Users, The Library continues its work on the new system for off-campus access to e-resources. During the move, the following databases will not be temporarily accessible from off-campus. You will be informed when the access problem is resolved....
Feb29-Mar07Public Law – General Public Law Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 05.02.2024 the results of the Law Faculty Public Law Research Assistant evaluation exam held on 27.02.2024 are given below. With respect,Faculty of Law
Feb28-Mar05Swimming Courses for Students Begins
Dear Students, For our students who do not know how to swim or want to improve their swimming technique, our swimming courses are starting as part of the Sports Center Activity Plan. Choose the appropriate course group for you in the table below and...
Feb28-Mar10Özyeğin University Faculty Member Prof. Evren Balta Received Visiting Scholarship at Harvard University
Professor Evren Balta, chair of the Department of International Relations at Özyeğin University, has received two prestigious accolades for the 2024-2025 academic year. She will be a visiting scholar at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs...
Feb28-Jun01The Intercultural Awareness Bulletin has been published!
Dear OzU Members, The primary goal of the Intercultural Awareness Workshops, designed and carried out in collaboration with the Office for Learning and Teaching Enhancement (OLTE) and the Intercultural Awareness and Support Office, is to introduce intercultural...
Feb27-Mar01Araştırma Görevlisi Değerlendirme Sonuçları - Endüstri Mühendisliği
09.11.2018 tarih ve 30590 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan “Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav İle Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar...
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you about the new system for off-campus access to e-resources. OzU Library continues working to improve its services and resources. In this sense, on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, the authentication system...
Feb27-Mar06Özyeğin University 15th Anniversary Water Polo Tournament
Esteemed Members of OzU, Within the scope of the 15th Anniversary Tournament of Özyeğin University, Water Polo matches will be played on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of March. All OzU members are invited to the tournament.
Feb25-Mar29CEEE/EÇEM NEWSLETTER | Feb 2024
Feb23-Mar01Sports Center Weekly Event Bulletin
Dear Esteemed Members, The Sports Center presents the Activity Bulletin for the week of February 24th to March 1st for your information.
Feb22-Mar07Mock Interview/Mülakat Simülasyonu: Fiba Group (Online)
Mülakat Simülasyonu Fiba Group Şirketleri: Fiba Holding Fiba Retail Fibabanka Gelecek Varlık Başvurular Link Professional'da ayrı ayrı alınmaktadır.
Feb22-Mar29Call for Contributions for the SEC 101 Course - ÖzÜ Reflect Module Seminars
Dear ÖzÜ Instructors, We are sharing this announcement to kindly ask for your seminar contributions via this form for the ÖzÜ Reflect Module in the SEC 101 Course. One of our primary goals within the scope of this module is to help...
Feb21-Mar15Mock Interview/Mülakat Simülasyonu: Doğuş Group (Online)
Mülakat Simülasyonu yapacak Doğuş Grubu Firmaları: Doğuş Holding Doğuş İnşaat Doğuş Oto Doğuş Otomotiv Doğuş Yayın Grubu Doğuş Yeme-İçme, Turizm ve Perakende Başvurular Link Professionalda ayrı ayrı alınmaktadır.
Feb21-Mar31The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, Results of Research Assistant Position for Aviation Management Program
The results of the examination for the position of Research Assistant in the The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences Aviation Management Program, held on February 19, 2024, in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulation on the Central...
Feb21-May16ScOLa Student Clubs
ScOLa Student Clubs aims to help our students have the opportunity to participate in fun and engaging activities that suit their needs and interests. 2023-2024 Spring semester ScOLa student clubs will start their activities in the third week....
Feb21-Jun01About Sports Center Group Lessons
Dear Members of the Özü Community, Various sports group classes opened within the Sports Center are listed in the table below. Our students, who wish to register, can make reservations via the provided link. *RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR...
Feb20-Jun01Our Informal Learning Ecosystem is with You!
Dear OzU Community, The future predicted by the Super Smart Society increases the importance of informal learning methods. Equipping learners with the flexibility to learn at their own pace, preferred context and at their convenience aligns with society's...
Feb19-Mar14L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February 22th, 2024. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 12:00-13:30 hours (https://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr). Please...
Feb15-Mar05Real Interview for Internship: Fiba Retail (Online)
Fiba Retail iki ayrı Staj fırsatı ile Sectoral Orientterin'de bizlerle birlikte oluyor! Gerçek İş ve Staj Fırsatı: Fiba Retail - CRM Intern (Çevirimiçi On-Campus Interview) Gerçek İş ve Staj Fırsatı: Fiba Retail - General Application – Internship (Çevirimiçi On-Campus Interview)
Feb15-Mar15The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences, Preliminary Evaluation of Research Assistant Position for Aviation Management Program
The Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences at Özyeğin University, in accordance with the relevant provisions of Law No. 2547 on the Avaition Management Program, published in the Official Gazette No. 32444 dated 29.01.2024, and within the...
Feb13-Jul26Disabled Students Unit-Art Therapy Workshop
Student Development and Experience Unit Disabled Students Unit Art Therapy Workshop The workshop's aim is to improve oneself by gaining awareness of one's self-perception and problem solving skills through Art Therapy. The target audience...
Feb12-Mar12Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results for the Faculty of Social Science International Relations Department
Pursuant to the announcement published in the Official Gazette on December 25, 2023 and on the Özyeğin University website on December 25, 2023, the applications of candidates submitted for the open positions in Internatipnal Relations ...
Feb08-Jun01Fitness Center User Manual
Dear Esteemed Members, You can find the details regarding the usage of the Sports Center for the 2023-24 Spring semester by clicking on the link below. The use of the Sports Center is only available to Esteemed Members. It is closed to outside guests...
Jan26-Mar012024 Spring Per-Credit Tuition Payments
Per-Credit Tuition Payments for Students Who Need to Complete Maximum 18 ECTS for Graduation or Students Between Their 9th to 14th Semesters Students who need to complete only up to a maximum of 18 ECTS credits excluding internship or Students...
Jan18-Nov062024-25 Erasmus+ Study Mobility Applications
Application Call for Erasmus+ Study Mobility Applications for the 2024-25 Erasmus+ study mobility will start on 6 February and end on 20 February 2024, 13:00. The applications for the Erasmus+ study mobility must be submitted in two steps: 1) TURNA Portal...