Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility Application
Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility Application
Project ID: 2020-1-TR01-KA103-081452
Application Period: 20 July – 5 August 2022
The Erasmus+ program offers full/part-time academic and non-academic staff the opportunity to undertake a short training visit to a higher education institution or some other eligible enterprise/organization in Europe, with funding available for travel costs and subsistence. This activity supports the professional development of HEI staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organization i.e. an enterprise, workshop, or short-term assignments.
OzU has been allocated limited funding from the Turkish National Agency that allows funding for approximately 5 participants for 4 days (including 1 travel day). The application must include an invitation letter sent by the host institution which must be signed by the applicant’s supervisor. The evaluation criteria can be found in the table below:
*Language Certificate: A valid KPDS, YDS, TOEFL, YÖKDİL exam score, or a letter from the HR department (if an exam is conducted by the ScOLa during the job application process) or an undergraduate/graduate degree from an institution with English as the language of instruction or documentation of proficiency in host country’s official language will be prioritized.
** Please click here to review the list of institutions/countries visited by OzU staff members.
Application documents:
- Application form (required)
- Invitation letter from the host institution (required)
- Language certificate (if applicable): A valid KPDS, YDS, TOEFL, YÖKDİL exam score, or a letter from the HR department (if an exam is conducted by the ScOLa during the job application process) or an undergraduate/graduate degree from an institution with English as the language of instruction or proficiency in host country’s official language will be prioritized.
- Disabled identity card (if applicable)
- Veteran/martyr identity card(if applicable)
Application Process:
- As of March 2022, applications must be submitted through e-devlet, via https://portal.ua.gov.tr. If you do not have an “e-Devlet” password, you can’t submit your application. Further details on the application system will be shared by our office when the online application form is active on July 20th.
- The International Exchange Programs Office will inform the eligible applicants after the assessment. The Erasmus Selection Committee will approve the applicant's list before the final allocation of grants to ensure that the priority areas are funded and the application criteria are met.
Our office will hold two online information sessions before the application period, please use the following links to attend the sessions:
1st session
Date & Time: 29th June, Wednesday, 11:00
Link: 1st Info Session Zoom Link
2nd session
Date & Time: 4th July, Monday, 11:00
Link: 2nd Info Session Zoom Link
Duration of mobility
A training period between two program countries must last a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 2 months. This excludes traveling time. During your stay abroad, the teaching activity must comprise of a minimum of 8 hours per week (or any shorter period of stay) of actual teaching time. Mobilities shorter than 2 days will not be considered valid unless there is a force majeure event is invoked. Please kindly note that the mobility activity must be completed by the end of May 2023 at the latest.
Examples of eligible training mobilities: Examples of eligible organizations include businesses, public bodies, social partners, research institutes, higher education institutions, and non-governmental organizations.
✓ Job shadowing
✓ Participation in international staff days
✓ Study visits for observation
x Conference participation is not eligible for Erasmus+ funding
An Erasmus training visit will allow OzU staff to:
✓ gain practical skills relevant to the current job and improve professional development
✓ gain new ideas and discover best practices to take back to OzU
✓ develop their international network and improve their language skills
How to find staff training opportunities:
- iMotion online platform: Staff training announcements can be found on this website: https://staffmobility.eu/
- Partner institutions: Please click here to review the list of partner institutions/quotas for staff training mobility.
- Other options: You may apply to any higher education institution/organization in the EU individually. Please note that having an agreement between the host institution and OzU is not required for staff training mobility.
Erasmus+ grants:
EU grants provide a contribution to your costs for travel and subsistence during your time abroad and vary depending on:
- The receiving country
- In the case of mobility within program countries, the level of demand from staff from your country who intend to train abroad
- The distance between your country and the receiving country
Daily grants and travel support tables can be found by following this link.
It is also possible to participate in the Erasmus+ staff training mobility as a “zero-grant” participant. Please note that due to the coronavirus pandemic, remote activities are not eligible for financial support.
Staff with special needs can apply for additional grants. According to the Turkish National Agency, a special needs person is defined as someone whose individual, physical, mental, or health-related conditions are such that his/her participation in Erasmus+ would not be possible without any extra financial support. Should you need further information, please contact the International Exchange Programs Office (international.relations@ozyegin.edu.tr).
In line with the Erasmus+ implementation guidelines, after the deadline stated above, unused grants will be transferred to other mobility areas to support a larger number of beneficiaries.
Please note that staff members can also visit this link for general procedures. Partner institutions may not be able to accept staff training requests due to their workload and/or internal procedures. Should you need the contact information of a partner institution, please consult our office.
Best Regards,
International Exchange Programs
Özyeğin University