Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
February27Özyeğin University Won the CFA Investment Research Challenge Turkey 2022 and Qualified to Advance to the Regional Competition to be Organized Abroad
Özyeğin University won the CFA Investment Research Challenge Turkey 2022 and qualified to advance to the regional competition to be organized abroad. The CFA Investment Research Challenge Turkey is an annual competition organized by the CFA Institute,...
Feb27-May26Group Fitness Classes Begin
Dear OzU Members, Non-reservation classes will start on Monday, 27.02.2023 at the 1st Floor Studio Area of the Sports Center.
Feb20-Mar042023 Spring Education Principles III
Dear OzU Members, In line with the decisions made by the General Assembly of Higher Education Council (YÖK) on February 17, 2023; the decisions of University Senate were announced as the 2023 Spring Implementation Principles on February 17 and 18,...
Feb18-Mar042023 Spring Education Principles II
Dear OzU Members, Following our yesterday's announcement “2023 Spring Semester Education Principles I”, further explanation of certain points was deemed necessary. As mentioned in the announcement, classroom assignments...
Feb17-Mar042023 Spring Education Principles I
Dear OzU Members, Our principles for the 2023 Spring semester have been decided in line with the decision of Higher Education Council. Please click here to review the 2023 Spring Education Principles. We strongly urge you to read these...
February11-28Online Education in the 2023 Spring Semester
Dear OzU Members, With the statement made by the Presidency, due to the earthquake that took place on February 6, 2023 which directly affected Kahramanmaraş and 10 provinces, it has been announced in all higher education institutions, the method of...
February10-20About Add-Drop Period
Dear OzU Members, In line with the statement made by the Council of Higher Education, due to the earthquake that took place in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023 and directly affected 10 provinces; it was announced that the start of the 2023 spring semester...
Feb07-Jul01Summer School 2023 - IESEG School of Management, France: 14th edition of IÉSEG Summer Programs
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 14th edition of IÉSEG Summer programs sent from one of our partner institutions IESEG School of Management (France). You can find the...
February06-10Faculty of Law Private Law Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
Based on the announcement made in the Official Gazette dated 16.01.2023 and on the Özyeğin University website on 16.01.2023, the results of the Law Faculty Private Law Research Assistant evaluation exam held on 03.02.2023 are given below.
Feb06-May31Universum Anketi 2023
Sevgili Öğrencilerimiz, Özyeğin Üniversitesi kuruluşundan bu yana, sektörlerle iç içe eğitim yaklaşımıyla öğrencilerini iş yaşamına entegre ederek, mezun olmadan kariyer hedeflerini belirlemelerine katkı...
Feb06-Sep01Summer School 2023 - University Institute of Lisbon - ISCTE, Portugal
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 2023 Lisbon Summer School of Iscte Business School sent from one of our partner institutions University Institute of Lisbon - ISCTE (Portugal)....
February03-05Universum Anketi 2023
Sevgili Öğrencilerimiz, Özyeğin Üniversitesi kuruluşundan bu yana, sektörlerle iç içe eğitim yaklaşımıyla öğrencilerini iş yaşamına entegre ederek, mezun olmadan kariyer hedeflerini belirlemelerine katkı...
February03-10New Database: Annual Reviews
Dear Library Users, We are happy to announce that Annual Reviews database has been added to Library E-Resources collection. Annual Reviews database includes 66 journals in 51 subject areas, from life sciences to natural sciences, agricultural sciences,...
Feb03-Jul01Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony
Dear Students, The Commencement Ceremony for the 2022-2023 Academic Year will take place on Saturday, June 24, 2023. The eligibility requirements for the Commencement Ceremony had been determined by our University Senate and posted on our website previously,...
February01-06Faculty of Law Preliminary Evaluation Results for Private Law Research Assistant Recruitment
The preliminary evaluation results of the Faculty of Law Private Law Research Assistant are given below. The written exam will be held on 03.02.2023 at 10:00 at Özyeğin University Çekmeköy Campus Faculty of Law.
February01-15Our Student Beste Gürel Publishes Her Second Book “Güneşe Adını Veren Çocuk”
Beste Gürel, our Undergraduate Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Program graduate and City and Architecture Master’s Program student, has published her second book. Beste undertook both the authorship and illustration of her children's...
Jan31-Sep01Summer School 2023: Dankook University, Korea
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Dankook University International Summer School 2023 sent from one of our partner institutions Dankook University (Korea). You can find the information and details...
Jan31-Sep30Summer School 2023 - Tilburg University, the Netherlands: Justice for Victims of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Human Trafficking
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Online Summer School July 3-14, 2023: Justice for victims of conflict-related sexual violence and human trafficking sent from one of our partner institutions Tilburg...
Jan27-Feb03Sports Center Weekly Bulletin
Dear OzU Members, We present you the Activity Bulletin of the Sports Center for the Week of 28 January - 3 February.
Jan27-Feb10Özyeğin University Contributes to Defense Industry Agency’s R&D Projects
The R&D Projects Signing Ceremony was held by the Defense Industry Agency (DIA) at the DIA Nuri Demirağ Conference Hall in Ankara. Eight new R&D projects were launched with the signing ceremony. Among the projects considered was also Qantum...
Jan26-Feb092022-2023 Spring Course Schedule and Mode of Instruction
Dear Students, 2022-2023 Spring semester course schedule has been announced on Courses Offered web page. Face-to-face instruction will also continue on campus in the 2022-2023 Spring semester, with a limited number of courses offered in hybrid...
Jan25-Apr03Summer School 2022: Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding ZSEM International Summer School 2023 sent from one of our partner institutions Zagreb School of Economics and Management - ZSEM (Croatia). You can find the information...
Jan18-Apr28PhD in Business Program Applications, 2023-2024 Academic Year
Dear Özyeğin Students, Applications for our Phd in Business Program continue. Those students who consider our PhD in Business Program: Undergraduate students, who have a GPA above 3.00, who have an exam result of either ALES, GMAT or...
Jan16-Aug312023 Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility Applications
2023 Erasmus+ traineeship mobility online application system will be active between 7 and 21 February 2023, 13:00. The applications for the Erasmus+ traineeship mobility will be submitted through the KION system and Erasmus...
Jan11-Aug17Summer School 2023: University of Angers, France
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding Summer Schools 2023 sent from one of our partner institutions University of Angers (France). You can find the information and details provided by the partner institution...
Jan11-Sep21Summer School 2023 - Inha University, South Korea: 2023 Summer Program
We would like to share with all our students the announcement regarding the 2023 Inha Summer School Program sent from one of our partner institutions Inha University (South Korea). You can find the information and details provided by the...
Jan10-Feb032022-2023 Spring Horizontal Transfers within OzU (Between Programs), Double Major, Minor Program Applications
Dear Students, Applications are invited from January 16 to January 20, 2023. Detailed information about the application-admission calendar, application requirements, and application procedures is available in the respective pages of the OzU website. We...
Jan10-Feb09A Significant Achievement From ÖzÜ Law Clinics: All Women and Girls in Prisons Will Have Free Access to Hygienic Pads!
A Significant Achievement From ÖzÜ Law Clinics:All Women and Girls in Prisons Will Have Free Access to Hygienic Pads! ÖzÜ Law Clinics applied to the Ombudsman Institution. In the application, they stated that women and girls...