Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Mar31-Apr05Webinar | What Awaits BioTech Startups ?
The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. İsmail Arı, Director of TTO and the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University, and Mr. Süha Soydan, Project Manager at the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University. The event will feature Dr. Sevgi Salman Ünver, editor of the book “Adım Adım Biyogirişimcilik” (Step by Step Bio-Tech Entrepreneurship), Erman Turan, co-author of the same book, and Mr. Merthan Öztürk, co-founder of Spirohome, as panelists.
Mar31-Apr07About Library ILL Requests
Dear Library Users, We are unable to process ILL (Interlibrary Loan) requests due to the Library's temporary closure. You can continue to send us your article requests and e-book requests. Regards, Library
Mar31-Apr17COVID 19 | Temporary Open & Free Resources
Dear Library Users, In order to support institutions and students moving to remote instruction & learning, many publishers are offering some or all of their e-resources freely for a period of time. Below is a list of publishers/resources that have...
Mar30-Apr202019-2020 Spring Course Withdrawals (Undergraduate Students)
Dear Students, You may complete your course withdrawals for the 2019 – 2020 Spring session via the “Course Registration” page of the Student Information System (SIS) between 10:00 am on Monday, April 13,...
Mar29-Apr06Library Will Be Closed From March 30
Dear Library Users, Library closed until further notice. All items on loan are being extended during our closure period. Librarians are available to provide assistance through e-mail reference library@ozyegin.edu.tr Regards, Library
Mar27-Apr15OzU Graduate Produces Face Shields with 3D Printing
Another valuable support to healthcare professionals fighting the Coronavirus pandemic surging across the world has come from the Özyeğin University alumnus Ahmet Alp Çakıcı. Our Mechanical Engineering alumnus, and a specialist at OpenFab...
Mar26-Apr08Time to Act Together for the Future of Our Planet - We Support the Earth Hour Movement!
This Year, Earth Hour is Unity Hour! Earth Hour is a movement organized by the WFF since 2017 to draw attention to global environmental issues, in particular climate change. The event is celebrated worldwide annually with turning off lights for one...
Mar26-Apr30Our University Will Continue with Remote Instruction During Spring Semester
Prof. Dr. Yekta Saraç, President of the Council of Higher Education (COHE) stated during a press conference held on March 26, 2020 that universities will not resume in-person instruction in the spring semester, as part of the precautionary...
March25-26Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science database access interruptions may occur between 14.00-02.00 on Thursday, March 26 due to planned maintenance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March25-31New Platform: Elsevier COVID-19 Resource Center
Dear Library Users, We would like to announce that Elsevier COVID-19 Resource Center platform has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Here you will find expert, curated information for the research and health community on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Kind...
March25-31Webinar: Web of Science Core Collection: Discovery begins here!'
Dear Library Users, We would like to announce that there will be a few online trainings giving by the Web of Science Group. This online training series will include the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Citation Reports, Publons-Researcher ID...
Mar25-May132019-2020 Resume Book Applications
Dear Graduate Candidate, We hope your 2019-2020 academic year has been a good one. Every year we publish a ‘Resume Book’ for Özyeğin University graduates that is shared with reputable companies and distributed at the Graduation Ceremony....
March24-31New Database: ICONDA
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that ICONDA database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. The International CONstruction DAtabase (ICONDA) database of the International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation...
March24-31EBSCO Webinar: Literature Search Techniques and Practical Research Tips
Dear Library Users, We would like to announce that there is an EBSCO webinar titled 'Literature Search Techniques and Practical Research Tips' for support academicians, doctorate and graduate students. Webinar Name: Literature Search Techniques and...
March23-30Trial Access: Legal Online and Legalbank
Dear Library Users, Legal Online and Legalbank databases are available for trial access until May 10th. Legal Online includes more than 450 law books and more than 650 law journal issues. Legalbank includes more than 1,900.000 ruling-cases, more than...
March20-27Updated Library Working Hours
Dear Library Users, The library will open from Monday, March 23, at the following working hours only for students who are staying in dormitories and approved users: Weekdays : 10.00 to 16:00Weekends : 10.00 to 15.00 7/24 Study Hall will remain...
March20-27About Press Reader Database
Dear Library Users, The offline usage period of the Press Reader database has been increased from 7 days to 60 days. For offline use, an account must be created by connecting to the campus Wi-Fi network. Best regards, Library
March19-21Web of Science Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Web of Science database access interruptions may occur between 14.00-02.00 on Friday, March 20 due to planned maintenance. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March19-31About Your Books
Dear Library Users, The return dates of the books that you borrowed are extended until Monday, April 6. Best regards, Library
Mar19-Apr05Remote Instruction
Dear Students, On Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Mr. Yekta Saraç, COHE (YÖK) President, announced that universities capable of offering remote instruction may begin remote instruction effective from Monday, March 23, 2020. Please be advised...
March18-19Access Problem Has Been Solved: Factiva Database
Dear Library Users, Access problem to the Factiva database has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March16-17Access Problem Has Been Solved: E-Resources
Dear Library Users, Off campus access problem to the E-resources has been resolved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
Mar16-Apr03Psychological Counseling Unit - Online Support
Dear Students, It is observed that people experience high levels of anxiety worldwide due to COVID - 19 pandemic process. Therefore, you may need support to increase your mental resilience. As the Psychological Counseling...
March13-16About SciVal User Training
Dear Library Users, SciVal User Training, which is planned to be held on March 16 2020, has been postponed to a later date due to the Coronavirus outbreak worldwide. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Library
March12Scholarship from Foundation Universities for National Athletes
The Ministry of Youth and Sports signed a new memorandum of understanding with 24 foundation universities to ensure that national athletes with international achievements are able to pursue their studies with scholarships. The signing ceremony featured...
Mar12-Apr30Information about Suspension of Instruction at Higher Education Institutions
Dear Members of OzU, Please be advised that following the Coronavirus Summit held at the Presidential Complex on March 12, 2020, it was announced that instruction at higher education institutions will be suspended for three weeks as of Monday,...
March11-14ASCE Database and INFORMS PubsOnline Scheduled System Maintenance
Dear Library Users, Due to scheduled maintenance, ASCE Database and INFORMS PubsOnline will be unavailable on Friday, March 14, from 12.00 am to 03:00 am. During this time, there may be intermittent problems with accessing the databases. Thank you...
March11-15LeanLab 2. Term Closing Event Takes Places
The second term of the “LeanLab: Innovative Transformation Program from Academia to Venture” launched jointly by Özyeğin University and Boğaziçi University under the auspices of Istanbul Development Agency (IDA) drew...
March11-16Fit Startup Factory’s BIGG Program Demo Presentations Take Place in Kayseri
Fit Startup Factory’s BIGG Program Demo Presentations Take Place in Kayseri Participants of the Techno-Entrepreneurship Capital Support Program (BIGG) offered jointly by the Fit Startup Factory at Özyeğin University and Erciyes...
March11-16Indoor Pool, will be closed whole day at March 16
Indoor Pool, will be closed whole day at March 16, cause of Replacing the lighting systems.
March11-18Fit Startup Factory Energy Technologies Meeting
The Fit Startup Factory Energy Technologies Meeting organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship at Özyeğin University brought together entrepreneurs with energy sector professionals. During the event, the Fit Startup Factory BIGG Acceleration...
March10ÖzU in Press - Sırada yurtdışı başarısı var (Turkish)
Hürriyet Newspaper
March10-13About Wiley Author Workshop
Dear Library Users, The Wiley Author Workshop, which is planned to be held on March 18 2020, has been postponed to a later date due to the Coronavirus outbreak worldwide. Thank you for your understanding. Best Regards, Library
March10-17Ozu Hotel Management Team Returns from EMCup 2020 with First and Second Prizes in Two Categories
OzU attended for a third time in the EMCup 2020, the largest annual competition among the best European Hotel Management Schools. During the 12th edition of the EMCup 2020 held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, the OzU Hotel Management team “e-XENIA...
March09Access Problem Has Been Solved: Library Catalog
Dear Library Users, The problem of accessing Library Catalog has been solved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
March09-12Seminar - Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences -Current Terrorist Threats in Civil Aviation
Seminar - Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences -Current Terrorist Threats in Civil Aviation Speaker: ONUR ZEYREK Quality Control , Audit and Research Manager Date: 11 March 2020, Wednesday Time: 11:30 12:30 Place: AB2.11...
March09-16PwC Case Challenge Winner is Özyeğin University
Özyeğin University’s team “Golden Triangle” won the “Case Challenge” competition organized by PwC Turkey for university students. The winners of the PwC Case Challenge, a prize competition organized since 2015 by PwC...
March09-16Construction Alert team from Özyeğin University wins the “Design Together with BIM 2020” Competition
The “Construction Alert” team from Ozyegin University became the winner of the “Design Together with BIM” competition organized by Istanbul Technical University with the aim of raising awareness of building information modeling...
Özyeğin Üniversitesi Microsoft Lisans Yenileme ihalesi Vakıf Yükseköğretim Kurumları İhale Yönetmeliğine göre Açık İhale Usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda...
March09-20Trial Access: Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
Dear Library Users, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies – EEMCS database is available for trial access until June 30th. The database includes more than 700 cases from 71 different countries specialising in rising economy markets in business...
March08-16ÖzU in Press - Üniversiteler, eşitlik için sorumluluk almalı (Turkish)
Hürriyet Gazetesi
March06-13Guest Speaker in course IBUS 202 Country Analysis: DEIK Turkey-India Business Council Chairman Tevfik Dönmez
On March 5th, 2020 the President of Turkey-India Business Council at Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK), Mr. Tevfik Dönmez, was a guest speaker at the Country Analysis 2 course (IBUS202A) of the Faculty of Business. He made a presentation...
March05-10Seminar - Civil Aviation Club - Being a Wo-Man Pilot in Turkey
We cordially invite you to our seminar which is going to be prepared for 8 March International Woman Day, managed by Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences; Civil Aviation Club. Our distinguished guests are from Jazeera Airways' pilot Elif Guveyler who is worked for OnurAir and Turkish Airlines before and from Turkish Airlines, Nurdan Karatas who are used to work for ground management and cabin crew. We would like to see you all in that seminar to see your support for equality in the aviation industry and the topic will be 'Being a Wo-Man Pilot in Turkey'. The seminar is prepared with the contributions of 'He for She Club'. Thanks for your sensitivity and we wish you to see in the meeting. The date is March 9th, 12.00 - 13.30 at FEAS G30.
March05-12Disability Free Banking Hackathon
Alternatif Bank organized a hackathon under the theme of “Disability Free Banking” on February 28-29 in collaboration with Özyeğin University. 9 teams made up of 36 members pit their project ideas against each other to make banking...
March04“Women in Finance” Panel Organized by CFA Society of Istanbul
CFA Society of Istanbul organized a panel discussion under the theme of “Women in Finance” at the Garanti BBVA Headquarters on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. The panel discussion brought together successful women executives to tell their career...
March03Corporate & StartUp Day 2020 Takes Place in Collaboration with Özyeğin University
The Corporate & Startup Day 2020, organized jointly by Özyeğin University, Endeavor Turkey, the Entrepreneurial Organizations Platform, and Fast Company, brought together start-up leaders, companies, and startups once again. Corporate &...
March02-14Weekend Cuisine Programme!
LE CORDON BLEU WEEKEND CUISINE PROGRAMME begins! Along with Le Cordon Bleu Instructor Chefs, every Saturday for 10 weeks / 6 hours a day you can be a part of a comprehensive and tasteful training module where you will get to learn various techniques...
March02-15The American University in Cairo's International Competition with UNDP and Egypt Ministry of Environment
Dear Students, Faculty and Student Advisers, The American University of Cairo’s Student Union would like to invite you to join its Sustainability Initiative. Every year, the SU Real Life Team, under the Academics Committee of the Student...
March02-17Table Tennis Tournament Update
Dear ÖzÜ Members, Our on-campus table tennis tournament, planned for 2-3 March, was updated as 11-12 March. Thank you for your understanding.
March02-23Özyeğin University Wins the CFA IRC Turkey Challenge
Özyeğin University won the first place in the CFA Investment Research Challenge Turkey 2020. The challenge was organized by CFA Institute, one of the world’s most renowned financial institutions, under the auspices of CFA Istanbul Society. ...
Mar02-Apr01CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | Ocak-Şubat 2020
CEEE / EÇEM - Bülten | Ocak-Şubat 2020
March01-05ÖzU in Press - Kültürleri Birleştiren Çatı (Turkish)
Food and Travel
Feb27-Mar01Table Tennis Tournament Will Starts
Dear Students; Our students who want to participate the OzU Table Tennis Tournament, which will be held at the sports center between March 2nd and 3rd; can make their application from the link below. Application Link: https://forms.gle/MTjrR9SGrWQA4yzBA Application...
Feb25-Mar06Name the Rover Contest!
As OzU Rover Team, established in 2014, we continue our journey by designing new generation Rovers. We aim to represent our university and our country successfully in the University Rover Challenge which will take place in Utah, USA. Until...
Feb21-Mar01L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February 26th, 2020. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr). Please...
Feb21-Mar01Weekend Cuisine Programme
LE CORDON BLEU WEEKEND CUISINE PROGRAMME begins! Along with Le Cordon Bleu Instructor Chefs, every Saturday for 10 weeks / 6 hours a day you can be a part of a comprehensive and tasteful training module where you will get to learn various techniques...
Feb21-Mar01L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February 26th, 2020. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr). Please...
Feb20-Mar20V. International Health Law Congress Proceedings Published
The Faculty of Law at Özyeğin University, the Bar Association of Balıkesir, and the Forensic Medicine Association have jointly published a congress proceedings.
Feb20-Apr20Student Sick Leave Report Procedure
Dear Students, You can find Student Sick Leave Report Procedure and relevant forms on MyOzU page. Forms and Recognized Private Health Institutions list relevant to Sick Leave Report are also available on Student Services –...
Feb16-Mar09Özyeğin Üniversitesi Hizmet Alımı İhalesi
Hizmet Alımı İçin İhale İlanı Özyeğin Üniversitesi, İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı Girişimcilik Mali Destek Programı kapsamında sağlanan mali destek ile Özyeğin Üniversitesi’nde LeanLab: Akademiden Girişime...
Feb11-Mar10Athletic Center On-Campus Event Calendar
Dear Students, We are sharing the calendar of sport events that are going to be held in Sport Center during 2019-2020 Spring semester.You can access detailed information from the Athletic Center Office to attend or register for events.
Feb05-Apr05Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony
Dear Students, The “Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony” are determined by the University Senate and are posted on our webpage. Please be advised that our next Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, June...
Feb05-Apr05Summer School 2020 - ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Dear Students, The Summer School Lisbon 2020 gives students the opportunity to choose between 20 high-quality academic courses allowing them to enhance their skills and knowledge whilst experiencing first hand Portuguese culture, history and language. The...
Feb04-May222019-2020 Summer School Courses
Dear Students, Please click here to see the courses planned to be offered during the 2019 - 2020 summer school. Kind Regards, Student Services
Jan31-Mar29REMINDER! Erasmus+ Application has started as of January 30!
Dear Students, 2020-21 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility online application will be active between 30 January – 13 February 2020, 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be...
Jan28-Mar28Summer School 2020 - University of Angers, France
University of Angers is glad to invite your students to our Summer Schools 2020! International Summer Schools at University of Angers offer the opportunity to develop academic skills in a great environment. Each program includes lectures, workshops,...
Jan28-Mar28Summer School 2020 - IESEG School of Management, France
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce that the eleventh year of IÉSEG Summer programs will be held from July 6th to July 31st 2020. An updated website of the program has just been launched as well as new topics: Entrepreneurship...
Jan23-Mar23Summer School 2020 - ITMO University, Russia
Dear Students, We would like to present to you 12 upcoming summer schools including Russian Language and Culture, Camp in Programming and many others in St. Petersburg, Russia, organized by ITMO University. They also offer students an option to...
Jan21-Mar20Turna.com Global Expansion Plan Scholarship and Internship Competition
Turna.com Global Expansion Plan Scholarship and Internship Competition Join the Turna.com Global Expansion Plan Competition and earn scholarship and internship in a tech-leader innovative company in Istanbul. Turna.com is dedicated to...
Jan14-Mar14Summer School 2020 - International Summer School in Architecture in the Roman Forum
Dear Students, We would like to present to you an architecture summer school opportunity in Rome, Italy, organised by the International Society for Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Rome (ISAR) and the Laboratory of Dynamic Research...
Jan14-Mar14Summer School 2020 - International Architecture Summer School in Abruzzo
Dear Students: We would like to present to you an Architecture summer school opportunity in Castelvecchio Calvisio, (Abruzzo region) Italy, organised by the International Society for Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Rome (ISAR) and the...
Jan08-Mar08OBSS - 2019-2020 Schoolarship Program
Appstore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/obss-stepin/id1439926396 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.com.obss.cma