Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
Feb27-Mar01Table Tennis Tournament Will Starts
Dear Students; Our students who want to participate the OzU Table Tennis Tournament, which will be held at the sports center between March 2nd and 3rd; can make their application from the link below. Application Link: https://forms.gle/MTjrR9SGrWQA4yzBA Application...
Feb25-Mar06Name the Rover Contest!
As OzU Rover Team, established in 2014, we continue our journey by designing new generation Rovers. We aim to represent our university and our country successfully in the University Rover Challenge which will take place in Utah, USA. Until...
February24Name the Rover Contest!
As OzU Rover Team, established in 2014, we continue our journey by designing new generation Rovers. We aim to represent our university and our country successfully in the University Rover Challenge which will take place in Utah, USA. Until now,...
February22-29Sinem, Satrançta Kadınlar İstanbul İl Şampiyonu
TEBRİKLER SİNEM ÇAĞLA GÜNDOĞAN !Özyeğin Üniversitesi Satranç Takımının Başarılı Sporcusu, Psilkoloji Bölümü 1. Sınıf Öğrencimiz Sinem Çağla Gündoğan Kadınlar İstanbul İl Birinciliğini...
Feb21-Mar01Weekend Cuisine Programme
LE CORDON BLEU WEEKEND CUISINE PROGRAMME begins! Along with Le Cordon Bleu Instructor Chefs, every Saturday for 10 weeks / 6 hours a day you can be a part of a comprehensive and tasteful training module where you will get to learn various techniques...
Feb21-Mar01L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February 26th, 2020. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr). Please...
Feb21-Mar01L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February 26th, 2020. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr). Please...
Feb20-Mar20V. International Health Law Congress Proceedings Published
The Faculty of Law at Özyeğin University, the Bar Association of Balıkesir, and the Forensic Medicine Association have jointly published a congress proceedings.
Feb20-Apr20Student Sick Leave Report Procedure
Dear Students, You can find Student Sick Leave Report Procedure and relevant forms on MyOzU page. Forms and Recognized Private Health Institutions list relevant to Sick Leave Report are also available on Student Services –...
February17A Seminar On “Local Data On Violence Against Women, Current Problems, And Possible Solutions”
A seminar on “Local Data on Violence Against Women, Current Problems, and Possible Solutions” took place with the participation of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality Directorate of Women and Family Services Branch Manager Serpil...
February17Update: WRDS Open Online Training Session
Dear Library Users, We would like to inform you that WRDS database has General Online Training Session will be held on the WRDS platform at 14.00 on February 17. This is an open training session. The firm will go through all aspects of the platform: How...
Feb16-Mar09Özyeğin Üniversitesi Hizmet Alımı İhalesi
Hizmet Alımı İçin İhale İlanı Özyeğin Üniversitesi, İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı Girişimcilik Mali Destek Programı kapsamında sağlanan mali destek ile Özyeğin Üniversitesi’nde LeanLab: Akademiden Girişime...
February12-19Trial Access: ICONDA
Dear Library Users, ICONDA database is available for trial access until February 29th. The International CONstruction DAtabase (ICONDA) database of the International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation (CIB) covers worldwide technical...
February11-21Alternatif Bank Unobstructed Banking Hackathon
We hack the obstacles with innovation for an unobstructed future! Application Start: February 11, 2020 Deadline: February 21, 2020
February11-24Fulbright Scholarships Information Session
Dear Students, Fulbright Turkey Commission will organize an information session on 20th February, 2020 between 10:45-11:45 in our campus. Please be informed that the session will be held in Turkish since the scholarships are available...
February11-25Our AB4 building is launched
Our new academic building AB4, whose project design was launched in 2013, opened its doors to our students and faculty as of the 2019-2020 Spring semester.Accommodating all the units of our Faculty of Architecture and Design, several offices and laboratories...
Feb11-Mar10Athletic Center On-Campus Event Calendar
Dear Students, We are sharing the calendar of sport events that are going to be held in Sport Center during 2019-2020 Spring semester.You can access detailed information from the Athletic Center Office to attend or register for events.
February10-202019 - 2020 Spring Semester Undergraduate Add – Drop Period
Dear Students, The add-drop period for the 2019 - 2020 Spring semester will start on February 12, 2020, Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. and will end on February 18, 2020, Tuesday at 4.00 p.m. You can add, drop and change sections of the courses on Student Information...
February06AB 4 Yönlendirme Şemaları
AB 4 yönlendirme şemaları hazırlanmıştır.
February05ÖzU in Press - Gastronomi Kültürleri Birleştirdi (Turkish)
Hotel Restaurant Hi-Tech
February05-06Access Problem Has Been Solved: Library Catalog
Dear Library Users, The problem of accessing Library catalog has been solved. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Library
February05-19SEC210 - Data Science for Everyone
The Data Science course for Everyone was designed to make data science accessible to students at all faculties. The aim of the course is to enable our students to meet data science and gain basic competencies in this field. The target audience of the course is students who have not taken programming or statistical courses or have taken these courses at the introductory level. The course will ensure that students who do not aim to become data scientists are also data literate, while preparing students who want to progress in this field to further data science courses.
Feb05-Apr05Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony
Dear Students, The “Eligibility Requirements for the Commencement Ceremony” are determined by the University Senate and are posted on our webpage. Please be advised that our next Commencement Ceremony will take place on Saturday, June...
Feb05-Apr05Summer School 2020 - ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Dear Students, The Summer School Lisbon 2020 gives students the opportunity to choose between 20 high-quality academic courses allowing them to enhance their skills and knowledge whilst experiencing first hand Portuguese culture, history and language. The...
February04-16Turkish Cup 2020 Goes to Our Student Ataberk Eren
The “Turkish Cup 2020” organized by the Turkish Chess Federation ended with an awards ceremony in Antalya. Following the Turkish Cadets, Youth and Seniors Championships, 313 athletes went up against each other in a fierce competition during...
Feb04-May222019-2020 Summer School Courses
Dear Students, Please click here to see the courses planned to be offered during the 2019 - 2020 summer school. Kind Regards, Student Services
February02ÖzU in Press - Gastronomi Trendleri (Turkish)
Milliyet Newspaper
Jan31-Feb02Library-Global Game Jam
Dear Library Users, Due to the Global Game Jam event to be held between January 31 and February 2, rooms numbered 1-14 in the Library will be out of use. Thank you for your understanding. Regards, Library
Jan31-Feb072019 - 2020 Spring Semester Horizontal Transfer / Double Major/ Minor Application Results
Click to view the results of applications for the horizontal transfers within ÖzÜ programs in the 2019 - 2020 Spring semester. Click to view the results of applications for the double major programs in the 2019 - 2020 Spring...
Jan31-Feb19Undergraduate Course Registrations (2019 - 2020 Spring Semester)
Dear Students, Please be advised that course registration dates for the 2019 - 2020 Spring semester are below. Please click here to view the list of courses offered. The Course Registration Information document is prepared...
Jan31-Mar29REMINDER! Erasmus+ Application has started as of January 30!
Dear Students, 2020-21 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility online application will be active between 30 January – 13 February 2020, 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be...
Jan30-Feb06Trial Access: Artstor Digital Library
Dear Library Users, Artstor Digital Library database is available for trial access until 29th February. The Artstor Digital Library is an extensive visual resource of images for teaching and research in the arts, humanities and social sciences. It includes...
Jan29-Feb06ÖzÜ Wolves Şampiyonluğa....
ALKIŞLAR ÖzÜ WOLVES / KORUMALI FUTBOL TAKIMIMIZA...Mükemmel Bir Müsabaka Çıkararak Marmara Üniversitesini 29 - 6 Yenen, Özyeğin Üniversitesi Korumalı Futbol Takımımızı Kutluyor, Şampiyonluk Yolunda Başarılar...
Jan29-Feb29Spring Term Dormitory Application
Dear Students, If you still wish to apply for on-campus housing in our dormitories for the 2019-2020 Spring Term, please send your dormitory applications to yurt@ozyegin.edu.tr by specifying your preferred room type. Your application will...
Jan28-Feb04Prof. Dr. H. Fatih Uğurdağ Elected as Chair of IEEE Turkey Section
Prof. Dr. H. Fatih Uğurdağ has been elected as the Chair of Turkey Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE is a non-profit international association advancing innovation and technological excellence in the...
Jan28-Feb20Announcements: Sanitary Vending Machine Installation and Operation Tender
Dear Students, Please be advised that, as per the Student Businesses Procedure, a tender process has been initiated for the installation and operation of sanitary vending machines at the designated locations on campus. OzU students interested in participating...
Jan28-Mar28Summer School 2020 - IESEG School of Management, France
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce that the eleventh year of IÉSEG Summer programs will be held from July 6th to July 31st 2020. An updated website of the program has just been launched as well as new topics: Entrepreneurship...
Jan28-Mar28Summer School 2020 - University of Angers, France
University of Angers is glad to invite your students to our Summer Schools 2020! International Summer Schools at University of Angers offer the opportunity to develop academic skills in a great environment. Each program includes lectures, workshops,...
Jan23-Mar23Summer School 2020 - ITMO University, Russia
Dear Students, We would like to present to you 12 upcoming summer schools including Russian Language and Culture, Camp in Programming and many others in St. Petersburg, Russia, organized by ITMO University. They also offer students an option to...
Jan22-Feb29Araştırma Görevlisi Değerlendirme Sonuçları - Kimya
31.07.2008 tarihli Resmi gazetede yayımlanan “ Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına Naklen Veya Açıktan Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav ile Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin Usul...
Jan21-Feb08200K TL BIGG Grant Program Now Expands Its Reach From İstanbul to Kayseri!
TÜBİTAK 1512 - Techno-Entrepreneurship Capital Support Program (BIGG) is now available for entrepreneurs based in Kayseri, Turkey as a culmination of a newly forged collaboration between the Fit Startup Factory at Özyeğin University and Erciyes...
Jan21-Mar20Turna.com Global Expansion Plan Scholarship and Internship Competition
Turna.com Global Expansion Plan Scholarship and Internship Competition Join the Turna.com Global Expansion Plan Competition and earn scholarship and internship in a tech-leader innovative company in Istanbul. Turna.com is dedicated to...
Jan14-Mar14Summer School 2020 - International Summer School in Architecture in the Roman Forum
Dear Students, We would like to present to you an architecture summer school opportunity in Rome, Italy, organised by the International Society for Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Rome (ISAR) and the Laboratory of Dynamic Research...
Jan14-Mar14Summer School 2020 - International Architecture Summer School in Abruzzo
Dear Students: We would like to present to you an Architecture summer school opportunity in Castelvecchio Calvisio, (Abruzzo region) Italy, organised by the International Society for Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Rome (ISAR) and the...
Jan08-Mar08OBSS - 2019-2020 Schoolarship Program
Appstore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/obss-stepin/id1439926396 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.com.obss.cma
Jan06-Feb08SEC 499 - Building a New Business
Building a Business! If this idea thrills you, now is the chance you have been waiting for to forge ahead!