Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Our Industrial Engineering Team Named the Only Turkish Team in the Top Three in the 2020 INFORMS Operations Research & Analytics Student Team Competition
INFORMS, the leading international association for Operations Research & Analytics professionals with over 12 thousand members from all around the world, announced the winners of its fourth annual INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition. Out of the 274 registrants from 26 countries, the Özyeğin University team was selected to be the only Turkish team among the top three winners.
The Özyeğin University team led by Dr. İhsan Yanıkoğlu and Dr. Dilek Günneç from the Faculty of Engineering is made up of our students Ahmet Erarslan (senior Industrial Engineering student), Ali Kaan Kurbanzade (senior Industrial Engineering student with a minor in International Finance), Berk Eğen (senior Industrial Engineering student with a minor in Computer Science), Çağrı Özmemiş (senior Industrial Engineering student), Merve Sucuoğlu (senior Industrial Engineering student), and Rüzgar Coşkun (senior Industrial Engineering student with a double major in International Finance). Although the competition is also open to both undergraduate and graduate students from all around the world, the Özyeğin University team is made up of undergraduate students only. The Özyeğin University team is also the only Turkish team that qualified to be among the top three winners.
A panel of 15 judges made up industry executives and academicians reviewed each team’s reports and presentations, evaluating their analytics process, including problem framing, methodology selection, data use, model building, and quantitative analysis. The team made up of Özyeğin University students was awarded the third prize in recognition of the solution they have developed, offering an accurate analysis of the existing manufacturing system and quantitatively demonstrating the disequilibrium among the time to complete production, demand satisfaction and cost, as well as of their recommendations for the future.
First Prize: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Second Prize: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Third Prize: Ozyegin University, Turkey
Honorable Mention: Boğaziçi University, (Turkey), Bilkent University (Turkey), Tilburg University, (the Netherlands)
Our University Team’s Final Presentation:
Competition Website: