Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Mar29-Apr062018-2019 Spring Session Course Withdrawals for Undergraduate Students
Dear Students, You may complete your course withdrawals for the 2018-2019 Spring session via the “Course Registration” page of the Student Information System (SIS) between 10:00am on Monday, April 1st, 2019 and 16:00pm on Friday, April...
Mar29-Apr062018 – 2019 Spring Semester Course Withdrawals For Graduate Students (exc. EMBA, MBA, MaENT and MSFE)
Dear Students, You may complete your course withdrawals for the 2018 – 2019 Spring semester via the “Course Registration” page of the Student Information System (SIS) between 10:00 on Monday, April 01, 2019 and 16:00 on Friday, April...
Mar28-May01Campus Volleyball Tournament Begins!
Dear OzU Family People who want to participate in the Beach Volleyball Tournament which will be held on April 15-29, please fill out the form below to register. The rules of the tournament are listed below. For detailed information, please send an...
Mar27-Apr27Spanish 102 student got DELE A2 Certificate
SPA 102 student, Dilara Yazgan from Gastronomy and Culinary Arts took the DELE A2 Exam (International Spanish Exam) and received her certificate. We congratulate our student.
March26ÖzU in Press - Galata'nın Değişimleri Konuşulacak (Turkish)
Cumhuriyet Newspaper
Mar26-Apr26Summer Schools 2019: Università degli studi G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Dear Students, We would like to present to you a summer school opportunity at the Università degli studi G. d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara in Italy! The summer school is open only to 3rd or 4th year Architecture students in the English track....
March25Psikoloji Yüksek Lisans Programı Tanıtım Günü
Psikoloji Yüksek Lisans Programı yeni dönem başvuruları öncesinde tanıtımını gerçekleştirdi. Uygulamalı Gelişim Psikolojisi programının tanıtımı sonrasında Çift ve Aile Terapisi program direktörü...
Mar25-Apr05Hukuk Fakültesi Kariyer Günleri –2018/2019 - I
Özay Hukuk Bürosundan Sayın Av. Merter Özay ve Sayın Stajyer Av.Yağız Örskıran 'ın konuk olacağı "Hukuk Fakültesi Kariyer Günleri –2018/2019 - I" 25 Mart 2019 Pazartesi günü 10:40...
Mar25-Apr08Araştırma Görevlisi İlanı
Üniversitemize, Öğretim üyesi dışındaki öğretim elemanı kadrolarına aylık ve özlük hakları yönünden 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu hükümlerine tabi olarak Araştırma Görevlisi alınacaktır....
March23-30Kros Takımımız Türkiye Şampiyonasında...
KROS TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE ŞAMPİYONASINDATürkiye Üniversitelerarası Kros Şampiyonasında Üniversitemizi Temsil Eden Kros Takımımızı Kutluyor, Başarılarının Devamını Diliyoruz...
March23-30Satranç Takımımız Türkiye Şampiyonu...
SATRANÇ TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE ŞAMPİYONU...Yüze Yakın Üniversiteden Dörtyüz Civarında Sporcunun Katılımı İle, 18-22 Mart Tarihlerinde Antalya'da Yapılan Türkiye Üniversitelerarası Satranç Şampiyonasında;...
Mar22-May21Summer Schools 2019: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Dear Students, We are pleased to inform you about the Intensive Spanish Language and Culture Program for Higher Education Students Summer Course 2019 at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain! The Intensive Spanish Language and Culture...
March20-22Özyeğin University and IDeaS Sign a Cooperative Protocol
The Department of Hotel Management at Özyeğin University and IDeaS, a leading revenue management firm in the hospitality industry, have signed a cooperative protocol. As the first of its kind in Turkey, the cooperative protocol is intended to make...
March19-29Kick Boks Takımımızdan İki Türkiye 3. lüğü....
KICK BOKS TAKIMIMIZDAN İKİ TÜRKİYE 3. LÜĞÜ....İzlemesi Bile Cesaret İsteyen Bir Branşta, İlk Defa İştirak Edilen Türkiye Üniversitelerarası Kic Boks Şampiyonasından Çok Değerli İki Türkiye 3. lüğü...
Mar19-Apr19OzUSAS - Kaş Scuba Diving
Dear Friends, As the OZUSAS family, here we are with the first Scuba Diving training event of the year, which will take place during the Spring Break (April 19-20-21, 2019), and we are looking forward to meeting fellow adventure lovers! You...
Mar19-May03Updated! Summer Schools 2019: Georgia State University, USA
Dear Students, We are happy to announce two summer programs at Georgia State University (GSU) in the United States! The Summer Institute 2019: June 30 - August 1, 2019 A 4-week study abroad program in Atlanta, Georgia where students experience...
Mar19-May03Summer Schools 2019: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce a summer school program at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) in the Netherlands! This presents an opportunity for you to apply yourself with applied sciences, tackle urban challenges, and get...
Mar19-May17Summer Schools 2019: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece II
Dear Students, We would like to share with you an international summer school at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) in Greece! The 4th International Summer School of Medical Law and Bioethics on "Medical Law and the Internet" is being...
March16-23Masa Tenisi Takımımız Türkiye 3. sü..
ÖzÜ MASA TENİSİ TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE 3. SÜ...Türkiye Üniversitelerarası 1. Lig Masa Tenisi Şampiyonasında Üçüncü Olan Takımımız Bugün Kupasını Aldı...Bu Anlamlı Kupayı Müzemize...
March15-24Outdoor Sports Club - Oryantiring (ITU O-DAYS)
Dear Friends, ITU O-DAYS is a competition series organized by the Istanbul Technical University Orientation Club. Celebrating its the 7th edition this year, ITU O-DAYS welcomes hundreds of contestants from different categories each year. As the...
Mar15-May14Music Studio Online Reservation System
Dear Members of OzU, Please be advised that music studio (Student Center, -2nd Floor) online reservation system is now available online. You may access the reservation system via myOzU > Services > Music Studio Reservation System. For...
March14-17Outdoor Sports Club - ATV
Hello Dear Riders, We are once again hitting the road for Polonezköy for another amazing ATV safari ride which we all love. Please join us to enjoy the mother nature, and have an unforgettable All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) ride through the challenging...
Mar14-May132019-2020 Erasmus+ Study Mobility Results
Dear Erasmus+ Applicants, In order to review the Erasmus+ 2019-20 study mobility results, please log in to http://intexchange.ozyegin.edu.tr with your username and password. You may find your ranking in the “2019-20 Erasmus study mobility...
March13-15Lecturer Selçuk Bilgin honoured by EAQUALS with 2019 Teacher Award Scheme
Selçuk Bilgin has been awarded with Teacher Award Scheme 2019 by EAQUALS (Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services), upon his practice at ScOLa which aimed at student creativity and participation through online tools. This...
March13-22Tenis Takımlarımız Türkiye 2. ve 3. sü....
KADIN TENİS TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE 2. Sİ - ERKEK TENİS TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE 3. SÜ...Bir haftadır Antalya'da Organize Edilen ve Büyük Mücadele İçerisinde Gerçekleşen Türkiye Üniversitelerarası Süper...
March12EndNote User Training has been postponed
Dear Library Users, EndNote User Training, which will be held today, has been postponed. The new training date will be announced. Thank you for understanding. Best regards, Library
March12-20SciVal User Training
Dear Library Users, You are kindly invited to SciVal User Training. Date : Tuesday, 19th March 2019Time : 10:40 - 12:30Location: 232 ( Engineering Faculty)Language: English Evaluate your own performance with SciVal Searching for research perfromance...
March11-16SEC 101 Course March 11-15 Weekly Program
Dear ÖzÜ Members, SEC 101 - Introduction to University Life seminars continue. SEC 101 seminars are open to all participants. The number of participants in the seminars is limited up to class capacity. In case the number of participants exceeds...
March11-16Dynamic Mountaineering Club - Trekking in Menekşe Plains
The Dynamic Mountaineering Club invites you to a trekking in Menekşe Plains to spend a nice time in nature and get away from the chaos of the city. To register for the event, please fill out the participation form in the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1wyHSMMYSD5kL_8B1CwFkbIF7M0Qqc6tL-i3VO5OzA0jG3w/viewform Date: Saturday,...
March10-17Hentbol Takımımız Türkiye Finallerinde...
HENTBOL TAKIMIMIZ TÜRKİYE FİNALLERİNDE...Üniversitelerarası İstanbul Hentbol Şampiyonalarında, 7 Maçta 6 Galibiyet Alan ÖzÜ Hentbol Türkiye Şampiyonası Finallerinde...Takımımızı Gönülden Kutluyor,...
March08OzU Hotel Management Team “OzUMorphosis” Advances to EMCup Semi-Finals 2019
The OzU Hotel Management team, OzUMorphosis, advanced to the semi finals in EMCup 2019 organized in Maastricht, the Netherlands. OzU attended the competition for the second time this year, and ranked in the top 18 among 36 universities from 15...
March08-15Kadın Voleybol Takımımız İstanbul Grup 1. si...
TEBRİKLER ÖZYEĞİN VOLEYBOL...Kadın Voleybol Takımımız Ünilig İstanbul Grup Birincisi Olarak Türkiye Şampiyonası Fnallerine Katılma Hakkı Elde Etti. Takımımızı Kutluyor, Türkiye Şampiyonasında Başarılar Diliyoru...
March08-15We Have Good News From The Library
Dear Library Users, We would like to share some improvements in the Library. We have been working in the library collection and the study areas for a while. We have carried out some changes on the ground and B1 floor in order to create more space for...
March08-15Trial Access: Wiley Digital Archives
Dear Library Users, Wiley Digital Archives is available for trial access until March 31th , 2019. Wiley Digital Archives currently features resources from the archives of The New York Academy of Sciences, The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great...
March07CEEE Awarded First Prize in Two Categories in IMSAD Investing in the Future Challenge
At the IMSAD Turkey Member Meetings on Thursday, February 28, 2019, the winners of the IMSAD Turkey Investing in the Future Awards were revealed to recognize the best practices in sustainability. Overall, 27 projects were evaluated in three categories:...
Mar05-May04Summer Schools 2019: IESEG School of Management, France
Dear Students, We are happy to share with you the IESEG Summer 2019 Programs at IESEG School of Management in France! IESEG Summer Programs, which will be held overall from June 17th - July 26th, present: an opportunity to choose among two, four,...
Mar01-Apr17Summer Schools 2019: University of Angers, France
Dear Students, We are happy to share with you the Summer Schools 2019 of the University of Angers in France! International Summer Schools at the University of Angers offer the opportunity to develop academic skills in a great environment. Each program...
Feb27-Mar27CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter 27 February 2019 Published
CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter February 2018 Published
Feb26-Mar31DAAD Scholarships Information Session
Dear Students, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service will visit our campus to have information session regarding scholarship on Thursday, March 7th, 2019, between 12:30-13:30 in ScOLa Building Classroom #128. The seminar...
Feb26-Apr27Summer Schools 2019: ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Dear Students, We are happy to introduce to you the 15th edition of the Summer School Lisbon 2019 at ISCTE Business School in Lisbon, Portugal. The summer program gives students the opportunity to choose between 18 high-quality academic courses, allowing...
Feb26-Apr27Updated! Summer Schools 2019: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dear Students, We are glad to present to you the “Current developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives” Summer School at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. The...
Feb25-Mar02THE AWARDS ASIA 2019
Dear OzU Members, With the beginning of Sectoral Orienteering today, I am proud to share with you our first institutional success announcement of this term. Times Higher Education (THE), a London-based higher education ranking institution, has...
Feb25-Apr26Summer Schools 2019: Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Dear Students, We are glad to present to you Tilburg University Summer School 2019! The programs will take place from July 8th - August 9th, 2019. The summer school offers ambitious students the opportunity to follow interesting and intensive theme...
Feb21-Mar19L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February, 25th, 2019. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr)....
Feb14-Mar292019 Erasmus+ English Language Exam (ELE)
Dear All, 2019 Erasmus+ English Language Exam (ELE) will be held on Friday, February 15, between 13:00 - 14:30 (Tomorrow) on campus. Please click here to see where you will be taking the exam. You are expected to be at the venue prior to the...
Feb14-May142556-TÜBİTAK-QNRF Akıllı Üretim Çağrısı Açıldı
TÜBİTAK ile Katar Ulusal Araştırma Fonu (Qatar National Research Fund - QNRF) arasında ‘Akıllı Üretim’ alanında bir ‘Akademi-Sanayi İşbirliği’ çağrısı açılmıştır. 4...
Feb11-Apr12REMINDER! 2019-20 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Applications
Dear All, Please be informed that the deadline for 2019-20 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship online applications is 13 February 2019, at 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be accepted. Please review the...
Feb10-Apr11Group Fitness Classes Spring Semester Schedule
Dear OzU Members, We are pleased to let you know that our studio classes will kick off on February 11 as of 10:00 at the Athletic Center. Our Fall semester classes will take place from February 11, 2019 to May 10, 2019. The maximum...
Dear Faculty Members, The Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation was established in 2009 as an independent, scientific, non-profit organization with the objective of enhancing nutrition science and knowledge, with a special...
Feb06-Apr07Universum Career Test 2019
Sevgili öğrenciler, Şirketler işe alacakları kişilerde neye önem biliyor musunuz? Sizi 2019 Universum Kariyer Anketine katılmaya davet ediyoruz! Bu anketin sonucunda kariyer profiliniz, profilinize uygun şirketler ve yükselişte...
Feb05-Mar01Sena Eken Schieber Scholarship Award
SENA EKEN SCHIEBER SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award grants scholarships to women from Turkey, who are admitted to graduate programs for a Masters or PhD degree in Economics at an accredited school in the United States....
Dear Researchers, The Young Scientists Award Programme (GEBİP) aims to support young (under 39 years of age and for women scientists who gave birth, one year for each birth is added to the age limit) and outstanding scientists who are at the...
Jan25-Mar01Summer Schools 2019: University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dear Students, We are pleased to share with you a summer school opportunity in Amsterdam for PhD candidates, advanced master students, and postdoctoral researchers. The program is jointly organized by the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES)...
Jan22-Mar23Summer Schools 2019: University of Liverpool, England
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce a summer school opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Liverpool! There are three modules you can choose from. The dates are as follows: Start date: June 24, 2019 - Duration: 3 weeks Start...
Jan10-Mar11Summer Schools and Winter School 2019-20: University of Trento, Italy
Dear Students, We are happy to announce three 2019 summer programs and one 2020 winter program that will take place at the University of Trento! The programs are open to fourth year undergraduate students and graduate students. The details are as follows: Summer...
Jan07-May07Electronical Signature Applications
Dear Faculty Members, A link must be sent to you from KAMU-SM (from bilgilendirme@kamusm.gov.tr) regarding your e-signature application request. After entering the information, you must sign the form in the link with your e-signature (if your...
Dear Faculty Members, For detailed information about the grants, please click here. Best Regards, Özyeğin University Technology Transfer Office
Jan02-Mar01CEEE Funded by Islamic Development Bank for its NEXT-GEN Project
CEEE Funded by Islamic Development Bank for its NEXT-GEN Project