Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

News & Announcements
News & Announcements
News & Announcements
February27IAPS-CS Network Culture and Space Meetings - 4 Ended
The fourth edition of the IAPS-CS Network CULTURE AND SPACE MEETINGS was held under the theme of “Istanbul as an Endless Place of Urban Articulation” in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Özyeğin University. The 4th edition of...
February27Dr. Bebek and Dr. Uğurlu Joins ICORR as Founding Members
Dr. Özkan Bebek and Dr. Barkan Uğurlu, faculty members at the Mechanical Engineering Department at Özyeğin University, have joined the ICORR - International Consortium for Rehabilitation Robotics as founding members from Turkey. ICORR was...
Feb27-Mar27CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter 27 February 2019 Published
CEEE/EÇEM Newsletter February 2018 Published
February26Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toner Honored with Vehbi Koç Award
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Toner, a member of the Board of Trustees at Özyeğin University, has been honored with Vehbi Koç Award. Vehbi Koç Award is presented annually for education, health and culture to recognize the outstanding contributions...
Feb26-Mar31DAAD Scholarships Information Session
Dear Students, DAAD German Academic Exchange Service will visit our campus to have information session regarding scholarship on Thursday, March 7th, 2019, between 12:30-13:30 in ScOLa Building Classroom #128. The seminar...
Feb26-Apr27Summer Schools 2019: ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Dear Students, We are happy to introduce to you the 15th edition of the Summer School Lisbon 2019 at ISCTE Business School in Lisbon, Portugal. The summer program gives students the opportunity to choose between 18 high-quality academic courses, allowing...
Feb26-Apr27Updated! Summer Schools 2019: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dear Students, We are glad to present to you the “Current developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives” Summer School at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. The...
February252018-2019 Spring Semester Course Substitution Procedures
Dear Students, If you wish to repeat a course which you previously took and failed, this semester, you are required to complete your course substitution procedures till June 17, 2019 Monday at 16.00 via the Course Substitution screen...
February25-28Özyeğin University Shortlisted Among Top 8 Universities in “THE AWARDS ASIA 2019” in ‘Outstanding Support for Students’ Category
Times Higher Education (THE), a London-based higher education ranking institution, has announced the shortlisted universities for THE AWARDS ASIA 2019 which are presented to universities in recognition of their best practice examples across five categories....
Feb25-Mar02THE AWARDS ASIA 2019
Dear OzU Members, With the beginning of Sectoral Orienteering today, I am proud to share with you our first institutional success announcement of this term. Times Higher Education (THE), a London-based higher education ranking institution, has...
Feb25-Apr26Summer Schools 2019: Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Dear Students, We are glad to present to you Tilburg University Summer School 2019! The programs will take place from July 8th - August 9th, 2019. The summer school offers ambitious students the opportunity to follow interesting and intensive theme...
Feb21-Mar19L'Atelier Bleu Restaurant is Now Open for Lunch Service
Dear OzU Members, Our practice restaurant L’Atelier Bleu is open as of February, 25th, 2019. This term, L’Atelier Bleu Restaurant will be open for lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-13:30 hours (http://latelierbleu.ozyegin.edu.tr/tr)....
February15Masters of Hospitality Discuss M. Kemal Dedeman and The Divan Hotels at The Second "Hospitality Pioneers in Turkey Biennale"
The “Hospitality Pioneers in Turkey” biennale series organized for the second time this year by the Hotel Management Department at the School of Applied Sciences at Özyeğin University focused on Mehmet Kemal Dedeman, founder of the Dedeman...
February14Özyeğin University Earns Finalist Recognition in Airbus’ “Fly Your Ideas” Competition
Airbus, one of the leading organizations in the aerospace industry, has announced 51 international student teams to go into round two of its sixth Fly Your Ideas global challenge. The competition is a unique offer from Airbus to students worldwide to...
February14-22Sports Center Weekly Activity Bulletin
Dear OzU Family, We send the "17th Sports Center Weekly Activity Bulletin" for the “ 16-22 Feb” week. We present your information.
Feb14-Mar292019 Erasmus+ English Language Exam (ELE)
Dear All, 2019 Erasmus+ English Language Exam (ELE) will be held on Friday, February 15, between 13:00 - 14:30 (Tomorrow) on campus. Please click here to see where you will be taking the exam. You are expected to be at the venue prior to the...
Feb14-May142556-TÜBİTAK-QNRF Akıllı Üretim Çağrısı Açıldı
TÜBİTAK ile Katar Ulusal Araştırma Fonu (Qatar National Research Fund - QNRF) arasında ‘Akıllı Üretim’ alanında bir ‘Akademi-Sanayi İşbirliği’ çağrısı açılmıştır. 4...
February12-19Spring Semester Welcome
Dear OzU Community; Following the first day of our Spring 2019 classes, I welcome all new and returning OzU members to campus, and wish each of you a great semester with success in all your endeavors. As usual, this new semester starts with a...
February12-202018 - 2019 Spring Semester Undergraduate Add – Drop Period
Dear Students, The add-drop period for the 2018 - 2019 Spring semester will start on February 13, 2019, Wednesday at 10.00 a.m. and will end on February 19, 2019, Tuesday at 4.00 p.m. You can add, drop and change sections of the courses on Student...
February11-21The 15. edition of the journal "Hukuk Köprüsü / Rechtsbrücke" has been published
As German Law Research Center we would like to inform you that we have published the 15. edition of the journal " Hukuk Köprüsü / Rechtbrücke. As in the previous editions, all texts in this edition have been...
February11-22Fulbright Scholarships Information Session
Dear Students, Fulbright Turkey Commission will organize an information session on February 21st between 12:30-13:30. Please be informed that the session will be in Turkish since the scholarships are available for Turkish citizens only. Regards,International...
Feb11-Apr12REMINDER! 2019-20 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Applications
Dear All, Please be informed that the deadline for 2019-20 Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship online applications is 13 February 2019, at 13:00. Please be advised that late applications will not be accepted. Please review the...
Feb10-Apr11Group Fitness Classes Spring Semester Schedule
Dear OzU Members, We are pleased to let you know that our studio classes will kick off on February 11 as of 10:00 at the Athletic Center. Our Fall semester classes will take place from February 11, 2019 to May 10, 2019. The maximum...
Dear Faculty Members, The Sabri Ülker Food Research Foundation was established in 2009 as an independent, scientific, non-profit organization with the objective of enhancing nutrition science and knowledge, with a special...
February07-11ÖzÜ Amerikan Futbolu / Korumalı Futbol Sahaya İniyor...
HOŞ GELDİN COACH RAMLER...BAŞARILAR ÖzÜ WOLVES....Korumalı Futbol Takımımızın Bu Yılki Antrenörü Amerikan Liglerinin Tecrübeli Hocası Kurt Ramler’e Başarı Dileklerimizle Ülkemize ve Üniversitemize Hoşgeldin...
February07-14ÖzÜ Pamporovo Kayak Kampında...
ÖzÜ BULGARİSTAN / PAMPOROVO KAYAK KAMPINDA...Bu Yıl 6. sını Düzenlediğimiz Geleneksel Bulgaristan / Pamporovo Kayak Kampımız Sona Erdi.Kampa Katılan Öğrencilerimize, Faaliyeti Planlayan Üniversitemize, ÖzÜ Doğa...
Feb06-Apr07Universum Career Test 2019
Sevgili öğrenciler, Şirketler işe alacakları kişilerde neye önem biliyor musunuz? Sizi 2019 Universum Kariyer Anketine katılmaya davet ediyoruz! Bu anketin sonucunda kariyer profiliniz, profilinize uygun şirketler ve yükselişte...
February05-13Satranç Takımımızdan Önemli Başarı....
SATRANÇ TAKIMIMIZDAN ÖNEMLİ BAŞARI 308 Sporcunun Katılımı İle 26 Oca-03 Şub Tarihlerinde Antalyada Yapılan Türkiye Satranç Şampiyonasından Önemli Başarıyla Dönen Takımımızı ve Sporcu Öğrencilerimizi...
Feb05-Mar01Sena Eken Schieber Scholarship Award
SENA EKEN SCHIEBER SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Sena Eken Schieber Economics Award grants scholarships to women from Turkey, who are admitted to graduate programs for a Masters or PhD degree in Economics at an accredited school in the United States....
February04Özyeğin University and Pegasus Airlines Collaborate for Professional Flight Program Students
Within the scope of a new collaboration between Özyeğin University and Pegasus Airline, Professional Flight Program students of the Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Science at Özyeğin University will be included in a selection process...
February04-202018 - 2019 Spring Semester Undergraduate Course Registrations
Dear Students, Please click here to view the list of courses offered for the 2018 - 2019 Spring semester. The Course Registration Information document is prepared to provide you with guidance for your course registrations. We highly...
February01-28ÖzU in Press - Özyeğin Üniversitesi ve Pegasus'dan İşbirliği (Turkish)
Artı Eğitim Magazine
Jan29-Feb09SEC 499: Building a New Business
SEC 499: Building a New Business
Dear Researchers, The Young Scientists Award Programme (GEBİP) aims to support young (under 39 years of age and for women scientists who gave birth, one year for each birth is added to the age limit) and outstanding scientists who are at the...
Jan28-Feb112018-2019 Spring Undergraduate Course Schedule
Dear Students, You may now view the undergraduate weekly course schedule for the 2018-2019 Spring semester from OzU Website-->Courses Offered. Kind Regards, Student Services
Jan25-Mar01Summer Schools 2019: University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dear Students, We are pleased to share with you a summer school opportunity in Amsterdam for PhD candidates, advanced master students, and postdoctoral researchers. The program is jointly organized by the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies (ACES)...
Jan23-Feb282018 – 2019 Spring Undergraduate Tuition Payments
Dear Students, Information pertaining to tuition payments & payment dates for the 2018 – 2019 Spring semester is now posted on our university website. For detailed information, please click here. In order to be eligible...
Jan23-Feb282018 – 2019 Spring Graduate Programs Tuition Payments
Dear Students, Information pertaining to tuition payments & payment dates for the 2018 – 2019 Spring semester is now posted on our university website. For detailed information, please click here. In order to be eligible...
Jan22-Mar23Summer Schools 2019: University of Liverpool, England
Dear Students, We are pleased to announce a summer school opportunity for undergraduate students at the University of Liverpool! There are three modules you can choose from. The dates are as follows: Start date: June 24, 2019 - Duration: 3 weeks Start...
Jan10-Mar11Summer Schools and Winter School 2019-20: University of Trento, Italy
Dear Students, We are happy to announce three 2019 summer programs and one 2020 winter program that will take place at the University of Trento! The programs are open to fourth year undergraduate students and graduate students. The details are as follows: Summer...
Jan07-May07Electronical Signature Applications
Dear Faculty Members, A link must be sent to you from KAMU-SM (from bilgilendirme@kamusm.gov.tr) regarding your e-signature application request. After entering the information, you must sign the form in the link with your e-signature (if your...
Dear Faculty Members, For detailed information about the grants, please click here. Best Regards, Özyeğin University Technology Transfer Office
Jan02-Mar01CEEE Funded by Islamic Development Bank for its NEXT-GEN Project
CEEE Funded by Islamic Development Bank for its NEXT-GEN Project